2430 Top losers NSE top Losers for Monthly session
These are Monthly losers for NSE stock exchange, sorted by percentage lost.
476 top losers stocks found which lost 20% or more in Monthly session!
947 top losers stocks found which lost 10% or more in Monthly session!
Company | Gain Percent | Current price | Prev Price |
Tera Software Limited TERASOFT_BE | -19.95% | 212.35 | 265.27 |
Aro Granite Industries Limited AROGRANITE Trades in Construction Materials | -19.9% | 37.75 | 47.13 |
Power Instrument (g) Ltd PIGL_BE | -19.88% | 241.45 | 301.35 |
Motilalamc - Modefence MODEFENCE | -19.86% | 56.17 | 70.09 |
Obsc Perfection Limited OBSCP_ST | -19.85% | 146.35 | 182.60 |
Growwamc - Growwdefnc GROWWDEFNC | -19.84% | 51.38 | 64.10 |
Securekloud Tech Limited SECURKLOUD | -19.82% | 24.63 | 30.72 |
Everest Kanto Cylinder Limited EKC Trades in Other Industrial Products | -19.82% | 125.81 | 156.91 |
Cybertech Systems And Software Limited CYBERTECH Trades in IT Software Products | -19.82% | 163.99 | 204.52 |
Akme Fintrade (india) Ltd AFIL | -19.82% | 67.06 | 83.64 |
Arvind Port And Infra Ltd ARVINDPORT_ST | -19.8% | 60.55 | 75.50 |
Grindwell Norton Limited GRINDWELL Trades in Other Industrial Products | -19.79% | 1546.10 | 1927.45 |
Websol Energy System Ltd WEBELSOLAR_BE | -19.79% | 1080.40 | 1346.90 |
Emcure Pharmaceuticals L EMCURE | -19.78% | 985.55 | 1228.50 |
Nifty Ind Defence NIFTY_IND_DEFENCE | -19.77% | 5129.95 | 6394.15 |
NOCIL Limited NOCIL Trades in Specialty Chemicals | -19.76% | 187.13 | 233.21 |
D B Realty Limited DBREALTY Trades in Realty | -19.75% | 125.55 | 156.44 |
RSWM Limited RSWM Trades in Textiles | -19.73% | 133.44 | 166.23 |
Syrma Sgs Technology Ltd SYRMA | -19.72% | 427.15 | 532.05 |
G R Infraprojects Limited GRINFRA | -19.72% | 1027.70 | 1280.10 |
Indo Amines Limited INDOAMIN | -19.69% | 120.08 | 149.52 |
Thaai Casting Limited TCL_SM | -19.67% | 98.00 | 122.00 |
Pearl Polymers Limited PEARLPOLY Trades in Containers & Packaging | -19.66% | 26.36 | 32.81 |
Quicktouch Technologies L QUICKTOUCH_ST | -19.66% | 58.45 | 72.75 |
Subex Ltd SUBEXLTD | -19.65% | 14.80 | 18.42 |
TRF Limited TRF Trades in Commercial Vehicles | -19.64% | 312.70 | 389.10 |
Rattanindia Ent Limited RTNINDIA | -19.64% | 43.83 | 54.54 |
Murudeshwar Ceramics Limited MURUDCERA Trades in Furniture-Furnishing-Paints | -19.62% | 34.62 | 43.07 |
Raymond Lifestyle Limited RAYMONDLSL | -19.6% | 1188.45 | 1478.10 |
Aimtron Electronics Ltd AIMTRON_SM | -19.6% | 428.40 | 532.85 |
Ravi Kumar Distilleries Limited RKDL Trades in Breweries & Distilleries | -19.59% | 22.49 | 27.97 |
Jindal Worldwide Limited JINDWORLD Trades in Textiles | -19.59% | 337.10 | 419.25 |
Bal Pharma Limited BALPHARMA Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -19.59% | 93.27 | 115.99 |
IRB Infrastructure Developers Limited IRB Trades in Roads & Highways | -19.56% | 46.11 | 57.32 |
Windsor Machines Limited WINDMACHIN Trades in Industrial Machinery | -19.56% | 245.95 | 305.75 |
Dangee Dums Limited DANGEE | -19.52% | 5.32 | 6.61 |
Hvax Technologies Limited HVAX_ST | -19.52% | 581.05 | 722.00 |
Sakar Healthcare Ltd. SAKAR | -19.5% | 219.40 | 272.55 |
Global Vec Helicorp Ltd GLOBALVECT_BE | -19.48% | 239.55 | 297.50 |
SKM Egg Products Export (India) Limited SKMEGGPROD | -19.47% | 180.88 | 224.60 |
C2c Advanced Systems Ltd C2C_SM | -19.46% | 539.55 | 669.90 |
Likhitha Infrastruc Ltd LIKHITHA | -19.44% | 257.10 | 319.15 |
Ola Electric Mobility Ltd OLAELEC | -19.43% | 60.27 | 74.80 |
Bartronics India Limited ASMS | -19.43% | 15.51 | 19.25 |
GP Petroleums Limited GULFPETRO Trades in Oil Marketing & Distribution | -19.41% | 43.51 | 53.99 |
Cochin Shipyard Limited COCHINSHIP | -19.4% | 1235.00 | 1532.30 |
Afford Robo & Auto Ltd AFFORDABLE | -19.4% | 418.00 | 518.60 |
Williamson Magor & Company Limited WILLAMAGOR Trades in Comm.Trading & Distribution | -19.4% | 28.87 | 35.82 |
Suryalakshmi Cotton Mills Limited SURYALAXMI Trades in Textiles | -19.39% | 61.03 | 75.71 |
Auro Impex & Chemicals L AUROIMPEX_SM | -19.39% | 58.00 | 71.95 |
Standard Industries Limited SIL Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -19.35% | 20.00 | 24.80 |
Sarla Perf. Fibers Ltd SARLAPOLY_BE | -19.34% | 72.11 | 89.40 |
Linc Limited LINC | -19.33% | 109.33 | 135.53 |
Ceigall India Limited CEIGALL | -19.33% | 246.60 | 305.70 |
Ngil Rs. 6 Ppd Up NGILPP1_E1 | -19.28% | 18.46 | 22.87 |
Savita Oil Technologies Limited SOTL Trades in Refineries | -19.27% | 388.20 | 480.85 |
Sadbhav Engineering Ltd SADBHAV_BE | -19.23% | 14.53 | 17.99 |
Diamond Power Infra Ltd DIACABS_BE | -19.22% | 87.07 | 107.79 |
Monarch Networth Cap Ltd MONARCH | -19.2% | 343.75 | 425.45 |
GUJARAT GAS LIMITE INR10 NEW GUJGASLTD | -19.19% | 392.75 | 486.00 |
Sanginita Chemicals Ltd SANGINITA | -19.18% | 11.38 | 14.08 |
Ratnaveer Precision Eng L RATNAVEER | -19.18% | 134.65 | 166.61 |
Madras Fertilizers Limited MADRASFERT | -19.17% | 75.26 | 93.11 |
Sahasra Electronic Solu L SAHASRA_SM | -19.16% | 393.75 | 487.05 |
Ashoka Metcast Limited ASHOKAMET | -19.15% | 17.73 | 21.93 |
Sharp Chucks N Machines L SCML_SM | -19.13% | 97.05 | 120.00 |
Ashima Limited ASHIMASYN Trades in Textiles | -19.13% | 22.95 | 28.38 |
Manglam Infra & Eng Ltd MIEL_ST | -19.13% | 32.35 | 40.00 |
Bansal Wire Industries L BANSALWIRE | -19.11% | 336.35 | 415.80 |
Dev Info Technology Ltd DEVIT | -19.08% | 119.96 | 148.25 |
V2 Retail Limited V2RETAIL_BE | -19.07% | 1503.70 | 1858.05 |
Panache Digilife Limited PANACHE_BE | -19.06% | 248.80 | 307.40 |
Rhi Magnesita India Ltd RHIM | -19.03% | 382.60 | 472.50 |
Relaxo Footwears Limited RELAXO Trades in Footwear | -19.01% | 445.00 | 549.45 |
De Nora India Limited DENORA | -19.01% | 719.60 | 888.45 |
Ponni Sugars (Erode) Limited PONNIERODE Trades in Sugar | -18.98% | 297.90 | 367.70 |
Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Limited KANORICHEM Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -18.98% | 85.30 | 105.28 |
Uma Exports Limited UMAEXPORTS | -18.95% | 85.15 | 105.06 |
Sat Industries Limited SATINDLTD | -18.95% | 93.37 | 115.20 |
Cyber Media (India) Limited CYBERMEDIA Trades in Publishing | -18.92% | 19.03 | 23.47 |
Dcm Nouvelle Limited DCMNVL | -18.9% | 160.39 | 197.77 |
Antarctica Limited ANTGRAPHIC | -18.9% | 1.03 | 1.27 |
Neelam Linens & Gar (i) L NEELAM_ST | -18.9% | 33.25 | 41.00 |
Siyaram Silk Mills Limited SIYSIL Trades in Textiles | -18.89% | 623.45 | 768.65 |
Kriti Nutrients Limited KRITINUT | -18.86% | 100.93 | 124.39 |
Unitech Limited UNITECH_BZ | -18.85% | 7.36 | 9.07 |
Sheela Foam Limited SFL | -18.82% | 743.20 | 915.45 |
Matrimony.com Limited MATRIMONY | -18.82% | 489.50 | 603.00 |
Expleo Solutions Limited EXPLEOSOL | -18.78% | 989.20 | 1217.95 |
Birla Corporation Limited BIRLACORPN Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -18.75% | 948.65 | 1167.50 |
Nahar Capital and Financial Services Limited NAHARCAP Trades in Investment Companies | -18.74% | 231.80 | 285.25 |
Gandhar Oil Refine Ind L GANDHAR | -18.74% | 146.42 | 180.18 |
Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company Limited SPARC Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -18.69% | 130.02 | 159.90 |
Lloyds Enterprises Ltd LLOYDSENT | -18.69% | 45.56 | 56.03 |
UFO Moviez India Limited UFO | -18.68% | 75.55 | 92.90 |
Garuda Construct N Eng L GARUDA | -18.65% | 104.65 | 128.64 |
Jay Bee Laminations Ltd JAYBEE_ST | -18.65% | 246.50 | 303.00 |
Aurangabad Distillery Ltd AURDIS_ST | -18.64% | 153.25 | 188.35 |
Hester Biosciences Limited HESTERBIO Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -18.63% | 1593.05 | 1957.75 |
Medi Assist Health Ser L MEDIASSIST | -18.62% | 468.80 | 576.05 |
Zodiac Clothing Company Limited ZODIACLOTH Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -18.61% | 94.85 | 116.54 |
Lasa Supergenerics Ltd LASA | -18.6% | 21.05 | 25.86 |
Kn Agri Resources Limited KNAGRI_SM | -18.6% | 216.70 | 266.20 |
Yatra Online Limited YATRA | -18.59% | 77.28 | 94.93 |
Diensten Tech Limited DTL_SM | -18.58% | 115.25 | 141.55 |
Pricol Limited PRICOLLTD | -18.57% | 411.20 | 505.00 |
Donear Industries Limited DONEAR Trades in Textiles | -18.56% | 104.81 | 128.70 |
Pritika Auto Indus Ltd PRITIKAUTO | -18.52% | 17.95 | 22.03 |
Astra Microwave Products Limited ASTRAMICRO Trades in Defence | -18.52% | 605.15 | 742.70 |
Esconet Technologies Ltd ESCONET_ST | -18.52% | 246.85 | 302.95 |
Popular Vehicles N Ser L PVSL | -18.51% | 119.00 | 146.03 |
Gujarat Apollo Industries Limited GUJAPOLLO Trades in Commercial Vehicles | -18.51% | 293.90 | 360.65 |
Hle Glascoat Limited HLEGLAS | -18.49% | 260.05 | 319.05 |
Abb Power Pro N Sys Ind L POWERINDIA | -18.42% | 10494.10 | 12863.55 |
Take Solutions Ltd TAKE_BZ | -18.41% | 9.75 | 11.95 |
Concord Biotech Limited CONCORDBIO | -18.39% | 1758.40 | 2154.65 |
ADF Foods Limited ADFFOODS Trades in Packaged Foods | -18.37% | 220.80 | 270.50 |
NIIT Limited NIITLTD Trades in IT Training Services | -18.36% | 122.10 | 149.55 |
Shree Tirupati Balajee L BALAJEE | -18.36% | 54.59 | 66.87 |
Aatmaj Healthcare Limited AATMAJ_SM | -18.36% | 18.45 | 22.60 |
West Coast Paper Mills Limited WSTCSTPAPR Trades in Paper & Paper Products | -18.36% | 432.70 | 530.00 |
Responsive Industries Limited RESPONIND Trades in Plastic Products | -18.35% | 201.90 | 247.29 |
Deepak Nitrite Limited DEEPAKNTR Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -18.33% | 1899.25 | 2325.60 |
Indbank Merchant Banking Services Limited INDBANK Trades in Other Financial Services | -18.32% | 31.52 | 38.59 |
Crown Lifters CROWN | -18.32% | 162.21 | 198.58 |
Teamlease Services Ltd. TEAMLEASE | -18.3% | 1995.15 | 2442.15 |
Intense Technologies Ltd INTENTECH | -18.3% | 89.07 | 109.02 |
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd KRONOX | -18.29% | 147.52 | 180.54 |
Anuh Pharma Limited ANUHPHR | -18.29% | 162.55 | 198.94 |
Pavna Industries Limited PAVNAIND | -18.25% | 392.45 | 480.05 |
V.l.infraprojects Limited VLINFRA_ST | -18.24% | 41.70 | 51.00 |
Nagreeka Cap & Infr.ltd NAGREEKCAP_BE | -18.23% | 30.69 | 37.53 |
Yuken India Limited YUKEN | -18.2% | 764.30 | 934.40 |
63 Moons Technologies Ltd 63MOONS | -18.19% | 615.80 | 752.75 |
Shri Techtex Limited SHRITECH_SM | -18.18% | 60.30 | 73.70 |
SADBHAV INFRASTRUC INR10 SADBHIN | -18.18% | 4.95 | 6.05 |
Jsw Infrastructure Ltd JSWINFRA | -18.18% | 225.00 | 275.00 |
Graphite India Limited GRAPHITE Trades in Other Industrial Goods | -18.17% | 389.45 | 475.90 |
Premium Plast Limited PREMIUM_SM | -18.16% | 35.60 | 43.50 |
Gpt Healthcare Limited GPTHEALTH | -18.15% | 136.08 | 166.26 |
Vintage Coffee N Bvrgs L VINCOFE | -18.13% | 93.02 | 113.62 |
Kellton Tech Sol Ltd KELLTONTEC Trades in IT Software Products | -18.13% | 119.19 | 145.58 |
Jain Irrigation Systems Limited JISLDVREQS | -18.13% | 29.48 | 36.01 |
Zuari Industries Limited ZUARIIND | -18.13% | 239.60 | 292.65 |
BLB Limited BLBLIMITED Trades in Other Financial Services | -18.11% | 16.78 | 20.49 |
Shanthi Gears Limited SHANTIGEAR Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -18.09% | 408.95 | 499.25 |
NILA INFRASTRUCTUR INR1 NILAINFRA Trades in Realty | -18.08% | 9.83 | 12.00 |
Kokuyo Camlin Limited KOKUYOCMLN Trades in Non-Durable Household Prod. | -18.08% | 98.79 | 120.59 |
Alembic Limited ALEMBICLTD Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -18.08% | 96.12 | 117.34 |
Balu Forge Industries Ltd BALUFORGE | -18.07% | 498.05 | 607.90 |
Western Carriers (ind) L WCIL | -18.06% | 89.60 | 109.35 |
Wealth First Por WEALTH | -18.05% | 909.05 | 1109.30 |
Repco Home Finance Limited REPCOHOME Trades in Housing Finance | -18.04% | 322.25 | 393.20 |
Man Coat Metal & Ind Ltd MANAKCOAT_BE | -18.04% | 86.06 | 105.00 |
Sarthak Metals Limited SMLT | -18.03% | 134.00 | 163.47 |
D-Link (India) Limited DLINKINDIA Trades in IT Networking Equipment | -18% | 397.05 | 484.20 |
Omaxe Limited OMAXE Trades in Realty | -17.99% | 77.72 | 94.77 |
Zeal Global Services Ltd ZEAL_SM | -17.97% | 125.30 | 152.75 |
Infibeam Incorp. INFIBEAM | -17.96% | 18.64 | 22.72 |
Man Industries (India) Limited MANINDS Trades in Construction & Engineering | -17.94% | 238.70 | 290.90 |
Borosil Limited BOROLTD | -17.93% | 318.25 | 387.80 |
Dcg Cables & Wires Ltd DCG_SM | -17.91% | 72.20 | 87.95 |
Arvind Fashions Limited ARVINDFASN | -17.87% | 395.95 | 482.10 |
Oriental Carbn & Chem Ltd OCCL Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -17.86% | 177.01 | 215.50 |
Rashi Peripherals Limited RPTECH | -17.85% | 283.90 | 345.60 |
Plaza Wires Limited PLAZACABLE | -17.85% | 58.59 | 71.32 |
H.g.infra Engineering Ltd HGINFRA | -17.84% | 1053.25 | 1281.90 |
Hindprakash Industry Ltd HPIL | -17.83% | 115.38 | 140.42 |
The United Nilgiri Tea Estates Company Limited UNITEDTEA | -17.82% | 384.85 | 468.30 |
Dish TV India Limited DISHTV Trades in Broadcasting & Cable TV | -17.8% | 6.88 | 8.37 |
Aster Dm Healthcare Ltd. ASTERDM | -17.79% | 404.10 | 491.55 |
Gujarat State Petronet Limited GSPL Trades in Utilities:Non-Elec. | -17.78% | 284.25 | 345.70 |
Apar Industries Limited APARINDS Trades in Other Elect.Equip. | -17.77% | 6160.60 | 7491.95 |
Nahar Industrial Enterprises Limited NAHARINDUS Trades in Textiles | -17.76% | 101.62 | 123.56 |
Ganesh Green Bharat Ltd GGBL_ST | -17.75% | 365.30 | 444.15 |
GTL Infrastructure Limited GTLINFRA Trades in Telecom Equipment | -17.74% | 1.53 | 1.86 |
Eveready Industries India Limited EVEREADY Trades in Non-Durable Household Prod. | -17.73% | 291.00 | 353.70 |
IFB Agro Industries Limited IFBAGRO Trades in Breweries & Distilleries | -17.72% | 486.90 | 591.75 |
20 Microns Limited 20MICRONS Trades in Mining | -17.72% | 167.67 | 203.79 |
Bikaji Foods Intern Ltd BIKAJI | -17.71% | 568.65 | 691.00 |
Ifgl Refractories Limited IFGLEXPOR | -17.7% | 333.90 | 405.70 |
Uniphos Enterprises Limited UNIENTER Trades in Comm.Trading & Distribution | -17.66% | 132.12 | 160.45 |
Mukand Limited MUKANDLTD Trades in Iron & Steel | -17.66% | 95.66 | 116.18 |
Sheetal Cool Products Ltd SCPL | -17.65% | 265.70 | 322.65 |
Envirotech Systems Ltd ENVIRO_SM | -17.64% | 92.20 | 111.95 |
Lux Industries Limited LUXIND | -17.62% | 1291.15 | 1567.25 |
Jindal Poly Investment and Finance Company Limited JPOLYINVST Trades in Other Financial Services | -17.62% | 617.65 | 749.75 |
Paragon Fine S.c. Ltd. PARAGON_ST | -17.6% | 68.60 | 83.25 |
Thinking Hats Enter Sol L THESL_ST | -17.6% | 34.40 | 41.75 |
Stylam Industries Limited STYLAMIND | -17.58% | 1611.55 | 1955.40 |
Apex Ecotech Limited APEXECO_SM | -17.58% | 114.90 | 139.40 |
Integra Essentia Limited ESSENTIA | -17.57% | 2.58 | 3.13 |
Transindia Real Estate L TREL | -17.56% | 28.83 | 34.97 |
Artemis Med Service Ltd ARTEMISMED | -17.56% | 260.50 | 316.00 |
Sungarner Energies Ltd SEL_ST | -17.56% | 397.00 | 481.55 |
Kaynes Technology Ind Ltd KAYNES | -17.54% | 3951.70 | 4792.35 |
Northern Arc Capital Ltd NORTHARC | -17.53% | 167.29 | 202.84 |
Gujarat Industries Power Company Limited GIPCL Trades in Electric Utilities | -17.53% | 161.86 | 196.26 |
Honeywell Automation India Limited HONAUT Trades in Other Elect.Equip. | -17.5% | 33389.55 | 40472.25 |
Sangam (India) Limited SANGAMIND Trades in Textiles | -17.49% | 324.65 | 393.45 |
Prism Johnson Limited PRSMJOHNSN Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -17.49% | 116.40 | 141.07 |
Canarys Automations Ltd CANARYS_SM | -17.49% | 27.60 | 33.45 |
Balaji Telefilms Ltd. BALAJITELE_BE | -17.49% | 57.74 | 69.98 |
Mindteck (India) MINDTECK Trades in IT Software Products | -17.48% | 186.33 | 225.80 |
Rulka Electricals Limited RULKA_ST | -17.48% | 172.35 | 208.85 |
Sula Vineyards Limited SULA | -17.43% | 289.50 | 350.60 |
Panama Petrochem Limited PANAMAPET Trades in Oil Marketing & Distribution | -17.43% | 311.40 | 377.15 |
Kothari Sugars And Chemicals Limited KOTARISUG | -17.41% | 34.07 | 41.25 |
Aarey Drugs & Pharm Ltd AAREYDRUGS | -17.41% | 40.43 | 48.95 |
Omax Autos Limited OMAXAUTO Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -17.38% | 82.28 | 99.59 |
Bharat Bijlee Limited BBL Trades in Other Elect.Equip. | -17.36% | 2680.25 | 3243.30 |
Vineet Laboratories Ltd VINEETLAB | -17.34% | 42.32 | 51.20 |
Muthoot Microfin Limited MUTHOOTMF | -17.33% | 132.65 | 160.46 |
Escorts Limited ESCORTS Trades in Commercial Vehicles | -17.32% | 2995.75 | 3623.45 |
Ramkrishna Forgings Limited RKFORGE Trades in Other Industrial Products | -17.3% | 648.25 | 783.90 |
Jtekt India Limited JTEKTINDIA Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -17.3% | 126.67 | 153.16 |
Bharat Gears Limited BHARATGEAR Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -17.3% | 73.43 | 88.79 |
Premier Limited PREMIER_BE | -17.29% | 3.30 | 3.99 |
Shanti Overseas (ind) Ltd SHANTI | -17.28% | 11.54 | 13.95 |
Inventure Growth & Securities Limited INVENTURE Trades in Other Financial Services | -17.28% | 1.58 | 1.91 |
Sathlokhar Syn E&c Glob L SSEGL_SM | -17.27% | 392.45 | 474.40 |
Lakshmi Finance & Industrial Corporation Limited LFIC | -17.27% | 180.61 | 218.32 |
Hmt Ltd - HMT_BZ | -17.26% | 52.50 | 63.45 |
Patel Integrated Logistics Limited PATINTLOG Trades in Surface Transportation | -17.25% | 16.21 | 19.59 |
Vraj Iron And Steel Ltd VRAJ | -17.24% | 159.17 | 192.32 |
SML Isuzu Limited SMLISUZU Trades in Commercial Vehicles | -17.18% | 1108.80 | 1338.85 |
Shree Karni Fabcom Ltd SHREEKARNI_ST | -17.18% | 627.70 | 757.95 |
Esprit Stones Limited ESPRIT_ST | -17.15% | 110.60 | 133.50 |
Man Infraconstruction Limited MANINFRA Trades in Construction & Engineering | -17.14% | 166.76 | 201.25 |
Mahindra Lifespace Developers Limited MAHLIFE Trades in Realty | -17.11% | 346.60 | 418.15 |
Zee Learn Limited ZEELEARN Trades in Education | -17.11% | 6.59 | 7.95 |
Indian Phosphate Limited IPHL_ST | -17.1% | 57.20 | 69.00 |
Avonmore Cap&mgt Serv Ltd AVONMORE_BE | -17.09% | 20.48 | 24.70 |
Iris Business Serv Ltd IRIS_BE | -17.07% | 373.20 | 450.00 |
Celebrity Fashions Limited CELEBRITY Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -17.06% | 11.18 | 13.48 |
Vibhor Steel Tubes Ltd VSTL | -17.05% | 153.74 | 185.33 |
Master Trust Limited MASTERTR | -17.05% | 109.78 | 132.35 |
Cyient Dlm Limited CYIENTDLM | -17.04% | 404.95 | 488.15 |
Juniper Hotels Limited JUNIPER | -17.02% | 236.90 | 285.50 |
Gfl Limited GFLLIMITED | -17.02% | 61.54 | 74.16 |
The State Trading Corporation of India Limited STCINDIA Trades in Comm.Trading & Distribution | -17.01% | 116.84 | 140.79 |
Kingfa Sci & Tec Ind Ltd. KINGFA | -17% | 2702.50 | 3256.20 |
Archies Limited ARCHIES Trades in Gift Articles-Toys & Cards | -17% | 18.50 | 22.29 |
Digispice Technologies Lt DIGISPICE | -16.97% | 21.18 | 25.51 |
Ashapura Minechem Limited ASHAPURMIN Trades in Mining | -16.96% | 395.25 | 475.95 |
Max Estates Limited MAXESTATES | -16.9% | 440.55 | 530.15 |
Malu Paper Mills Limited MALUPAPER Trades in Paper & Paper Products | -16.9% | 34.42 | 41.42 |
Xelpmoc Design & Tech Ltd XELPMOC | -16.9% | 106.13 | 127.71 |
Kakatiya Cement Sugar & Industries Limited KAKATCEM Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -16.89% | 143.07 | 172.14 |
United Heat Transfer Ltd UHTL_ST | -16.88% | 58.60 | 70.50 |
Thermax Limited THERMAX Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment | -16.87% | 3211.75 | 3863.60 |
Alps Industries Ltd. ALPSINDUS_BE | -16.85% | 2.32 | 2.79 |
Brigade Enterprises Limited BRIGADE Trades in Realty | -16.84% | 973.85 | 1171.05 |
Hlv Limited HLVLTD | -16.82% | 13.15 | 15.81 |
Agri-Tech (India) Limited AGRITECH Trades in Other Agricultural Products | -16.82% | 153.44 | 184.46 |
Andhra Cements Limited ACL | -16.82% | 60.17 | 72.34 |
Genesys International Corporation Limited GENESYS Trades in IT Software Products | -16.81% | 682.20 | 820.05 |
Onyx Biotec Limited ONYX_ST | -16.81% | 57.40 | 69.00 |
Viji Finance Limited VIJIFIN_BE | -16.78% | 2.43 | 2.92 |
Dhampur Sugar Mills Limited DHAMPURSUG Trades in Sugar | -16.77% | 126.90 | 152.46 |
The Byke Hospitality Ltd BYKE_BE | -16.76% | 66.59 | 80.00 |
Compucom Software Limited COMPUSOFT Trades in IT Training Services | -16.75% | 19.34 | 23.23 |
Bodhi Tree Multimedia Ltd BTML_BE | -16.72% | 8.47 | 10.17 |
The Ruby Mills Limited RUBYMILLS Trades in Textiles | -16.71% | 185.91 | 223.20 |
Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals Limited GUJALKALI Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -16.71% | 577.25 | 693.10 |
Share Ind. Securities Ltd SHAREINDIA | -16.7% | 205.42 | 246.60 |
Nahar Spinning Mills Limited NAHARSPING Trades in Textiles | -16.7% | 195.76 | 235.00 |
Presstonic Engineering L PRESSTONIC_ST | -16.69% | 90.35 | 108.45 |
Delhivery Limited DELHIVERY | -16.68% | 267.50 | 321.05 |
Honda Siel Power Products Limited HONDAPOWER Trades in Industrial Machinery | -16.65% | 2090.90 | 2508.50 |
Exxaro Tiles Limited EXXARO | -16.65% | 7.76 | 9.31 |
Ganges Securities Limited GANGESSECU | -16.64% | 142.36 | 170.77 |
Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Limited TNPL Trades in Paper & Paper Products | -16.61% | 140.03 | 167.93 |
Hubtown Limited HUBTOWN Trades in Realty | -16.61% | 228.10 | 273.55 |
Bhagyanagar India Limited BHAGYANGR | -16.6% | 73.63 | 88.29 |
Sigma Solve Limited SIGMA | -16.57% | 270.60 | 324.35 |
Davangere Sugar Company L DAVANGERE | -16.56% | 5.09 | 6.10 |
Kalyani Steels Limited KSL Trades in Iron & Steel | -16.55% | 746.25 | 894.30 |
Chemfab Alkalis Limited CHEMFAB Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -16.55% | 826.40 | 990.35 |
Kirloskar Industries Limited KIRLOSIND Trades in Industrial Machinery | -16.54% | 3232.65 | 3873.20 |
Vindhya Telelinks Limited VINDHYATEL Trades in Telecom Cables | -16.53% | 1397.50 | 1674.30 |
Mmp Industries Limited MMP Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -16.52% | 247.90 | 296.95 |
Bhansali Engineering Polymers Limited BEPL Trades in Specialty Chemicals | -16.5% | 102.23 | 122.43 |
MM Forgings Limited MMFL Trades in Other Industrial Products | -16.49% | 362.45 | 434.00 |
Airo Lam Limited AIROLAM | -16.49% | 104.53 | 125.17 |
Viviana Power Tech Ltd VIVIANA_ST | -16.48% | 761.30 | 911.50 |
Virinchi Limited VIRINCHI | -16.47% | 24.59 | 29.44 |
Pokarna POKARNA Trades in Construction Materials | -16.44% | 1088.20 | 1302.35 |
Bharat Electronics Limited BEL Trades in Defence | -16.42% | 244.60 | 292.65 |
Nila Spaces Limited NILASPACES_BE | -16.42% | 11.71 | 14.01 |
Vip Clothing Limited VIPCLOTHNG | -16.4% | 34.71 | 41.52 |
Jindal Photo Limited JINDALPHOT Trades in Photographic Products | -16.4% | 589.85 | 705.60 |
Au Small Finance Bank Ltd AUBANK | -16.4% | 502.40 | 600.95 |
Swiggy Limited SWIGGY | -16.39% | 347.90 | 416.10 |
Elecon Engineering Company Limited ELECON Trades in Industrial Machinery | -16.36% | 445.30 | 532.40 |
Veto Switchgears And Cables Limited VETO | -16.34% | 99.98 | 119.51 |
Jyoti Cnc Automation Ltd JYOTICNC | -16.32% | 900.25 | 1075.80 |
Cell Point (india) Ltd CELLPOINT_SM | -16.32% | 20.00 | 23.90 |
Lovable Lingerie Limited LOVABLE Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -16.31% | 90.37 | 107.98 |
Indigo Paints Limited INDIGOPNTS | -16.31% | 1060.55 | 1267.20 |
Stel Holdings Limited STEL Trades in Holding Companies | -16.29% | 328.80 | 392.80 |
Music Broadcast Limited RADIOCITY | -16.28% | 9.77 | 11.67 |
Stanley Lifestyles Ltd STANLEY | -16.27% | 280.15 | 334.60 |
Balkrishna Paper BALKRISHNA | -16.27% | 18.94 | 22.62 |
Pitti Engineering Limited PITTIENG Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -16.26% | 963.85 | 1151.05 |
The Western India Ply Ltd WIPL_BE | -16.26% | 184.00 | 219.73 |
Kalana Ispat Limited KALANA_SM | -16.24% | 34.05 | 40.65 |
TV Today Network Limited TVTODAY Trades in Broadcasting & Cable TV | -16.2% | 161.38 | 192.58 |
Seamec Limited SEAMECLTD Trades in Shipping | -16.2% | 875.75 | 1045.05 |
PVP Ventures Limited PVP Trades in Realty | -16.2% | 24.93 | 29.75 |
Mcnally Bh. Eng. Co.ltd MBECL_BZ | -16.2% | 3.00 | 3.58 |
Ramky Infrastructure Limited RAMKY Trades in Construction & Engineering | -16.19% | 465.95 | 555.95 |
Praj Industries Limited PRAJIND Trades in Construction & Engineering | -16.19% | 529.35 | 631.60 |
Globesecure Techno Ltd GSTL_ST | -16.19% | 26.15 | 31.20 |
Sammaan Capital Limited SAMMAANCAP | -16.18% | 117.93 | 140.70 |
Igarashi Motors India Limited IGARASHI Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -16.18% | 550.35 | 656.55 |
Gala Precision Eng Ltd GALAPREC | -16.17% | 902.45 | 1076.55 |
Happy Forgings Limited HAPPYFORGE | -16.16% | 889.45 | 1060.90 |
Mask Investments Limited MASKINVEST_BE | -16.16% | 164.60 | 196.32 |
Deep Industries Limited DEEPINDS | -16.15% | 471.60 | 562.40 |
Mangalam Alloys Limited MAL_SM | -16.14% | 30.40 | 36.25 |
Tejas Networks Limited TEJASNET | -16.09% | 768.75 | 916.15 |
Nmdc Steel Limited NSLNISP | -16.09% | 35.36 | 42.14 |
Krsnaa Diagnostics Ltd KRSNAA | -16.09% | 708.85 | 844.80 |
Veranda Learning Sol Ltd VERANDA | -16.08% | 204.90 | 244.17 |
Filatex India Limited FILATEX Trades in Textiles | -16.07% | 41.27 | 49.17 |
Tatva Chin Pharm Chem Ltd TATVA | -16.04% | 663.85 | 790.70 |
Rolex Rings Limited ROLEXRINGS | -16.03% | 1509.95 | 1798.30 |
Tracxn Technologies Ltd TRACXN | -16.02% | 59.59 | 70.96 |
Systango Technologies Ltd SYSTANGO_SM | -16.02% | 209.35 | 249.30 |
Spp Polymer Limited SPPPOLY_ST | -16.02% | 24.90 | 29.65 |
Paradeep Phosphates Ltd PARADEEP | -16.01% | 94.75 | 112.81 |
Himadri Specialt HSCL Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -16.01% | 414.65 | 493.70 |
Allied Blend N Distils L ABDL | -15.98% | 325.20 | 387.05 |
Salasar Techno Engg. Ltd. SALASAR | -15.97% | 10.42 | 12.40 |
Max India Limited MAXIND | -15.97% | 216.30 | 257.40 |
Shemaroo Entertainment Limited SHEMAROO Trades in Movies & Entertainment | -15.96% | 120.12 | 142.93 |
STL Global Limited SGL Trades in Textiles | -15.96% | 13.48 | 16.04 |
AVT Natural Products Limited AVTNPL Trades in Other Agricultural Products | -15.96% | 63.39 | 75.43 |
Techno Elec & Eng Co. Ltd TECHNOE | -15.94% | 906.00 | 1077.75 |
TGB BANQUETS AND HOTELS LIMITED TGBHOTELS Trades in Hotels | -15.91% | 10.94 | 13.01 |
NRB Bearing Limited NRBBEARING Trades in Industrial Machinery | -15.91% | 214.55 | 255.15 |
Faze Three Limited FAZE3Q | -15.91% | 340.20 | 404.55 |
Xchanging Solutions Limited XCHANGING Trades in BPO | -15.89% | 93.75 | 111.46 |
Hindcon Chemicals Limited HINDCON_BE | -15.89% | 36.47 | 43.36 |
Marathon Nextgen MARATHON Trades in Realty | -15.85% | 456.80 | 542.85 |
Apex Frozen Foods Limited APEX | -15.85% | 210.55 | 250.20 |
Amj Land Holdings Limited AMJLAND | -15.83% | 47.74 | 56.72 |
JK Paper Limited JKPAPER Trades in Paper & Paper Products | -15.81% | 309.95 | 368.15 |
Bharat Road Network Ltd BRNL | -15.79% | 36.38 | 43.20 |
Hitech Corporation Ltd HITECHCORP | -15.77% | 179.11 | 212.64 |
India Glycols Limited INDIAGLYCO Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -15.75% | 1076.45 | 1277.75 |
Welspun Investments and Commercials Limited WELINV Trades in Other Financial Services | -15.75% | 652.75 | 774.75 |
Shivam Autotech Limited SHIVAMAUTO Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -15.74% | 33.02 | 39.19 |
RattanIndia Power Limited RTNPOWER Trades in Electric Utilities | -15.74% | 9.37 | 11.12 |
Vardhman Polytex Ltd. VARDMNPOLY_BE | -15.74% | 10.76 | 12.77 |
Ravindra Energy Limited RELTD | -15.73% | 108.51 | 128.77 |
Nahar Poly Films Limited NAHARPOLY Trades in Textiles | -15.72% | 189.89 | 225.30 |
D.B.Corp Limited DBCORP Trades in Publishing | -15.72% | 221.15 | 262.40 |
Uniinfotelecomserviltd UNIINFO Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -15.71% | 27.42 | 32.53 |
Agro Phos India Limited AGROPHOS | -15.7% | 34.59 | 41.03 |
Utkarsh Small Fin Bank L UTKARSHBNK | -15.67% | 25.72 | 30.50 |
Internatio Gemm Ins (i) L IGIL | -15.67% | 427.20 | 506.60 |
Geojit Financial Ser L GEOJITFSL | -15.67% | 75.26 | 89.24 |
Simbhaoli Sugars Ltd. SIMBHALS_BE | -15.67% | 15.02 | 17.81 |
Amines & Plasticizers Ltd AMNPLST | -15.66% | 227.80 | 270.10 |
IFB Industries Limited IFBIND Trades in Household Appliances | -15.65% | 1168.00 | 1384.75 |
Brand Concepts Limited BCONCEPTS | -15.65% | 348.30 | 412.90 |
Energy Mission Mach Ind L EMMIL_ST | -15.65% | 236.15 | 279.95 |
Rox Hi Tech Limited ROXHITECH_ST | -15.64% | 62.05 | 73.55 |
Manoj Vaibhav Gem N Jew L MVGJL | -15.63% | 223.00 | 264.30 |
GHCL Limited GHCL Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -15.63% | 616.80 | 731.05 |
Emmbi Industries Limited EMMBI Trades in Containers & Packaging | -15.61% | 106.90 | 126.67 |
Torrent Power Limited TORNTPOWER Trades in Electric Utilities | -15.6% | 1235.15 | 1463.45 |
Century Enka Limited CENTENKA Trades in Textiles | -15.6% | 454.05 | 537.95 |
PNB Gilts Limited PNBGILTS Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) | -15.59% | 83.12 | 98.47 |
Barak Valley Cements Limited BVCL Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -15.57% | 38.66 | 45.79 |
Bhandari Hosiery Exp Ltd BHANDARI | -15.57% | 5.37 | 6.36 |
Acme Solar Holdings Ltd ACMESOLAR | -15.56% | 181.68 | 215.15 |
Solar Industries India Limited SOLARINDS Trades in Specialty Chemicals | -15.55% | 8609.20 | 10194.65 |
Arvind Smartspaces Ltd ARVSMART | -15.55% | 672.00 | 795.75 |
Steel Exchange India Ltd STEELXIND | -15.54% | 8.48 | 10.04 |
Gopal Snacks Limited GOPAL | -15.54% | 283.75 | 335.95 |
Fairchem Organics Limited FAIRCHEMOR | -15.53% | 935.35 | 1107.30 |
Aprameya Engineering Ltd APRAMEYA_ST | -15.53% | 91.40 | 108.20 |
PIL ITALICA LIFEST INR4 PILITA Trades in Plastic Products | -15.51% | 12.91 | 15.28 |
India Motor Parts and Accessories Limited IMPAL | -15.51% | 921.60 | 1090.80 |
Eimco Elecon (India) Limited EIMCOELECO Trades in Industrial Machinery | -15.51% | 1377.35 | 1630.20 |
Accuracy Shipping Limited ACCURACY | -15.49% | 8.24 | 9.75 |
Triveni Turbine Limited TRITURBINE Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment | -15.48% | 566.55 | 670.35 |
Bedmutha Industries Limited BEDMUTHA Trades in Iron & Steel Products | -15.47% | 162.74 | 192.53 |
My Mudra Fincorp Limited MYMUDRA_ST | -15.47% | 59.00 | 69.80 |
Sbc Exports Limited SBC | -15.45% | 18.66 | 22.07 |
Vardhman Holdings Limited VHL Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) | -15.44% | 3137.10 | 3710.10 |
Sh. Digvijay Cem SHREDIGCEM Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -15.44% | 64.17 | 75.89 |
Emami Paper Mills Limited EMAMIPAP | -15.44% | 88.13 | 104.22 |
KEI Industries Limited KEI Trades in Other Elect.Equip. | -15.41% | 3403.60 | 4023.60 |
Vardhman Special Steels Limited VSSL Trades in Iron & Steel Products | -15.38% | 199.52 | 235.79 |
The New India Assu Co Ltd NIACL | -15.38% | 153.88 | 181.85 |
Mandeep Auto Industries L MANDEEP_SM | -15.37% | 24.50 | 28.95 |
S D Retail Limited SDREAMS_SM | -15.36% | 127.80 | 151.00 |
Ganesh Infraworld Limited GANESHIN_SM | -15.34% | 128.00 | 151.20 |
Beardsell Limited BEARDSELL | -15.3% | 31.06 | 36.67 |
SIL Investments Limited SILINV Trades in Textiles | -15.29% | 474.60 | 560.25 |
HCL Infosystems Limited HCL-INSYS Trades in Computer Hardware | -15.29% | 12.58 | 14.85 |
Akash Infra-projects Ltd. AKASH | -15.26% | 26.16 | 30.87 |
Jyothy Laboratories Limited JYOTHYLAB Trades in Household Products | -15.25% | 337.65 | 398.40 |
Solex Energy Limited SOLEX_ST | -15.25% | 830.85 | 980.30 |
Indo-National Limited NIPPOBATRY Trades in Non-Durable Household Prod. | -15.24% | 421.25 | 497.00 |
Oriental Aromatics Ltd OAL | -15.23% | 296.70 | 350.00 |
Borosil Scientific Ltd BOROSCI | -15.21% | 134.15 | 158.22 |
Sanstar Limited SANSTAR | -15.2% | 92.83 | 109.47 |
Amber Enterprises (i) Ltd AMBER | -15.19% | 5514.25 | 6501.80 |
Ajmera Realty & Infra India Limited AJMERA Trades in Realty | -15.19% | 803.70 | 947.65 |
Repro India Limited REPRO Trades in Comm.Printing | -15.18% | 430.10 | 507.05 |
Godrej Properties Limited GODREJPROP Trades in Realty | -15.18% | 1975.85 | 2329.45 |
A2z Infra Engineering Ltd A2ZINFRA_BE | -15.18% | 16.93 | 19.96 |
Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Limited RIIL Trades in Construction & Engineering | -15.17% | 822.55 | 969.60 |
BSL Limited BSL Trades in Textiles | -15.16% | 171.24 | 201.85 |
Rajputana Biodiesel Ltd RAJPUTANA_SM | -15.15% | 251.20 | 296.05 |
Jay Bharat Maruti Limited JAYBARMARU Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -15.15% | 65.79 | 77.54 |
Arvee Laboratories I Ltd ARVEE | -15.15% | 127.13 | 149.83 |
Sarveshwar Foods Limited SARVESHWAR Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -15.14% | 6.84 | 8.06 |
Rossell India Limited ROSSELLIND_BE | -15.14% | 58.92 | 69.43 |
Piramal Pharma Limited PPLPHARMA | -15.13% | 197.66 | 232.90 |
Welspun Living Limited WELSPUNLIV | -15.13% | 116.88 | 137.71 |
Delphi World Money Ltd DELPHIFX_BE | -15.12% | 169.54 | 199.75 |
Signet Industries Limited SIGIND | -15.11% | 50.32 | 59.28 |
Sastasundar Ventures Ltd SASTASUNDR | -15.1% | 238.05 | 280.40 |
Manaksia Limited MANAKSIA Trades in Containers & Packaging | -15.1% | 69.31 | 81.64 |
Ghcl Textiles Limited GHCLTEXTIL | -15.1% | 79.55 | 93.70 |
EIH Limited EIHOTEL Trades in Hotels | -15.1% | 314.55 | 370.50 |
Durlax Top Surface Ltd DURLAX_SM | -15.09% | 46.15 | 54.35 |
Den Networks Limited DEN Trades in Broadcasting & Cable TV | -15.09% | 33.49 | 39.44 |
Konstelec Engineers Ltd KONSTELEC_ST | -15.09% | 89.45 | 105.35 |
Confidence Petro Ind Ltd. CONFIPET | -15.08% | 58.15 | 68.48 |
Sambhaav Media Ltd SAMBHAAV_BE | -15.08% | 6.42 | 7.56 |
Shree Rama Multi Tech Ltd SHREERAMA_BE | -15.08% | 32.10 | 37.80 |
Jocil Limited JOCIL | -15.07% | 162.41 | 191.22 |
Smc Global Securities Ltd SMCGLOBAL | -15.06% | 107.59 | 126.66 |
Sejal Glass Limited SEJALLTD | -15.06% | 367.75 | 432.95 |
Archidply Decor Limited ADL | -15.06% | 74.98 | 88.27 |
Sirca Paint India Limited SIRCA Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -15.05% | 267.60 | 315.00 |
Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd HAL | -15.04% | 3344.60 | 3936.80 |
RAMA STEEL TUBES INR10 RAMASTEEL | -15.02% | 10.24 | 12.05 |
Indraprastha Medical Corporation Limited INDRAMEDCO Trades in Healthcare Facilities | -15.01% | 386.30 | 454.50 |
Punjab Chemicals & Crop Protection Limited PUNJABCHEM Trades in Agrochemicals | -15% | 698.80 | 822.15 |
Deepak Fertilizers and Petrochemicals Corporation Limited DEEPAKFERT Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -14.99% | 965.55 | 1135.85 |
Chemplast Sanmar Limited CHEMPLASTS | -14.98% | 403.50 | 474.60 |
Sical Logistics Limited SICALLOG_BE | -14.98% | 102.03 | 120.00 |
Steel City Securities Ltd STEELCITY | -14.91% | 86.82 | 102.03 |
Credo Brands Marketing L MUFTI | -14.91% | 126.90 | 149.14 |
Rain Industries Limited RAIN Trades in Petrochemicals | -14.89% | 123.33 | 144.91 |
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd BAJAJCON | -14.89% | 161.15 | 189.34 |
Sunteck Realty Limited SUNTECK Trades in Realty | -14.88% | 405.40 | 476.25 |
Sportking India Limited SPORTKING | -14.88% | 77.71 | 91.30 |
Madhav Marbles and Granites Limited MADHAV Trades in Construction Materials | -14.86% | 42.79 | 50.26 |
Shah Metacorp Limited SHAH | -14.84% | 3.27 | 3.84 |
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited MRPL Trades in Refineries | -14.84% | 110.28 | 129.50 |
Alicon Castalloy Limited ALICON Trades in Aluminium | -14.84% | 833.35 | 978.60 |
R Systems International Limited RSYSTEMS Trades in IT Consulting & Software | -14.82% | 361.65 | 424.55 |
Pyramid Technoplast Ltd PYRAMID | -14.82% | 154.39 | 181.25 |
Archidply Industries Limited ARCHIDPLY Trades in Forest Products | -14.81% | 85.87 | 100.80 |
Paras Petrofils Limited PARASPETRO Trades in Textiles | -14.78% | 2.48 | 2.91 |
Barbeque Nation Hosp. Ltd BARBEQUE | -14.78% | 276.45 | 324.40 |
Star Paper Mills Limited STARPAPER Trades in Paper & Paper Products | -14.75% | 161.12 | 188.99 |
Himachal Futuristic Communications Limited HFCL Trades in Telecom Cables | -14.74% | 83.58 | 98.03 |
KEC International Limited KEC Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment | -14.72% | 717.00 | 840.80 |
Kalpataru Project Int Ltd KPIL | -14.71% | 902.95 | 1058.65 |
Everest Industries Ltd EVERESTIND_BE | -14.71% | 541.50 | 634.90 |
Rajesh Exports Limited RAJESHEXPO Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -14.7% | 159.33 | 186.79 |
Worth Peripherals Limited WORTH | -14.69% | 142.36 | 166.87 |
Bank of India BANKINDIA Trades in Banks | -14.68% | 96.00 | 112.52 |
Digikore Studios Limited DIGIKORE_ST | -14.67% | 192.00 | 225.00 |
Anant Raj Limited ANANTRAJ Trades in Realty | -14.66% | 510.60 | 598.30 |
TVS Electronics Limited TVSELECT Trades in Storage Media & Peripherals | -14.65% | 324.15 | 379.80 |
Aksharchem India Limited AKSHARCHEM | -14.65% | 227.45 | 266.50 |
N R Agarwal Inds Ltd NRAIL | -14.62% | 282.10 | 330.40 |
Jay Jalaram Techno Ltd KORE_ST | -14.61% | 286.90 | 336.00 |
Privi Speciality Che Ltd PRIVISCL | -14.59% | 1495.40 | 1750.95 |
Usha Martin Limited USHAMART Trades in Iron & Steel Products | -14.58% | 292.05 | 341.90 |
Anant Raj Global Limited TARC | -14.58% | 114.77 | 134.36 |
Reliance Chemotex Ind Ltd RELCHEMQ | -14.56% | 162.62 | 190.33 |
Bombay Dyeing & Mfg Company Limited BOMDYEING Trades in Textiles | -14.56% | 136.92 | 160.25 |
3p Land Holdings Limited 3PLAND_BE | -14.5% | 43.50 | 50.88 |
Udayshivakumar Infra Ltd USK | -14.49% | 42.56 | 49.77 |
Akshar Spintex Limited AKSHAR_BE | -14.49% | 0.59 | 0.69 |
Krebs Biochemicals & Ind KREBSBIO_BE | -14.48% | 84.99 | 99.38 |
Global Education Limited GLOBAL | -14.47% | 52.48 | 61.36 |
Heads Up Ventures Limited HEADSUP | -14.46% | 9.11 | 10.65 |
Vishnusurya Proj N Infr L VISHNUINFR_SM | -14.42% | 205.35 | 239.95 |
Jamna Auto Industries Limited JAMNAAUTO Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -14.41% | 76.94 | 89.89 |
Chaman Lal Setia Exp Ltd CLSEL | -14.4% | 273.70 | 319.75 |
Aurionpro Solutions Limited AURIONPRO Trades in IT Software Products | -14.4% | 1282.90 | 1498.75 |
Ratnamani Metals & Tubes Limited RATNAMANI Trades in Construction & Engineering | -14.38% | 2447.40 | 2858.60 |
Paramount Dye Tec Limited PARAMOUNT_SM | -14.38% | 68.50 | 80.00 |
Interarch Building Prod L INTERARCH | -14.37% | 1402.10 | 1637.35 |
Intellect Design Arena Limited INTELLECT | -14.37% | 694.45 | 811.00 |
Surya Roshni Limited SURYAROSNI Trades in Iron & Steel Products | -14.36% | 224.75 | 262.45 |
Premier Roadlines Limited PRLIND_SM | -14.35% | 101.45 | 118.45 |
Rural Electrification Corporation Limited RECLTD Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) | -14.35% | 385.30 | 449.85 |
Supreme Engineering Ltd SUPREMEENG_BE | -14.34% | 2.09 | 2.44 |
Vaswani Industries Limited VASWANI Trades in Iron & Steel | -14.31% | 44.00 | 51.35 |
Alivus Life Sciences Ltd ALIVUS | -14.31% | 1028.50 | 1200.25 |
Greenchef Appliances Ltd GREENCHEF_SM | -14.3% | 67.70 | 79.00 |
Nava Limited NAVA | -14.29% | 378.35 | 441.45 |
IIFL Holdings Limited IIFL Trades in Other Financial Services | -14.29% | 305.50 | 356.45 |
Tci Express Limited TCIEXP | -14.27% | 665.20 | 775.95 |
Shipping Corp Of Ila Ltd SCILAL | -14.27% | 49.58 | 57.83 |
Nagreeka Exports Limited NAGREEKEXP Trades in Textiles | -14.27% | 31.36 | 36.58 |
New Delhi Television Limited NDTV Trades in Broadcasting & Cable TV | -14.25% | 121.73 | 141.96 |
Banarasbeadsltd-rollsett BANARBEADS_BE | -14.25% | 112.15 | 130.79 |
Antony Waste Hdg Cell Ltd AWHCL | -14.24% | 529.55 | 617.45 |
Lorenzini Apparels Ltd LAL_BE | -14.22% | 14.12 | 16.46 |
Hemisphere Prop Ind Ltd HEMIPROP | -14.17% | 128.57 | 149.79 |
Atul Limited ATUL Trades in Agrochemicals | -14.17% | 5394.90 | 6285.70 |
Plastiblends India Limited PLASTIBLEN Trades in Specialty Chemicals | -14.16% | 197.31 | 229.85 |
Baweja Studios Limited BAWEJA_SM | -14.16% | 65.80 | 76.65 |
Liberty Shoes Limited LIBERTSHOE Trades in Footwear | -14.14% | 338.40 | 394.15 |
Kiri Industries Limited KIRIINDUS Trades in Specialty Chemicals | -14.14% | 540.10 | 629.05 |
J.g.chemicals Limited JGCHEM | -14.14% | 313.45 | 365.05 |
Kalyani Forge Limited KALYANIFRG_BE | -14.14% | 541.35 | 630.50 |
Wendt (India) Limited WENDT Trades in Industrial Machinery | -14.13% | 10356.80 | 12061.50 |
Urja Global Limited URJA_BE | -14.13% | 12.88 | 15.00 |
Jayshree Tea & Industries Limited JAYSREETEA Trades in Tea & Coffee | -14.12% | 92.19 | 107.35 |
Xpro India Limited XPROINDIA | -14.12% | 1085.90 | 1264.45 |
Avg Logistics Limited AVG_BE | -14.12% | 283.40 | 330.00 |
Cantabil Retail India Limited CANTABIL Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -14.1% | 244.00 | 284.05 |
Aditya Birla Capital Ltd. ABCAPITAL | -14.1% | 154.09 | 179.39 |
Il&fs Trans Net Ltd ILnFSTRANS_BZ | -14.1% | 3.96 | 4.61 |
SURANA SOLAR LIMITED SURANASOL Trades in Other Elect.Equip. | -14.07% | 33.78 | 39.31 |
Surana Telecom and Power Limited SURANATnP Trades in Telecom Cables | -14.06% | 19.01 | 22.12 |
Dynacons Systems & Solutions Limited DSSL Trades in IT Consulting & Software | -14.05% | 1038.90 | 1208.70 |
UCO Bank UCOBANK Trades in Banks | -14.04% | 37.40 | 43.51 |
Motherson Sumi Wrng Ind L MSUMI | -14% | 48.27 | 56.13 |
ION Exchange IONEXCHANG Trades in Industrial Machinery | -13.99% | 500.25 | 581.65 |
Oriental Hotels Limited ORIENTHOT Trades in Hotels | -13.98% | 128.25 | 149.10 |
Vaidya Sane Ayur Lab Ltd MADHAVBAUG_SM | -13.98% | 107.10 | 124.50 |
Ksb Limited KSB | -13.98% | 604.35 | 702.55 |
Vardhman Acrylics Limited VARDHACRLC | -13.97% | 44.58 | 51.82 |
Keystone Realtors Limited RUSTOMJEE | -13.97% | 499.55 | 580.70 |
Beacon Trusteeship Ltd BEACON_SM | -13.97% | 78.50 | 91.25 |
Route Mobile Limited ROUTE | -13.96% | 1029.95 | 1197.00 |
Sasken Communication Technologies Limited SASKEN Trades in IT Consulting & Software | -13.92% | 1721.70 | 2000.15 |
Magnum Ventures Limited MAGNUM Trades in Paper & Paper Products | -13.92% | 29.99 | 34.84 |
Bandhan Bank Limited BANDHANBNK Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -13.92% | 130.31 | 151.38 |
Garware Tech Fibres Ltd GARFIBRES | -13.9% | 706.70 | 820.75 |
5paisa Capital Limited 5PAISA | -13.9% | 353.65 | 410.75 |
Umang Dairies Limited UMANGDAIRY_BE | -13.9% | 76.71 | 89.09 |
Electrotherm (i) Ltd. ELECTHERM_BE | -13.89% | 693.40 | 805.25 |
Industrial Inv Trust Ltd IITL_BE | -13.89% | 344.00 | 399.50 |
Biofil Chemicals BIOFILCHEM Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -13.88% | 47.84 | 55.55 |
Jsw Holdings Limited JSWHL_BE | -13.88% | 15040.55 | 17465.05 |
Sjs Enterprises Limited SJS | -13.87% | 850.85 | 987.85 |
BF Utilities Limited BFUTILITIE Trades in Electric Utilities | -13.87% | 692.50 | 804.00 |
Vertoz Advertising Ltd VERTOZ_BE | -13.85% | 9.58 | 11.12 |
Alkali Metals Limited ALKALI Trades in Specialty Chemicals | -13.83% | 87.17 | 101.16 |
Jagsonpal Pharmaceuticals Limited JAGSNPHARM Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -13.82% | 215.10 | 249.60 |
Shakti Pumps (i) Ltd SHAKTIPUMP_BE | -13.82% | 811.50 | 941.60 |
Diffusion Engineers Ltd DIFFNKG | -13.81% | 241.80 | 280.55 |
Deepak Builders & Eng I L DBEIL | -13.79% | 149.60 | 173.52 |
PC Jeweller Limited PCJEWELLER Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -13.78% | 12.45 | 14.44 |
Naman In-store (india) L NAMAN_ST | -13.77% | 86.70 | 100.55 |
Whirlpool of India Limited WHIRLPOOL Trades in Consumer Electronics | -13.76% | 982.95 | 1139.80 |
Spandana Sphoorty Fin Ltd SPANDANA | -13.74% | 281.80 | 326.70 |
Gulshan Polyols Limited GULPOLY Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -13.74% | 170.72 | 197.91 |
Black Box Limited BBOX | -13.74% | 444.40 | 515.20 |
TD Power Systems Limited TDPOWERSYS Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment | -13.73% | 317.25 | 367.75 |
Shigan Quantum Tech Ltd SHIGAN_SM | -13.73% | 82.00 | 95.05 |
Agarwal Tough Glass Ind L AGARWALTUF_SM | -13.72% | 100.00 | 115.90 |
Crayons Advertising Ltd CRAYONS_SM | -13.7% | 77.80 | 90.15 |
Pilani Inv & Ind Cor Ltd PILANIINVS | -13.68% | 3960.20 | 4587.65 |
Punjab & Sind Bank PSB Trades in Banks | -13.67% | 41.73 | 48.34 |
Alok Industries Limited ALOKINDS | -13.64% | 16.14 | 18.69 |
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. MCLEODRUSS_BE | -13.64% | 34.19 | 39.59 |
Shera Energy Limited SHERA_SM | -13.63% | 146.75 | 169.90 |
The Orissa Minerals Development Company Limited ORISSAMINE | -13.63% | 5422.35 | 6277.70 |
FDC Limited FDC Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -13.63% | 405.95 | 470.00 |
One Point One Sol Ltd ONEPOINT | -13.62% | 46.10 | 53.37 |
Rossari Biotech Limited ROSSARI | -13.6% | 627.45 | 726.20 |
Racl Geartech Limited RACLGEAR | -13.6% | 737.00 | 853.00 |
3i Infotech Limited 3IINFOLTD | -13.6% | 24.53 | 28.39 |
Wheels India Limited WHEELS | -13.58% | 605.15 | 700.25 |
Capacite Infraproject Ltd CAPACITE | -13.56% | 314.00 | 363.25 |
Madhav Copper Limited MCL_BE | -13.54% | 41.71 | 48.24 |
Jayaswal Neco Industries Limited JAYNECOIND Trades in Iron & Steel | -13.52% | 32.93 | 38.08 |
Patel Engineering Limited PATELENG Trades in Construction & Engineering | -13.51% | 42.91 | 49.61 |
Edelweiss Financial Services Limited EDELWEISS Trades in Other Financial Services | -13.51% | 94.72 | 109.52 |
B.a.g Films And Media Ltd BAGFILMS_BE | -13.5% | 7.05 | 8.15 |
Precot Meridian Limited PRECOT_BE | -13.5% | 448.10 | 518.05 |
GNA Axles GNA | -13.49% | 309.40 | 357.65 |
Foseco India Limited FOSECOIND Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -13.49% | 3320.25 | 3838.00 |
Fine Organic Ind. Ltd. FINEORG | -13.47% | 3854.90 | 4454.85 |
Avp Infracon Limited AVPINFRA_ST | -13.46% | 178.80 | 206.60 |
Ruchi Infrastructure Limited RUCHINFRA Trades in Edible Oils | -13.45% | 9.46 | 10.93 |
Paramount Speciali Forg L PSFL_SM | -13.44% | 54.40 | 62.85 |
Kohinoor Foods Limited KOHINOOR Trades in Other Agricultural Products | -13.43% | 33.27 | 38.43 |
Kshitij Polyline Limited KSHITIJPOL_BE | -13.43% | 3.48 | 4.02 |
JSW Energy Limited JSWENERGY Trades in Electric Utilities | -13.41% | 440.40 | 508.60 |
Wonderla Holidays Limited WONDERLA Trades in Other Leisure Facilities | -13.4% | 612.50 | 707.30 |
Wise Travel India Limited WTICAB_ST | -13.4% | 151.55 | 175.00 |
Network18 Media & Investments Limited NETWORK18 Trades in Holding Companies | -13.36% | 45.64 | 52.68 |
Chalet Hotels Limited CHALET | -13.35% | 668.05 | 770.95 |
BLS Internat. BLS | -13.34% | 378.05 | 436.25 |
California Software Co Lt CALSOFT_BE | -13.34% | 11.24 | 12.97 |
Subros Limited SUBROS Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -13.33% | 561.45 | 647.80 |
Rajratan Global Wire Ltd RAJRATAN | -13.33% | 378.00 | 436.15 |
Uttam Sugar Mills Limited UTTAMSUGAR Trades in Sugar | -13.32% | 192.78 | 222.40 |
Steelcast Limited STEELCAS | -13.32% | 789.55 | 910.90 |
Nucleus Software Exports Limited NUCLEUS Trades in IT Software Products | -13.29% | 802.80 | 925.85 |
Ador Welding Limited ADORWELD Trades in Other Industrial Goods | -13.29% | 864.45 | 996.90 |
SHARDA MOTOR INDUS INR10 SHARDAMOTR Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -13.27% | 1552.25 | 1789.75 |
Jash Engineering Limited JASH | -13.26% | 502.45 | 579.25 |
Osel Devices Limited OSELDEVICE_ST | -13.25% | 244.20 | 281.50 |
Radico Khaitan Limited RADICO Trades in Breweries & Distilleries | -13.2% | 1890.75 | 2178.40 |
Excel Realty N Infra Ltd EXCEL_BE | -13.19% | 0.79 | 0.91 |
Orbit Exports Limited ORBTEXP_BE | -13.18% | 165.91 | 191.09 |
Vaishali Pharma Limited VAISHALI | -13.17% | 14.97 | 17.24 |
Suven Life Sciences Limited SUVEN Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -13.17% | 111.78 | 128.74 |
Colgate Palmolive (India) Limited COLPAL Trades in Personal Products | -13.17% | 2450.00 | 2821.55 |
Bew Engineering Limited BEWLTD_ST | -13.16% | 161.95 | 186.50 |
Laxmi Organic Indus Ltd LXCHEM | -13.14% | 188.73 | 217.27 |
Wol 3d India Limited WOL3D_SM | -13.14% | 119.00 | 137.00 |
Tata Investment Corporation Limited TATAINVEST Trades in Investment Companies | -13.13% | 5234.50 | 6025.35 |
Tata Chemicals Limited TATACHEM Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -13.13% | 856.60 | 986.10 |
Precision Wires India Limited PRECWIRE Trades in Other Industrial Products | -13.13% | 138.30 | 159.20 |
Inspirisys Solutions Ltd INSPIRISYS | -13.13% | 81.96 | 94.35 |
GPT Infraproject GPTINFRA Trades in Construction & Engineering | -13.13% | 96.35 | 110.91 |
Trent Limited TRENT Trades in Department Stores | -13.13% | 4997.75 | 5753.20 |
Arkade Developers Limited ARKADE | -13.12% | 139.49 | 160.55 |
The Andhra Sugars Limited ANDHRSUGAR | -13.12% | 74.83 | 86.13 |
Sterlite Technologies Ltd STLTECH | -13.11% | 94.41 | 108.66 |
Jain Irrigation Systems Limited JISLJALEQS Trades in Plastic Products | -13.11% | 61.40 | 70.66 |
HEG Limited HEG Trades in Other Industrial Goods | -13.1% | 343.25 | 395.00 |
Action Construction Equipment Limited ACE Trades in Transport Related Services | -13.09% | 1119.45 | 1288.00 |
Libas Designs Limited LIBAS | -13.07% | 12.37 | 14.23 |
Hindustan Motors Limited HINDMOTORS Trades in Cars & Utility Vehicles | -13.05% | 23.71 | 27.27 |
Cheviot Company Limited CHEVIOT | -13.03% | 1039.10 | 1194.80 |
Tamilnadu PetroProducts Limited TNPETRO Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -13% | 68.73 | 79.00 |
Sagar Cements Limited SAGCEM Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -13% | 179.93 | 206.82 |
Allcargo Terminals Ltd ATL | -13% | 28.32 | 32.55 |
Container Corporation of India Limited CONCOR Trades in Transport Related Services | -12.99% | 678.80 | 780.10 |
Vijaya Diagnostic Cen Ltd VIJAYA | -12.98% | 900.50 | 1034.80 |
POWER MECH PROJECT INR10 POWERMECH | -12.98% | 1874.50 | 2154.00 |
Dsj Keep Learning Ltd KEEPLEARN_BE | -12.98% | 3.62 | 4.16 |
Danish Power Limited DANISH_SM | -12.96% | 774.20 | 889.45 |
Suzlon Energy Limited SUZLON Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment | -12.94% | 50.64 | 58.17 |
Saksoft Limited SAKSOFT | -12.94% | 171.38 | 196.85 |
Sintercom India Limited SINTERCOM | -12.93% | 124.35 | 142.81 |
Indo Borax & Chemical Ltd INDOBORAX | -12.88% | 153.16 | 175.80 |
Vasa Denticity Limited DENTALKART_SM | -12.87% | 574.55 | 659.40 |
Khaitan (India) Limited KHAITANLTD | -12.85% | 83.61 | 95.94 |
Elgi Equipments Limited ELGIEQUIP Trades in Industrial Machinery | -12.85% | 471.40 | 540.90 |
Supriya Lifescience Ltd SUPRIYA | -12.84% | 627.65 | 720.10 |
Occl Limited OCCLLTD | -12.84% | 78.43 | 89.98 |
Greenpanel Industries Ltd GREENPANEL | -12.84% | 303.75 | 348.50 |
Sundaram Multi Pap Limited SUNDARAM Trades in Comm.Printing | -12.82% | 2.04 | 2.34 |
Rallis India Limited RALLIS Trades in Agrochemicals | -12.82% | 209.72 | 240.55 |
Sanco Industries Limited SANCO_BZ | -12.82% | 3.40 | 3.90 |
Maithan Alloys Limited MAITHANALL | -12.8% | 853.60 | 978.95 |
Dcm Shriram Ind Ltd DCMSRIND | -12.8% | 149.23 | 171.13 |
Gvk Pow. & Infra Ltd. GVKPIL_BE | -12.8% | 4.02 | 4.61 |
Hma Agro Industries Ltd HMAAGRO | -12.78% | 32.89 | 37.71 |
Shiva Texyarn Limited SHIVATEX | -12.76% | 198.68 | 227.74 |
VIP Industries Limited VIPIND Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -12.75% | 324.65 | 372.10 |
Nidan Labs And Health Ltd NIDAN_SM | -12.75% | 21.55 | 24.70 |
Foods & Inns Limited FOODSIN | -12.74% | 96.63 | 110.74 |
Magadh Sugar & Energy Ltd MAGADSUGAR | -12.73% | 514.65 | 589.75 |
Cinevista Limited CINEVISTA Trades in Movies & Entertainment | -12.73% | 14.81 | 16.97 |
Shivalic Power Control L SPCL_ST | -12.73% | 168.70 | 193.30 |
Tanla Solutions Limited TANLA Trades in IT Software Products | -12.69% | 482.45 | 552.60 |
Fidel Softech Limited FIDEL_ST | -12.69% | 139.65 | 159.95 |
NAVKAR CORPORATION INR10 NAVKARCORP | -12.68% | 107.58 | 123.20 |
Gokul Agro Resources Ltd GOKULAGRO | -12.67% | 269.90 | 309.05 |
Ucal Limited UCAL_BE | -12.67% | 142.99 | 163.74 |
Irm Energy Limited IRMENERGY | -12.66% | 275.00 | 314.85 |
Allcargo Gati Limited ACLGATI | -12.65% | 62.85 | 71.95 |
Thyrocare Tech. THYROCARE | -12.64% | 697.35 | 798.25 |
Phoenix Overseas Limited PHOGLOBAL_ST | -12.64% | 23.15 | 26.50 |
Stove Kraft Limited STOVEKRAFT | -12.63% | 696.70 | 797.40 |
Rpsg Ventures Limited RPSGVENT | -12.62% | 834.40 | 954.95 |
Ndr Auto Components Ltd NDRAUTO | -12.62% | 640.20 | 732.65 |
Rockingdeals Circu Eco L ROCKINGDCE_SM | -12.6% | 457.75 | 523.75 |
JK Lakshmi Cement Limited JKLAKSHMI Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -12.6% | 702.75 | 804.10 |
Varun Beverages Limited VBL | -12.6% | 469.10 | 536.75 |
Sikko Industries Limited SIKKO | -12.58% | 81.85 | 93.63 |
DCM Shriram Limited DCMSHRIRAM Trades in Diversified | -12.58% | 1022.20 | 1169.25 |
M.v.k. Agro Food Prod Ltd MVKAGRO_SM | -12.57% | 32.35 | 37.00 |
Electronics Mart Ind Ltd EMIL | -12.57% | 128.41 | 146.88 |
Vaibhav Global Limited VAIBHAVGBL Trades in Internet & Catalogue Retail | -12.54% | 239.65 | 274.00 |
Indian Rail Tour Corp Ltd IRCTC | -12.54% | 719.20 | 822.30 |
Mahindra Epc Irrig Ltd MAHEPC_BE | -12.54% | 120.32 | 137.57 |
Venus Pipes & Tubes Ltd VENUSPIPES | -12.52% | 1181.65 | 1350.70 |
Iifl Capital Services Ltd IIFLCAPS | -12.51% | 222.35 | 254.15 |
Digidrive Distributors L DIGIDRIVE | -12.5% | 32.13 | 36.72 |
ABB India Limited ABB Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment | -12.47% | 5142.05 | 5874.65 |
Svp Global Textiles Ltd SVPGLOB_BE | -12.47% | 3.44 | 3.93 |
PPAP Automotive Limited PPAP Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -12.45% | 178.26 | 203.62 |
Ndl Ventures Limited NDLVENTURE | -12.43% | 88.55 | 101.12 |
Bliss GVS Pharma Limited BLISSGVS Trades in Personal Products | -12.4% | 131.09 | 149.64 |
The Invest Trust Of Ind L THEINVEST | -12.38% | 148.37 | 169.33 |
Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation Limited BBTC Trades in Tea & Coffee | -12.38% | 1855.90 | 2118.15 |
Rappid Valves (india) Ltd RAPPID_ST | -12.38% | 259.00 | 295.60 |
Ingersoll Rand (India) Limited INGERRAND Trades in Industrial Machinery | -12.37% | 3279.30 | 3742.15 |
Intrasoft Technologies Limited ISFT Trades in Internet Software & Services | -12.36% | 111.42 | 127.13 |
Annapurna Swadisht Ltd ANNAPURNA_SM | -12.36% | 304.95 | 347.95 |
Manugraph India Limited MANUGRAPH Trades in Industrial Machinery | -12.35% | 16.53 | 18.86 |
Kuantum Papers Limited KUANTUM | -12.34% | 103.49 | 118.06 |
Shreyans Industries Limited SHREYANIND Trades in Paper & Paper Products | -12.31% | 176.38 | 201.14 |
Poddar Pigments Limited PODDARMENT | -12.31% | 296.25 | 337.85 |
Equinox India Dev Ltd EMBDL | -12.31% | 127.75 | 145.69 |
EID Parry India Limited EIDPARRY Trades in Sugar | -12.31% | 718.95 | 819.90 |
Yaari Digi Int Ser Ltd YAARI_BE | -12.31% | 13.60 | 15.51 |
Nifty Alpha 50 NIFTY_ALPHA_50 | -12.29% | 43823.50 | 49962.65 |
Harsha Engineers Int Ltd HARSHA | -12.28% | 365.10 | 416.20 |
Usha Financial Services L USHAFIN_SM | -12.27% | 91.50 | 104.30 |
Oberoi Realty Limited OBEROIRLTY Trades in Realty | -12.25% | 1590.55 | 1812.65 |
APL Apollo Tubes Limited APLAPOLLO Trades in Iron & Steel Products | -12.23% | 1324.90 | 1509.55 |
Akzo Nobel India Limited AKZOINDIA Trades in Furniture-Furnishing-Paints | -12.23% | 3324.80 | 3788.10 |
360 One Wam Limited 360ONE | -12.22% | 884.65 | 1007.75 |
Smartlink Holdings Ltd SMARTLINK_BE | -12.2% | 157.78 | 179.71 |
Parkhotels PARKHOTELS | -12.19% | 156.56 | 178.29 |
K2 Infragen Limited K2INFRA_ST | -12.19% | 121.00 | 137.80 |
Kotakmamc - Kotakalpha ALPHA | -12.19% | 42.22 | 48.08 |
Aaa Technologies Limited AAATECH | -12.17% | 86.06 | 97.99 |
Kajaria Ceramics Limited KAJARIACER Trades in Furniture-Furnishing-Paints | -12.16% | 870.80 | 991.40 |
Hardwyn India Limited HARDWYN_BE | -12.16% | 14.23 | 16.20 |
Shivalik Bimetal Con. Ltd SBCL | -12.15% | 455.00 | 517.95 |
Airan Limited AIRAN | -12.15% | 27.40 | 31.19 |
Navkar Urbanstructure Ltd NAVKARURB_BE | -12.12% | 17.41 | 19.81 |
Winsome Yarns Limited WINSOME_BZ | -12.09% | 2.40 | 2.73 |
Minda Corporation Limited MINDACORP | -12.05% | 501.65 | 570.40 |
Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited APLLTD Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -12.05% | 809.25 | 920.15 |
Iris Clothings Limited IRISDOREME | -12.04% | 51.09 | 58.08 |
Saakshi Medtec N Panels L SAAKSHI_SM | -12.03% | 155.70 | 177.00 |
Maral Overseas Limited MARALOVER Trades in Textiles | -12.03% | 68.65 | 78.04 |
Bharat Forge Limited BHARATFORG Trades in Other Industrial Products | -12.02% | 1076.95 | 1224.05 |
Satia Industries Limited SATIA | -12% | 75.66 | 85.98 |
Surani Steel Tubes Ltd. SURANI_ST | -12% | 165.00 | 187.50 |
IDBI Bank Limited IDBI Trades in Banks | -11.99% | 71.39 | 81.12 |
Central Bank of India CENTRALBK Trades in Banks | -11.99% | 45.81 | 52.05 |
Vesuvius India Limited VESUVIUS Trades in Other Industrial Goods | -11.97% | 3770.65 | 4283.45 |
Heritage Foods Limited HERITGFOOD Trades in Packaged Foods | -11.95% | 381.85 | 433.65 |
Trident Limited TRIDENT Trades in Textiles | -11.93% | 27.39 | 31.10 |
Monte Carlo Fashions Limited MONTECARLO Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -11.93% | 605.75 | 687.80 |
Nitco Limited NITCO_BE | -11.92% | 112.47 | 127.69 |
Nippon L I A M Ltd NAM-INDIA | -11.9% | 514.35 | 583.80 |
Globus Spirits Limited GLOBUSSPR Trades in Breweries & Distilleries | -11.9% | 808.95 | 918.25 |
Aluwind Architectural Ltd ALUWIND_SM | -11.89% | 60.00 | 68.10 |
Visagar Polytex Limited VIVIDHA Trades in Textiles | -11.88% | 0.89 | 1.01 |
Advani Hotels & Resorts (India) Limited ADVANIHOTR Trades in Hotels | -11.87% | 57.68 | 65.45 |
The Ugar Sugar Works Limited UGARSUGAR Trades in Sugar | -11.86% | 45.11 | 51.18 |
Cosmo First Limited COSMOFIRST | -11.84% | 662.65 | 751.65 |
Palred Technologies Ltd PALREDTEC_BE | -11.81% | 61.73 | 70.00 |
Coastal Corporation Ltd COASTCORP | -11.79% | 210.46 | 238.60 |
GRP Limited GRPLTD Trades in Auto Tyres & Rubber Products | -11.78% | 2508.45 | 2843.55 |
Cie Automotive India Ltd CIEINDIA | -11.78% | 409.75 | 464.45 |
Kataria Industries Ltd KATARIA_ST | -11.78% | 115.00 | 130.35 |
Univastu India Limited UNIVASTU_BE | -11.77% | 235.00 | 266.35 |
Aspire & Innovative Adv L ASPIRE_ST | -11.76% | 30.00 | 34.00 |
Agi Greenpac Limited AGI | -11.73% | 698.10 | 790.90 |
Jeena Sikho Lifecare Ltd JSLL_SM | -11.7% | 1612.20 | 1825.80 |
Mrs Bectors Food Spe Ltd BECTORFOOD | -11.7% | 1297.95 | 1469.95 |
Spencer's Retail Limited SPENCERS | -11.69% | 70.76 | 80.13 |
Sobha Limited SOBHA Trades in Realty | -11.69% | 1170.85 | 1325.80 |
Kore Digital Limited KDL_ST | -11.69% | 450.20 | 509.80 |
Finolex Industries Limited FINPIPE Trades in Plastic Products | -11.67% | 181.26 | 205.20 |
Atul Auto Limited ATULAUTO Trades in 2 | -11.66% | 455.75 | 515.90 |
Sharda Cropchem Limited SHARDACROP Trades in Agrochemicals | -11.65% | 518.15 | 586.45 |
Rane (Madras) Limited RML Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -11.65% | 632.75 | 716.15 |
Pb Fintech Limited POLICYBZR | -11.62% | 1526.10 | 1726.80 |
Akg Exim Limited AKG | -11.62% | 15.06 | 17.04 |
Kck Industries Ltd KCK_ST | -11.62% | 44.50 | 50.35 |
Samhi Hotels Limited SAMHI | -11.61% | 151.16 | 171.02 |
Raghav Productivity Enh L RPEL | -11.61% | 529.35 | 598.85 |
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited CHENNPETRO Trades in Refineries | -11.61% | 478.60 | 541.45 |
Five-star Bus Fin Ltd FIVESTAR | -11.59% | 697.80 | 789.30 |
Balrampur Chini Mills Limited BALRAMCHIN Trades in Sugar | -11.59% | 430.85 | 487.35 |
Ujjivan Small Financ Bank UJJIVANSFB | -11.58% | 31.76 | 35.92 |
Insecticides (India) Limited INSECTICID Trades in Agrochemicals | -11.57% | 571.10 | 645.85 |
Accent Microcell Limited ACCENTMIC_SM | -11.57% | 228.05 | 257.90 |
Linde India Limited LINDEINDIA Trades in Industrial Gases | -11.56% | 5543.15 | 6267.85 |
All E Technologies Ltd ALLETEC_ST | -11.56% | 405.50 | 458.50 |
Eureka Forbes Limited EUREKAFORB | -11.55% | 470.75 | 532.25 |
Birlasoft Limited BSOFT | -11.55% | 472.85 | 534.60 |
S Chand And Company Ltd SCHAND | -11.54% | 169.15 | 191.22 |
Rachana Infra Ltd RILINFRA_SM | -11.53% | 30.30 | 34.25 |
Kross Limited KROSS | -11.52% | 163.14 | 184.38 |
Gayatri Projects Ltd GAYAPROJ_BZ | -11.51% | 6.69 | 7.56 |
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited POWERGRID Trades in Electric Utilities | -11.5% | 266.95 | 301.65 |
Yatharth Hosp & Tra C S L YATHARTH | -11.5% | 377.70 | 426.80 |
Orient Press Limited ORIENTLTD_BE | -11.5% | 86.73 | 98.00 |
Hero MotoCorp Limited HEROMOTOCO Trades in 2 | -11.49% | 3840.50 | 4339.15 |
Ganesh Housing Corporation Limited GANESHHOUC Trades in Realty | -11.48% | 1199.15 | 1354.70 |
Menon Bearings Limited MENONBE Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -11.45% | 99.72 | 112.62 |
Ducon Tech DUCON Trades in Comm.Trading & Distribution | -11.45% | 6.03 | 6.81 |
JM Financial Limited JMFINANCIL Trades in Other Financial Services | -11.43% | 97.49 | 110.07 |
Saroja Pharma Indus Ind L SAROJA_SM | -11.42% | 50.05 | 56.50 |
Shivalik Rasayan Limited SHIVALIK | -11.41% | 664.00 | 749.50 |
Indian Overseas Bank IOB Trades in Banks | -11.41% | 45.18 | 51.00 |
Nifty Microcap250 NIFTY_MICROCAP250 | -11.4% | 20141.65 | 22733.60 |
VST Industries Limited VSTIND Trades in Cigarettes-Tobacco Products | -11.39% | 283.90 | 320.40 |
Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited TTML Trades in Telecom Services | -11.38% | 63.62 | 71.79 |
Swastik Pipe Limited SWASTIK_SM | -11.38% | 44.40 | 50.10 |
Sudarshan Chemical Industries Limited SUDARSCHEM Trades in Specialty Chemicals | -11.37% | 885.70 | 999.30 |
Modi Rubber MODIRUBBER Trades in Auto Tyres & Rubber Products | -11.36% | 98.52 | 111.14 |
Srg Housing Finance L SRGHFL | -11.34% | 291.75 | 329.05 |
The Karnataka Bank Limited KTKBANK Trades in Banks | -11.33% | 169.96 | 191.68 |
Vedant Fashions Limited MANYAVAR | -11.29% | 828.40 | 933.80 |
LIC Housing Finance Limited LICHSGFIN Trades in Housing Finance | -11.29% | 530.55 | 598.10 |
Kirloskar Pneumatic Com L KIRLPNU | -11.28% | 1005.50 | 1133.30 |
Rane Brake Lining Limited RBL Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -11.26% | 683.45 | 770.20 |
21st Century Mgmt Service 21STCENMGM_BE | -11.26% | 70.13 | 79.03 |
Arabian Petroleum Limited ARABIAN_SM | -11.25% | 71.00 | 80.00 |
Symphony Limited SYMPHONY Trades in Consumer Electronics | -11.24% | 1104.60 | 1244.45 |
Dodla Dairy Limited DODLA | -11.24% | 1007.25 | 1134.80 |
Raymond Limited RAYMOND Trades in Textiles | -11.22% | 1341.75 | 1511.40 |
DCB BANK LIMITED DCBBANK Trades in Banks | -11.22% | 105.92 | 119.31 |
Aakash Exploration Ser L AAKASH Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -11.22% | 8.78 | 9.89 |
National Aluminium Company Limited NATIONALUM Trades in Aluminium | -11.21% | 179.57 | 202.24 |
Dhanlaxmi Bank Limited DHANBANK_BE | -11.21% | 23.21 | 26.14 |
Akums Drugs And Pharma L AKUMS | -11.19% | 503.15 | 566.55 |
Just Dial Limited JUSTDIAL Trades in Publishing | -11.18% | 791.65 | 891.30 |
Usha Martin Education & Solutions Limited UMESLTD Trades in IT Software Products | -11.16% | 6.29 | 7.08 |
Century Extrusions Limited CENTEXT Trades in Aluminium | -11.14% | 18.90 | 21.27 |
Andhra Paper Limited ANDHRAPAP | -11.14% | 76.83 | 86.46 |
Aaron Industries Limited AARON | -11.14% | 313.05 | 352.30 |
Power Finance Corporation Limited PFC Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) | -11.12% | 375.50 | 422.50 |
Timken India Limited TIMKEN Trades in Industrial Machinery | -11.09% | 2540.95 | 2857.80 |
Creditaccess Grameen Ltd CREDITACC | -11.08% | 962.90 | 1082.85 |
Nuvoco Vistas Corp Ltd NUVOCO | -11.07% | 311.70 | 350.50 |
K.P.R. Mill Limited KPRMILL Trades in Textiles | -11.07% | 828.85 | 932.00 |
Baba Food Processing BABAFP_SM | -11.03% | 49.20 | 55.30 |
Zydus Wellness Limited ZYDUSWELL Trades in Packaged Foods | -11% | 1634.40 | 1836.35 |
Updater Services Limited UDS | -10.97% | 302.85 | 340.15 |
Emkay Global Fin Serv Ltd EMKAY_BE | -10.91% | 223.40 | 250.75 |
Sreeleathers Limited SREEL Trades in Footwear | -10.88% | 229.35 | 257.35 |
Consolidated Finvest & Holdings Limited CONSOFINVT | -10.88% | 180.43 | 202.45 |
Debock Industries Limited DIL_BE | -10.88% | 2.54 | 2.85 |
Sanathan Textiles Limited SANATHAN | -10.87% | 309.20 | 346.90 |
Kapston Facilities Mgmt L KAPSTON Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -10.86% | 214.42 | 240.55 |
Schneider Electric Infrastructure Limited SCHNEIDER Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment | -10.85% | 608.70 | 682.80 |
Munjal Showa Limited MUNJALSHOW Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -10.85% | 120.60 | 135.28 |
JK Tyre & Industries Limited JKTYRE Trades in Auto Tyres & Rubber Products | -10.85% | 283.05 | 317.50 |
Shalby Limited SHALBY | -10.84% | 198.27 | 222.37 |
N.b.i. Ind. Fin. Co. Ltd NBIFIN_BE | -10.84% | 2077.25 | 2329.85 |
Idea Cellular Limited IDEA Trades in Telecom Services | -10.83% | 8.07 | 9.05 |
7.40% Tax Freetri Sriii 740IIFCL33_N1 | -10.83% | 1098.11 | 1231.44 |
Moksh Ornaments Limited MOKSH | -10.81% | 13.12 | 14.71 |
Jindal Stainless Limited JSL Trades in Iron & Steel | -10.8% | 582.75 | 653.30 |
Uti Asset Mngmt Co Ltd UTIAMC | -10.79% | 926.45 | 1038.50 |
Sinclairs Hotels Limited SINCLAIR | -10.78% | 83.63 | 93.73 |
MUTHOOT CAPITAL SE INR10 MUTHOOTCAP Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) | -10.78% | 258.95 | 290.25 |
Advance. Enzyme. ADVENZYMES | -10.78% | 294.15 | 329.70 |
Vidhi Spclty F Ingrdnts L VIDHIING | -10.76% | 441.05 | 494.25 |
S J Logistics (india) Ltd SJLOGISTIC_SM | -10.75% | 484.60 | 542.95 |
Maheshwari Logistics Ltd. MAHESHWARI | -10.75% | 56.76 | 63.60 |
Cera Sanitaryware Limited CERA Trades in Furniture-Furnishing-Paints | -10.75% | 5968.95 | 6688.20 |
3M India Limited 3MINDIA Trades in Diversified | -10.75% | 26678.00 | 29892.25 |
Uniparts India Limited UNIPARTS | -10.74% | 318.85 | 357.20 |
C P S Shapers Limited CPS_ST | -10.73% | 482.60 | 540.60 |
Atal Realtech Limited ATALREAL_BE | -10.71% | 12.01 | 13.45 |
Commercial Syn Bags Ltd COMSYN_BE | -10.71% | 66.00 | 73.92 |
Hindustan Copper Limited HINDCOPPER Trades in Copper | -10.7% | 213.40 | 238.98 |
Dynamatic Technologies Limited DYNAMATECH Trades in Industrial Machinery | -10.7% | 6262.30 | 7012.40 |
SKIPPER LTD INR1 SKIPPER Trades in Construction & Engineering | -10.69% | 389.55 | 436.20 |
Pds Limited PDSL | -10.69% | 443.70 | 496.80 |
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited HINDPETRO Trades in Refineries | -10.69% | 319.95 | 358.25 |
Essen Speciality Films L ESFL_SM | -10.68% | 494.45 | 553.60 |
Parag Milk Foods Ltd. PARAGMILK | -10.67% | 151.94 | 170.08 |
Medico Remedies Limited MEDICO | -10.67% | 66.33 | 74.25 |
Easy Trip Planners Ltd EASEMYTRIP | -10.67% | 12.06 | 13.50 |
Deccan Cements Limited DECCANCE Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -10.67% | 596.50 | 667.75 |
Dhunseri Tea & Ind. Ltd. DTIL | -10.66% | 197.89 | 221.50 |
R K Swamy Limited RKSWAMY | -10.64% | 216.03 | 241.75 |
TVS Srichakra Limited TVSSRICHAK Trades in Auto Tyres & Rubber Products | -10.63% | 2787.25 | 3118.85 |
Century Plyboards (India) Limited CENTURYPLY Trades in Forest Products | -10.61% | 719.25 | 804.65 |
Kbc Global Limited KBCGLOBAL_BE | -10.61% | 1.18 | 1.32 |
Accelya Kale Solutions Limited ACCELYA Trades in IT Consulting & Software | -10.57% | 1291.15 | 1443.70 |
Mayur Uniquoters Ltd MAYURUNIQ Trades in Textiles | -10.56% | 492.85 | 551.05 |
CESC Limited CESC Trades in Electric Utilities | -10.55% | 127.90 | 142.98 |
Beta Drugs Limited BETA_SM | -10.55% | 1685.00 | 1883.65 |
Krishna Inst Of Med Sci L KIMS | -10.52% | 545.10 | 609.20 |
Gufic Biosciences Limited GUFICBIO Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -10.51% | 402.75 | 450.05 |
V Marc India Limited VMARCIND_ST | -10.51% | 291.35 | 325.55 |
Sequent Scientific Ltd. SEQUENT Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -10.5% | 147.79 | 165.13 |
Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited MANGCHEFER Trades in Fertilizers | -10.48% | 150.01 | 167.57 |
Finolex Cables Limited FINCABLES Trades in Other Elect.Equip. | -10.48% | 896.50 | 1001.50 |
DCW Limited DCW Trades in Petrochemicals | -10.48% | 71.25 | 79.59 |
Prestige Estates Projects Limited PRESTIGE Trades in Realty | -10.47% | 1217.15 | 1359.50 |
ICRA Limited ICRA Trades in Other Financial Services | -10.47% | 5569.90 | 6221.40 |
Rainbow Childrens Med Ltd RAINBOW | -10.46% | 1274.80 | 1423.75 |
Sanghvi Movers Limited SANGHVIMOV Trades in Transport Related Services | -10.44% | 226.15 | 252.50 |
Rushil Decor Limited RUSHIL Trades in Forest Products | -10.44% | 25.99 | 29.02 |
RPG Life Sciences Limited RPGLIFE Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -10.44% | 2185.80 | 2440.65 |
GIC Housing Finance Limited GICHSGFIN Trades in Housing Finance | -10.44% | 167.10 | 186.58 |
Modern Threads India Ltd MODTHREAD_BE | -10.44% | 43.30 | 48.35 |
Rane Engine Valve Limited RANEENGINE Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -10.43% | 279.95 | 312.55 |
Jana Small Fin Bank Ltd JSFB | -10.43% | 404.15 | 451.20 |
Shaily Eng Plastics Ltd SHAILY_BE | -10.43% | 1377.50 | 1537.85 |
Mawana Sugars Limited MAWANASUG Trades in Sugar | -10.42% | 85.30 | 95.22 |
Eldeco Hsg & Ind Ltd. ELDEHSG | -10.42% | 738.35 | 824.25 |
Kkv Agro Powers Ltd. KKVAPOW_SM | -10.41% | 663.00 | 740.00 |
Damodar Indust. DAMODARIND Trades in Textiles | -10.41% | 34.26 | 38.24 |
Prozone Realty Limited PROZONER_BE | -10.39% | 31.82 | 35.51 |
Kotyark Industries Ltd KOTYARK_ST | -10.38% | 589.25 | 657.50 |
Cellecor Gadgets Limited CELLECOR_SM | -10.37% | 54.00 | 60.25 |
Prakash Pipes Limited PPL | -10.35% | 399.80 | 445.95 |
Can Fin Homes Limited CANFINHOME Trades in Housing Finance | -10.35% | 598.60 | 667.70 |
Sel Manufacturing Co Ltd SELMC | -10.34% | 30.94 | 34.51 |
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited BHEL Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment | -10.34% | 186.57 | 208.09 |
Solar Act Rs.3.50 Ppd Up SOLARAPP_E1 | -10.33% | 243.55 | 271.60 |
DPSC Limited DPSCLTD | -10.31% | 13.74 | 15.32 |
Yudiz Solutions Limited YUDIZ_SM | -10.31% | 48.70 | 54.30 |
Nifty Smlcap 100 NIFTY_SMLCAP_100 Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -10.3% | 15168.45 | 16910.50 |
CRISIL Limited CRISIL Trades in Other Financial Services | -10.28% | 4874.55 | 5433.30 |
Icdsltd ICDSLTD_BE | -10.27% | 43.50 | 48.48 |
Ventive Hospitality Ltd VENTIVE | -10.26% | 643.75 | 717.35 |
Lotus Eye Care Hospital Limited LOTUSEYE Trades in Healthcare Facilities | -10.26% | 59.45 | 66.25 |
Equitas Small Fin Bnk Ltd EQUITASBNK | -10.26% | 59.68 | 66.50 |
DB (International) Stock Brokers Limited DBSTOCKBRO Trades in Other Financial Services | -10.26% | 38.22 | 42.59 |
Mallcom (india) Limited MALLCOM | -10.25% | 1228.20 | 1368.50 |
HeidelbergCement India Limited HEIDELBERG Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -10.25% | 195.72 | 218.08 |
Life Insura Corp Of India LICI | -10.23% | 758.95 | 845.45 |
Zota Health Care Limited ZOTA | -10.23% | 850.35 | 947.25 |
Hdfcamc - Hdfcsml250 HDFCSML250 | -10.23% | 143.53 | 159.89 |
Amrutanjan Health Care Limited AMRUTANJAN | -10.22% | 598.25 | 666.35 |
Jupiter Life Line Hosp L JLHL | -10.21% | 1462.80 | 1629.10 |
Sukhjit Starch & Chem Ltd SUKHJITS | -10.2% | 203.80 | 226.95 |
Somany Ceramics Limited SOMANYCERA Trades in Furniture-Furnishing-Paints | -10.16% | 458.20 | 510.00 |
Huhtamaki India Limited HUHTAMAKI | -10.16% | 202.90 | 225.85 |
Abha Power N Steel Ltd ABHAPOWER_ST | -10.15% | 36.75 | 40.90 |
Crest Ventures Limited CREST Trades in Misc.Commercial Services | -10.14% | 381.35 | 424.40 |
Bls E-services Limited BLSE | -10.14% | 164.04 | 182.56 |
Shankara Bldg Product Ltd SHANKARA | -10.12% | 557.85 | 620.65 |
Newjaisa Technologies Ltd NEWJAISA_SM | -10.11% | 68.45 | 76.15 |
Hoac Foods India Limited HOACFOODS_ST | -10.11% | 118.75 | 132.10 |
Quadrant Future Tek Ltd QUADFUTURE | -10.08% | 498.70 | 554.60 |
MphasiS Limited MPHASIS Trades in IT Consulting & Software | -10.08% | 2578.95 | 2867.95 |
Piramal Enterprises Limited PEL Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -10.07% | 920.10 | 1023.10 |
LG Balakrishnan & Bros Limited LGBBROSLTD Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -10.07% | 1226.60 | 1363.95 |
Vdeal System Limited VDEAL_SM | -10.06% | 135.00 | 150.10 |
Nifty Cpse NIFTY_CPSE | -10.04% | 5511.45 | 6126.70 |
Nureca Limited NURECA_BE | -10.04% | 260.15 | 289.20 |
Adani Green Energy Ltd ADANIGREEN | -10.02% | 897.55 | 997.55 |
K.M.Sugar Mills Limited KMSUGAR Trades in Sugar | -10.01% | 27.24 | 30.27 |
Micropro Software Sol L MICROPRO_SM | -10% | 27.00 | 30.00 |
531 top losers stocks found which lost 5% or more in Monthly session!
Company | Gain Percent | Current price | Prev Price |
Venky's (India) Limited VENKEYS Trades in Packaged Foods | -9.99% | 1637.30 | 1818.95 |
Nifty Smlcap 250 NIFTY_SMLCAP_250 | -9.99% | 14267.95 | 15851.05 |
Hathway Cable & Datacom Limited HATHWAY Trades in Broadcasting & Cable TV | -9.98% | 13.53 | 15.03 |
EIH Associated Hotels Limited EIHAHOTELS Trades in Hotels | -9.97% | 340.35 | 378.05 |
Polycab India Limited POLYCAB | -9.95% | 5436.90 | 6037.95 |
V R Infraspace Limited VR_ST | -9.93% | 254.00 | 282.00 |
Superhouse Limited SUPERHOUSE Trades in Footwear | -9.92% | 172.33 | 191.31 |
Jtl Industries Limited JTLIND | -9.92% | 87.33 | 96.95 |
Capri Global Capital Limited CGCL Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) | -9.91% | 160.47 | 178.13 |
Adani Total Gas Limited ATGL | -9.91% | 579.40 | 643.10 |
Clean Science & Tech Ltd CLEAN | -9.9% | 1294.25 | 1436.45 |
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited ONGC Trades in Exploration & Production | -9.9% | 236.60 | 262.61 |
Motilalamc - Mosmall250 MOSMALL250 | -9.88% | 14.32 | 15.89 |
Knowledge Marine & En W L KMEW | -9.87% | 1675.55 | 1858.95 |
Nifty Pse NIFTY_PSE | -9.87% | 8362.45 | 9278.65 |
Gujarat Pipavav Port Limited GPPL Trades in Marine Port & Services | -9.85% | 136.81 | 151.76 |
Manba Finance Limited MANBA | -9.84% | 135.86 | 150.69 |
Tarmat Limited TARMAT Trades in Construction Materials | -9.83% | 60.75 | 67.37 |
Rupa & Company Limited RUPA Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -9.82% | 205.46 | 227.84 |
GOCL CORPORATION L INR2 GOCLCORP Trades in Oil Marketing & Distribution | -9.82% | 324.50 | 359.85 |
Tcifinanceltd-roll Sett TCIFINANCE_BE | -9.81% | 13.15 | 14.58 |
Lagnam Spintex Limited LAGNAM | -9.79% | 103.94 | 115.22 |
GM Breweries Limited GMBREW Trades in Breweries & Distilleries | -9.79% | 646.25 | 716.40 |
DLF Limited DLF Trades in Realty | -9.79% | 672.10 | 745.05 |
Delta Corp Limited DELTACORP Trades in Misc.Commercial Services | -9.78% | 91.90 | 101.86 |
Gloster Limited GLOSTERLTD | -9.74% | 580.35 | 642.95 |
Ramdevbaba Solvent Ltd RBS_ST | -9.74% | 114.90 | 127.30 |
Larsen & Toubro Limited LT Trades in Construction & Engineering | -9.73% | 3220.15 | 3567.40 |
Mahalaxmi Rubtech Limited MHLXMIRU_BE | -9.7% | 213.18 | 236.09 |
Nifty Realty NIFTY_REALTY | -9.69% | 832.05 | 921.35 |
Mahalaxmi Fabric Mills Lt MFML_BE | -9.69% | 32.51 | 36.00 |
Nath Bio-Genes (India) Limited NATHBIOGEN Trades in Other Agricultural Products | -9.67% | 152.78 | 169.14 |
Nifty Highbeta 50 NIFTY_HIGHBETA_50 | -9.67% | 3090.45 | 3421.30 |
GOLDMAN SACHS MUTU CPSE ETF GRO CPSEETF | -9.67% | 78.13 | 86.49 |
Holmarc Opto Mechatro L HOLMARC_ST | -9.66% | 151.45 | 167.65 |
Lypsa Gems & Jewellery Limited LYPSAGEMS Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -9.65% | 6.18 | 6.84 |
Srm Contractors Limited SRM_BE | -9.65% | 322.65 | 357.10 |
Sati Poly Plast Limited SATIPOLY_SM | -9.62% | 154.55 | 171.00 |
Megatherm Induction Ltd MEGATHERM_SM | -9.61% | 273.15 | 302.20 |
Schaeffler India Limited SCHAEFFLER | -9.58% | 3097.70 | 3425.80 |
Kaushalya Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited KAUSHALYA Trades in Construction & Engineering | -9.58% | 872.95 | 965.40 |
Astral Poly Technik Limited ASTRAL Trades in Plastic Products | -9.58% | 1362.90 | 1507.30 |
Jullundur Motor Agency (Delhi) Limited JMA | -9.57% | 80.55 | 89.07 |
Enviro Infra Engineers L EIEL | -9.57% | 236.15 | 261.15 |
Times Guaranty Limited TIMESGTY_BE | -9.57% | 162.13 | 179.29 |
Shilpa Medicare Limited SHILPAMED Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -9.56% | 641.85 | 709.70 |
Mukka Proteins Limited MUKKA | -9.56% | 33.10 | 36.60 |
Kolte - Patil Developers Limited KOLTEPATIL Trades in Realty | -9.56% | 258.20 | 285.50 |
Central Depo Ser (i) Ltd CDSL | -9.56% | 1184.55 | 1309.70 |
L&T Technology LTTS | -9.54% | 4929.60 | 5449.35 |
Waaree Energies Limited WAAREEENER | -9.53% | 2164.60 | 2392.70 |
Star Health & Al Ins Co L STARHEALTH | -9.53% | 391.95 | 433.25 |
R R Kabel Limited RRKABEL | -9.53% | 1109.20 | 1226.00 |
KDDL Ltd KDDL Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -9.51% | 2155.95 | 2382.65 |
Adani Energy Solution Ltd ADANIENSOL | -9.51% | 677.15 | 748.35 |
Tamilnadu Telecommunicati TNTELE_BE | -9.51% | 8.66 | 9.57 |
Authum Invest & Infra Ltd AIIL | -9.5% | 1527.75 | 1688.10 |
Shekhawati Industries Ltd SHEKHAWATI_BE | -9.5% | 25.33 | 27.99 |
Meghmani Organics Limited MOL | -9.49% | 70.61 | 78.01 |
Wanbury Limited WANBURY Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -9.46% | 195.92 | 216.40 |
ITC Limited ITC Trades in Cigarettes-Tobacco Products | -9.44% | 405.25 | 447.50 |
Latent View Analytics Ltd LATENTVIEW | -9.43% | 396.85 | 438.15 |
Dhunseri Ventures Limited DVL | -9.43% | 313.75 | 346.40 |
Godrej Consumer Products Limited GODREJCP Trades in Personal Products | -9.43% | 1015.55 | 1121.25 |
On Door Concepts Limited ONDOOR_ST | -9.42% | 240.95 | 266.00 |
Motilalamc - Morealty MOREALTY | -9.4% | 83.31 | 91.95 |
Alpex Solar Limited ALPEXSOLAR_SM | -9.39% | 600.25 | 662.45 |
Rajdarshan Industries Ltd ARENTERP_BE | -9.39% | 44.00 | 48.56 |
S P Apparels SPAL | -9.38% | 745.95 | 823.20 |
Pvr Inox Limited PVRINOX | -9.38% | 988.25 | 1090.50 |
Nifty Ipo NIFTY_IPO | -9.38% | 1803.50 | 1990.20 |
Bafna Pharmaceuticals Ltd BAFNAPH_BE | -9.38% | 72.50 | 80.00 |
Sansera Engineering Ltd SANSERA | -9.36% | 1144.25 | 1262.40 |
Rane Holdings Limited RANEHOLDIN Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -9.36% | 1313.40 | 1448.95 |
Innovana Thinklabs Ltd. INNOVANA | -9.36% | 380.20 | 419.45 |
NHPC Limited NHPC Trades in Electric Utilities | -9.36% | 73.01 | 80.55 |
HIL Limited HIL Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -9.33% | 1812.90 | 1999.50 |
Country Condo's Limited COUNCODOS Trades in Realty | -9.33% | 5.93 | 6.54 |
Grm Overseas Limited GRMOVER | -9.29% | 215.71 | 237.79 |
Sunlite Recycling Ind Ltd SUNLITE_SM | -9.28% | 126.05 | 138.95 |
Manaksia Steels Limited MANAKSTEEL | -9.28% | 51.00 | 56.22 |
Birlaslamc-abslpse ABSLPSE | -9.28% | 8.50 | 9.37 |
Udaipur Cement Works Ltd UDAICEMENT | -9.27% | 26.33 | 29.02 |
Poly Medicure Limited POLYMED Trades in Medical Equipment | -9.27% | 2113.90 | 2330.00 |
Saraswati Saree Depot Ltd SSDL | -9.26% | 106.26 | 117.10 |
Mamata Machinery Limited MAMATA | -9.26% | 373.75 | 411.90 |
Jet Freight Logistics Ltd JETFREIGHT_BE | -9.25% | 13.14 | 14.48 |
Lmw Limited LMW | -9.24% | 14206.15 | 15652.75 |
Canara Bank CANBK Trades in Banks | -9.24% | 84.65 | 93.27 |
Punjab National Bank PNB Trades in Banks | -9.23% | 91.86 | 101.20 |
TECIL Chemical TECILCHEM | -9.21% | 22.98 | 25.31 |
Cartrade Tech Limited CARTRADE | -9.21% | 1499.30 | 1651.40 |
Yes Bank Limited YESBANK Trades in Banks | -9.2% | 17.46 | 19.23 |
City Union Bank Limited CUB Trades in Banks | -9.19% | 157.76 | 173.72 |
Page Industries Limited PAGEIND Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -9.18% | 40617.75 | 44723.55 |
Khandwala Securities Limited KHANDSE Trades in Other Financial Services | -9.18% | 25.51 | 28.09 |
Dollar Industries Limited DOLLAR | -9.18% | 383.15 | 421.90 |
Federal-Mogul Goetze (India) Limited. FMGOETZE Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -9.17% | 353.10 | 388.75 |
Ashiana Housing Limited ASHIANA Trades in Realty | -9.17% | 296.30 | 326.20 |
Csb Bank Limited CSBBANK | -9.16% | 278.05 | 306.10 |
HT Media Limited HTMEDIA Trades in Publishing | -9.14% | 18.99 | 20.90 |
Eicher Motors Limited EICHERMOT Trades in 2 | -9.14% | 4719.40 | 5194.30 |
PI Industries Limited PIIND Trades in Agrochemicals | -9.13% | 3165.60 | 3483.75 |
Landmark Cars Limited LANDMARK | -9.13% | 455.70 | 501.50 |
Hindustan Zinc Limited HINDZINC Trades in Zinc | -9.13% | 409.05 | 450.15 |
Sri Havisha Hosp & Infr L HAVISHA Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -9.13% | 2.09 | 2.30 |
Arman Financial ARMANFIN Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) | -9.13% | 1274.95 | 1403.10 |
Samvrdhna Mthrsn Intl Ltd MOTHERSON | -9.13% | 128.36 | 141.26 |
Pfizer Limited PFIZER Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -9.11% | 4124.95 | 4538.20 |
Dishman Carbo Amcis Ltd DCAL | -9.11% | 211.18 | 232.35 |
PTC India Financial Services Limited PFS Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) | -9.09% | 34.50 | 37.95 |
The Great Eastern Shipping Company Limited GESHIP Trades in Shipping | -9.09% | 894.55 | 984.00 |
L&t Finance Limited LTF | -9.07% | 132.28 | 145.47 |
Ambica Agarbat. AMBICAAGAR | -9.06% | 26.60 | 29.25 |
Weizmann Limited WEIZMANIND Trades in Comm.Trading & Distribution | -9.04% | 115.25 | 126.70 |
Zf Com Ve Ctr Sys Ind Ltd ZFCVINDIA | -9.04% | 10036.65 | 11034.00 |
Gp Eco Solutions India L GPECO_ST | -9.04% | 232.50 | 255.60 |
Computer Age Mngt Ser Ltd CAMS | -9.03% | 3278.00 | 3603.50 |
Digicontent Limited DGCONTENT_BE | -9.03% | 45.41 | 49.92 |
Nifty Energy NIFTY_ENERGY | -8.99% | 30849.05 | 33895.60 |
Emerald Tyre Manuf Ltd ETML_SM | -8.97% | 131.95 | 144.95 |
Tourism Finance Corporation of India Limited TFCILTD Trades in Financial Institutions | -8.95% | 129.24 | 141.95 |
Kanani Industries Limited KANANIIND Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -8.95% | 2.34 | 2.57 |
Indian Metals & Ferro Alloys Limited IMFA Trades in Iron & Steel | -8.93% | 638.60 | 701.20 |
Fiberweb India Limited FIBERWEB | -8.93% | 42.04 | 46.16 |
Yash Optics & Lens Ltd YASHOPTICS_SM | -8.93% | 79.50 | 87.30 |
Lemon Tree Hotels Ltd LEMONTREE Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -8.9% | 124.08 | 136.20 |
Fusion Micro Finance Ltd FUSION | -8.9% | 161.14 | 176.88 |
Blue Dart Express Limited BLUEDART Trades in Transportation - Logistics | -8.89% | 5995.25 | 6580.00 |
Pnb Housing Fin Ltd. PNBHOUSING | -8.87% | 800.30 | 878.20 |
Delaplex Limited DELAPLEX_SM | -8.87% | 185.00 | 203.00 |
Tata Communications Limited TATACOMM Trades in Telecom - Alternate Carriers | -8.86% | 1488.30 | 1633.00 |
Petronet LNG Limited PETRONET Trades in Oil Marketing & Distribution | -8.86% | 288.20 | 316.20 |
Sampann Utpadan India Ltd SAMPANN_BE | -8.86% | 32.11 | 35.23 |
Cg Power And Ind Sol Ltd CGPOWER | -8.84% | 578.75 | 634.85 |
Maks Energy Sol India Ltd MAKS_SM | -8.82% | 30.50 | 33.45 |
KCP Limited KCP | -8.82% | 190.95 | 209.41 |
Ntpc Green Energy Limited NTPCGREEN | -8.81% | 104.79 | 114.91 |
Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited GSFC Trades in Fertilizers | -8.81% | 187.01 | 205.08 |
Neogen Chemicals Limited NEOGEN | -8.8% | 1737.95 | 1905.75 |
Coal India Limited COALINDIA Trades in Coal | -8.79% | 361.10 | 395.90 |
Tvs Holdings Limited TVSHLTD | -8.78% | 8540.65 | 9362.65 |
Synoptics Technologies L SYNOPTICS_SM | -8.78% | 110.60 | 121.25 |
Qms Medical Allied S Ltd QMSMEDI_SM | -8.78% | 96.05 | 105.30 |
Nifty Smlcap 50 NIFTY_SMLCAP_50 | -8.74% | 7346.00 | 8049.35 |
Shyam Telecom Limited SHYAMTEL_BE | -8.74% | 13.37 | 14.65 |
AYM SYNTEX LIMITED AYMSYNTEX Trades in Textiles | -8.73% | 202.60 | 221.98 |
Gujarat Ambuja Exports Limited GAEL Trades in Other Agricultural Products | -8.72% | 103.84 | 113.76 |
Blue Pebble Limited BLUEPEBBLE_SM | -8.71% | 248.30 | 272.00 |
Valiant Laboratories Ltd VALIANTLAB | -8.7% | 93.78 | 102.72 |
Aditya Ultra Steel Ltd AUSL_SM | -8.69% | 41.00 | 44.90 |
The Motor & General Finance Limited MOTOGENFIN Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) | -8.68% | 26.72 | 29.26 |
Binani Industries Limited BINANIIND Trades in Holding Companies | -8.68% | 11.99 | 13.13 |
Rajgor Castor Derivati L RCDL_SM | -8.62% | 22.25 | 24.35 |
Filatex Fashions Limited FILATFASH_BE | -8.62% | 0.53 | 0.58 |
Goyal Salt Limited GOYALSALT_SM | -8.61% | 173.65 | 190.00 |
Nifty500 Ew NIFTY500_EW | -8.61% | 12107.25 | 13247.25 |
Indostar Capital Fin Ltd INDOSTAR Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -8.6% | 234.95 | 257.05 |
Aarvi Encon Limited AARVI | -8.6% | 116.21 | 127.15 |
Ajooni Biotech Limited AJOONI | -8.58% | 6.61 | 7.23 |
Sai Silks (kalamandir) L KALAMANDIR | -8.57% | 154.72 | 169.22 |
Endurance Techno. Ltd. ENDURANCE | -8.57% | 1818.95 | 1989.45 |
Dynemic Products Limited DYNPRO | -8.57% | 294.55 | 322.15 |
Shoppers Stop Limited SHOPERSTOP Trades in Department Stores | -8.56% | 524.15 | 573.20 |
Syncom Formu (i) Ltd SYNCOMF | -8.55% | 16.69 | 18.25 |
Jio Fin Services Ltd JIOFIN | -8.54% | 221.02 | 241.65 |
Nifty Multi Mq 50 NIFTY_MULTI_MQ_50 | -8.54% | 36921.90 | 40371.15 |
ADITYA BIRLA FASHION & RT ABFRL Trades in Department Stores | -8.53% | 250.50 | 273.85 |
J.Kumar Infraprojects Limited JKIL Trades in Construction & Engineering | -8.5% | 673.50 | 736.10 |
Aspinwall & Co ASPINWALL | -8.49% | 276.00 | 301.60 |
Uno Minda Limited UNOMINDA | -8.48% | 865.40 | 945.60 |
Hinduja Global Solutions Limited HGS Trades in BPO | -8.48% | 569.05 | 621.75 |
V-Guard Industries Limited VGUARD Trades in Other Elect.Equip. | -8.46% | 333.60 | 364.45 |
Tainwala Chemical and Plastic (I) Limited TAINWALCHM Trades in Plastic Products | -8.46% | 228.90 | 250.05 |
JB Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Limited JBCHEPHARM Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -8.44% | 1614.95 | 1763.90 |
Premier Polyfilms Ltd PREMIERPOL_BE | -8.43% | 56.51 | 61.71 |
Tata Technologies Limited TATATECH | -8.42% | 721.30 | 787.60 |
Niftysml250mq 100 NIFTYSML250MQ_100 | -8.42% | 39970.00 | 43647.00 |
Dhanuka Agritech Limited DHANUKA Trades in Agrochemicals | -8.4% | 1322.30 | 1443.60 |
Pelatro Limited PELATRO_ST | -8.39% | 347.20 | 379.00 |
Perfect Infraengineer Ltd PERFECT_ST | -8.39% | 14.75 | 16.10 |
Suvidhaa Infoserve Ltd SUVIDHAA | -8.38% | 5.14 | 5.61 |
RBL Bank RBLBANK | -8.38% | 150.97 | 164.77 |
Amara Raja Energy Mob Ltd AREnM | -8.38% | 947.95 | 1034.65 |
Miraeamc - Smallcap SMALLCAP | -8.38% | 40.00 | 43.66 |
Shiva Mills Limited SHIVAMILLS | -8.37% | 85.25 | 93.04 |
Prakash Steelage Limited PRAKASHSTL Trades in Construction & Engineering | -8.36% | 7.02 | 7.66 |
Secmark Consultancy Ltd SECMARK | -8.34% | 95.23 | 103.90 |
Karur Vysya Bank Limited KARURVYSYA | -8.34% | 218.35 | 238.22 |
Gateway Distriparks Ltd GATEWAY | -8.34% | 69.78 | 76.13 |
Nifty Midsml 400 NIFTY_MIDSML_400 | -8.33% | 16887.85 | 18423.10 |
Metropolis Healthcare Ltd METROPOLIS | -8.32% | 1647.40 | 1796.90 |
Next Mediaworks Limited NEXTMEDIA_BE | -8.31% | 6.62 | 7.22 |
Sundram Fasteners Limited SUNDRMFAST Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -8.3% | 957.50 | 1044.20 |
Jagran Prakashan Limited JAGRAN Trades in Publishing | -8.27% | 70.78 | 77.16 |
Reliance Power Limited RPOWER Trades in Electric Utilities | -8.26% | 36.78 | 40.09 |
Emami Limited EMAMILTD Trades in Personal Products | -8.25% | 541.00 | 589.65 |
Goyal Aluminiums Limited GOYALALUM | -8.22% | 8.26 | 9.00 |
TTK Prestige Limited TTKPRESTIG Trades in Houseware | -8.21% | 678.30 | 739.00 |
SJVN Limited SJVN Trades in Electric Utilities | -8.2% | 89.51 | 97.51 |
Precision Metaliks Ltd PRECISION_ST | -8.19% | 33.05 | 36.00 |
Icici Prud Midcap Sel Etf MIDSELIETF | -8.19% | 15.36 | 16.73 |
Lloyds Metals N Energy L LLOYDSME | -8.16% | 1138.00 | 1239.10 |
Rex Pipes And Cables Ltd REXPIPES_SM | -8.15% | 69.35 | 75.50 |
United Drilling Tools Ltd UNIDT | -8.14% | 243.80 | 265.40 |
General Ins Corp Of India GICRE | -8.14% | 377.95 | 411.45 |
SKF India Limited SKFINDIA Trades in Other Industrial Goods | -8.13% | 3715.20 | 4043.85 |
Bayer Cropscience Limited BAYERCROP Trades in Agrochemicals | -8.13% | 4700.10 | 5115.90 |
Icicipramc - Bharatiwin ICICIB22 Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -8.13% | 96.27 | 104.79 |
Raj Tv Network Ltd RAJTV_BE | -8.12% | 82.56 | 89.86 |
Miraeamc - Midsmall MIDSMALL | -8.12% | 42.57 | 46.33 |
Navneet Education Limited NAVNETEDUL Trades in Publishing | -8.1% | 129.03 | 140.41 |
Aether Industries Limited AETHER | -8.1% | 761.95 | 829.15 |
Radhika Jeweltech Limited RADHIKAJWE | -8.09% | 96.56 | 105.06 |
Inspire Films Limited INSPIRE_SM | -8.05% | 24.00 | 26.10 |
Ami Organics Limited AMIORG | -8.05% | 2193.40 | 2385.30 |
Suraksha Diagnostic Ltd SURAKSHA | -8.03% | 284.70 | 309.55 |
SMS Pharmaceuticals Limited SMSPHARMA Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -8.02% | 185.64 | 201.83 |
Anupam Rasayan India Ltd ANURAS | -8.01% | 636.80 | 692.25 |
Kriti Industries Ind Ltd KRITI | -7.99% | 109.73 | 119.26 |
Niftyms400 Mq 100 NIFTYMS400_MQ_100 | -7.99% | 42504.45 | 46196.95 |
Steel Strips Wheels Limited SSWL Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -7.98% | 177.92 | 193.35 |
Ambika Cotton Mills Limited AMBIKCO Trades in Textiles | -7.98% | 1400.70 | 1522.25 |
Bhageria Industries Ltd BHAGERIA Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -7.97% | 163.09 | 177.21 |
Tega Industries Limited TEGA | -7.96% | 1392.80 | 1513.20 |
Supreme Petrochem Limited SPLPETRO | -7.94% | 563.85 | 612.50 |
Sundaram Finance Hold Ltd SUNDARMHLD Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -7.93% | 265.90 | 288.80 |
Dr. Lal Path Labs Ltd. LALPATHLAB | -7.92% | 2627.15 | 2853.05 |
Rubfila International Ltd RUBFILA | -7.91% | 71.58 | 77.73 |
Alpa Laboratories Limited ALPA Trades in Biotechnology | -7.89% | 107.37 | 116.57 |
Afcons Infrastructure Ltd AFCONS | -7.89% | 435.15 | 472.40 |
Krishana Phoschem Limited KRISHANA | -7.88% | 186.71 | 202.69 |
Pondy Oxides & Chem Ltd POCL | -7.87% | 634.30 | 688.45 |
Greenply Industries Limited GREENPLY Trades in Forest Products | -7.87% | 258.10 | 280.15 |
Nifty M150 Qlty50 NIFTY_M150_QLTY50 | -7.87% | 21272.95 | 23091.00 |
Edelamc - Emultimq EMULTIMQ | -7.87% | 37.46 | 40.66 |
Aditya Vision Limited AVL | -7.85% | 389.05 | 422.20 |
Tasty Bite Eatables Ltd TASTYBITE | -7.84% | 8701.85 | 9442.25 |
Engineers India Limited ENGINERSIN Trades in Consulting Services | -7.83% | 157.65 | 171.05 |
Aarti Industries Limited AARTIIND Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -7.83% | 409.90 | 444.70 |
Raj Oil Mills Limited ROML | -7.77% | 46.65 | 50.58 |
Narmada Agrobase Limited NARMADA_BE | -7.77% | 18.52 | 20.08 |
Signatureglobal India Ltd SIGNATURE | -7.76% | 1113.00 | 1206.60 |
Megastar Foods Limited MEGASTAR | -7.76% | 230.48 | 249.88 |
Tunwal E-motors Limited TUNWAL_SM | -7.75% | 39.30 | 42.60 |
Epigral Limited EPIGRAL | -7.75% | 1703.35 | 1846.40 |
IOL Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Limited IOLCP Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -7.74% | 332.10 | 359.95 |
Utiamc - Nifmid150 NIFMID150 | -7.74% | 185.04 | 200.56 |
Bodal Chemicals Limited BODALCHEM Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -7.73% | 57.76 | 62.60 |
Supreme Industries Limited SUPREMEIND Trades in Plastic Products | -7.72% | 3662.60 | 3968.80 |
Nifty Sml250 Q50 NIFTY_SML250_Q50 | -7.7% | 23524.60 | 25485.75 |
Zensar Technologies Limited ZENSARTECH Trades in IT Consulting & Software | -7.7% | 803.00 | 870.00 |
Womancart Limited WOMANCART_ST | -7.7% | 336.95 | 365.05 |
Titan Company Limited TITAN Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -7.69% | 3221.85 | 3490.25 |
Zim Laboratories Limited ZIMLAB | -7.68% | 95.63 | 103.58 |
Strides Arcolab Limited STAR Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -7.66% | 633.00 | 685.50 |
Rbz Jewellers Limited RBZJEWEL | -7.64% | 169.47 | 183.49 |
The South Indian Bank Limited SOUTHBANK Trades in Banks | -7.61% | 23.91 | 25.88 |
Equippp Soc Imp Tech Ltd EQUIPPP_BE | -7.6% | 22.50 | 24.35 |
Hdfcamc - Hdfcmid150 HDFCMID150 | -7.6% | 18.48 | 20.00 |
Pentagon Rubber Limited PENTAGON_SM | -7.57% | 64.10 | 69.35 |
Chavda Infra Limited CHAVDA_SM | -7.56% | 150.50 | 162.80 |
Asian Hotels (East) Limited AHLEAST Trades in Hotels | -7.56% | 128.53 | 139.04 |
Nacl Industries Limited NACLIND | -7.55% | 65.19 | 70.51 |
Nifty200 Alpha 30 NIFTY200_ALPHA_30 | -7.54% | 21631.05 | 23395.40 |
Wonder Electricals Ltd WEL | -7.53% | 165.23 | 178.68 |
Vishwas Agri Seeds Ltd VISHWAS_SM | -7.52% | 67.65 | 73.15 |
Zerodhaamc - Mid150case MID150CASE | -7.52% | 9.10 | 9.84 |
Dspamc - Dspq50etf MIDQ50ADD | -7.52% | 217.26 | 234.93 |
The Hi-tech Gears Limited HITECHGEAR_BE | -7.48% | 643.00 | 694.95 |
AIA Engineering Limited AIAENG Trades in Other Industrial Goods | -7.47% | 3405.55 | 3680.60 |
Jubilant Ingrevia Limited JUBLINGREA | -7.46% | 644.80 | 696.75 |
Art Nirman Limited ARTNIRMAN_BE | -7.46% | 46.55 | 50.30 |
Felix Industries Ltd. FELIX_ST | -7.45% | 153.35 | 165.70 |
One 97 Communications Ltd PAYTM | -7.44% | 718.05 | 775.75 |
Emkay Tap & Cut. Tool Ltd EMKAYTOOLS_SM | -7.44% | 400.00 | 432.15 |
Nifty Fmcg NIFTY_FMCG | -7.43% | 52480.50 | 56691.95 |
Nifty Midcap 150 NIFTY_MIDCAP_150 | -7.43% | 18375.85 | 19850.95 |
Sunflag Iron And Steel Co SUNFLAG_BE | -7.4% | 217.61 | 235.00 |
Indian Oil Corporation Limited IOC Trades in Oil Marketing & Distribution | -7.39% | 119.00 | 128.49 |
Nip Ind Etf Midcap 150 MID150BEES | -7.39% | 189.27 | 204.38 |
IL&FS Investment Managers Limited IVC Trades in Asset Management Cos. | -7.38% | 9.54 | 10.30 |
Sanghi Industries Limited SANGHIIND Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -7.37% | 54.33 | 58.65 |
GAIL (India) Limited GAIL Trades in Utilities:Non-Elec. | -7.37% | 164.07 | 177.12 |
Nifty Midcap 100 NIFTY_MIDCAP_100 Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -7.37% | 49751.45 | 53712.20 |
Vardhman Textiles Limited VTL Trades in Textiles | -7.36% | 423.15 | 456.75 |
The Ramco Cements Limited RAMCOCEM Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -7.34% | 850.20 | 917.50 |
Indian Terrain Fashions Limited INDTERRAIN Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories | -7.34% | 38.65 | 41.71 |
Nandan Denim Limited NDL Trades in Textiles | -7.33% | 3.92 | 4.23 |
Thirumalai Chemicals Limited TIRUMALCHM Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -7.3% | 221.04 | 238.45 |
D P Wires Limited DPWIRES | -7.29% | 262.75 | 283.40 |
Miraeamc - Alphaetf ALPHAETF | -7.29% | 21.75 | 23.46 |
TTK Healthcare Limited TTKHLTCARE Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -7.27% | 1197.75 | 1291.60 |
Il&fs Eng And Cons Co Ltd ILnFSENGG_BZ | -7.27% | 36.49 | 39.35 |
Shree Ram Proteins Ltd. SRPL_BZ | -7.27% | 1.02 | 1.10 |
Icicipramc - Icicim150 MIDCAPIETF | -7.27% | 18.89 | 20.37 |
Miraeamc - Mam150etf MIDCAPETF | -7.26% | 18.66 | 20.12 |
Motilal Os Midcap100 Etf MOM100 | -7.26% | 53.39 | 57.57 |
Ramco Industries Limited RAMCOIND Trades in Construction Materials | -7.25% | 231.36 | 249.45 |
Niva Bupa Health Ins Co L NIVABUPA | -7.23% | 75.27 | 81.14 |
Valiant Organics Limited VALIANTORG | -7.22% | 264.15 | 284.70 |
Vadilal Industries Limited VADILALIND Trades in Packaged Foods | -7.22% | 3543.75 | 3819.40 |
Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Limited MHRIL Trades in Hotels | -7.22% | 314.95 | 339.45 |
Party Cruisers Limited PARTYCRUS_SM | -7.19% | 105.80 | 114.00 |
Lt Foods Limited LTFOODS | -7.19% | 362.05 | 390.10 |
Kotak Psu Bank PSUBANK | -7.17% | 584.54 | 629.69 |
Kotakmamc - Kotakmid50 MIDCAP | -7.16% | 141.36 | 152.26 |
Maha Rashtra Apx MAHAPEXLTD Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) | -7.15% | 124.06 | 133.61 |
Fut Lifestyle Fash Ltd FLFL_BZ | -7.14% | 1.82 | 1.96 |
Lead Rec And Rub Prod Ltd LRRPL_ST | -7.14% | 65.00 | 70.00 |
Miraeamc - Bankpsu BANKPSU | -7.13% | 58.72 | 63.23 |
Transport Corporation of India Limited TCI Trades in Surface Transportation | -7.12% | 986.75 | 1062.40 |
8.20 Ncd05mar27 Fv 1000 82HUDCO27_N2 | -7.12% | 1040.28 | 1120.00 |
Nifty Multi Infra NIFTY_MULTI_INFRA | -7.1% | 12141.35 | 13068.95 |
Hdfcamc Hdfcpsubk HDFCPSUBK | -7.1% | 58.91 | 63.41 |
S.A.L. Steel Limited SALSTEEL Trades in Iron & Steel | -7.09% | 18.87 | 20.31 |
Niftym150momntm50 NIFTYM150MOMNTM50 | -7.09% | 53095.15 | 57144.40 |
Tvs Supply Chain Sol L TVSSCS | -7.08% | 132.61 | 142.71 |
Reliance Home Finance Ltd RHFL_BE | -7.06% | 3.16 | 3.40 |
Nifty Psu Bank NIFTY_PSU_BANK | -7.04% | 5872.60 | 6317.30 |
Gacm Technologies Limited GATECH_BE | -7.04% | 0.66 | 0.71 |
Mastek Limited MASTEK Trades in IT Software Products | -7.03% | 2411.05 | 2593.30 |
Go Fashion India Ltd GOCOLORS | -7.03% | 830.00 | 892.75 |
Vipul Limited VIPULLTD_BE | -7.03% | 14.82 | 15.94 |
Nifty Ms It Telcm NIFTY_MS_IT_TELCM | -7.01% | 9552.35 | 10272.60 |
Hindustan Unilever Limited HINDUNILVR Trades in Personal Products | -7% | 2296.00 | 2468.80 |
Csl Finance Limited CSLFINANCE | -6.99% | 247.55 | 266.15 |
Indian Card INDIANCARD_BE | -6.99% | 270.25 | 290.55 |
Upsurge Seeds Of Agri Ltd USASEEDS_SM | -6.97% | 186.05 | 200.00 |
Entero Healthcare Solu L ENTERO | -6.96% | 1254.85 | 1348.75 |
Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited TORNTPHARM Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -6.95% | 3041.80 | 3269.10 |
ICICI Pru Life ICICIPRULI | -6.95% | 573.20 | 616.00 |
Prakash Industries Limited PRAKASH Trades in Iron & Steel | -6.94% | 145.97 | 156.86 |
Icicipramc - Psubankici PSUBNKIETF | -6.94% | 59.29 | 63.71 |
Coforge Limited COFORGE | -6.92% | 7692.25 | 8263.85 |
Sumitomo Chem India Ltd SUMICHEM | -6.91% | 476.35 | 511.70 |
Veedol Corporation Ltd VEEDOL | -6.87% | 1418.80 | 1523.45 |
Bajaj Housing Finance Ltd BAJAJHFL | -6.87% | 108.41 | 116.41 |
Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited ZEEL Trades in Broadcasting & Cable TV | -6.87% | 98.34 | 105.59 |
TPL PLASTECH LTD. INR10 TPLPLASTEH Trades in Fibres & Plastics | -6.86% | 82.27 | 88.33 |
NCL Industries Limited NCLIND Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -6.85% | 188.82 | 202.70 |
Jindal Saw Limited JINDALSAW Trades in Construction & Engineering | -6.84% | 232.95 | 250.05 |
Caplin Point Laboratories Limited CAPLIPOINT Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -6.84% | 1932.55 | 2074.35 |
Tata Power Company Limited TATAPOWER Trades in Electric Utilities | -6.83% | 339.60 | 364.50 |
Gtpl Hathway Limited GTPL | -6.81% | 106.75 | 114.55 |
Nifty Media NIFTY_MEDIA | -6.81% | 1472.65 | 1580.25 |
Mas Financial Serv Ltd MASFIN | -6.76% | 236.65 | 253.80 |
Granules India Limited GRANULES Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -6.76% | 518.75 | 556.35 |
Cummins India Limited CUMMINSIND Trades in Industrial Machinery | -6.76% | 2717.00 | 2914.05 |
Senores Pharmaceuticals L SENORES | -6.75% | 512.75 | 549.85 |
Avanti Feeds Limited AVANTIFEED Trades in Other Food Products | -6.75% | 660.10 | 707.85 |
Jindal Drilling And Industries Limited JINDRILL Trades in Exploration & Production | -6.74% | 846.55 | 907.75 |
Yasho Industries Limited YASHO | -6.74% | 1780.60 | 1909.25 |
Alkem Laboratories Ltd. ALKEM | -6.73% | 4722.15 | 5063.05 |
MRO-TEK Limited MRO-TEK Trades in Telecom Equipment | -6.72% | 74.01 | 79.34 |
Biocon Limited BIOCON Trades in Biotechnology | -6.72% | 338.20 | 362.55 |
Nifty500 Lms Eql NIFTY500_LMS_EQL | -6.71% | 15391.00 | 16498.05 |
Ask Automotive Limited ASKAUTOLTD | -6.68% | 420.35 | 450.45 |
Mahindra & Mahindra Limited MnM Trades in Cars & Utility Vehicles | -6.68% | 2790.05 | 2989.85 |
Indian Bank INDIANB Trades in Banks | -6.66% | 518.75 | 555.75 |
Nifty Mid Select NIFTY_MID_SELECT | -6.66% | 11136.65 | 11930.85 |
Cubextubings-rollsett CUBEXTUB_BE | -6.66% | 98.19 | 105.20 |
Paisalo Digital Limited PAISALO | -6.65% | 40.43 | 43.31 |
Genus Paper & Boards Limited GENUSPAPER Trades in Paper & Paper Products | -6.65% | 18.25 | 19.55 |
Newgen Software Tech Ltd NEWGEN | -6.64% | 978.60 | 1048.15 |
Marico Limited MARICO Trades in Personal Products | -6.64% | 626.15 | 670.65 |
Ganesh Benzoplast Limited GANESHBE | -6.62% | 116.03 | 124.26 |
Restaurant Brand Asia Ltd RBA | -6.61% | 67.83 | 72.63 |
Vinati Organics Limited VINATIORGA Trades in Specialty Chemicals | -6.6% | 1563.25 | 1673.65 |
JK Cement Limited JKCEMENT Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -6.56% | 4517.45 | 4834.85 |
Icicipramc - Icicifmcg FMCGIETF | -6.56% | 55.52 | 59.42 |
Unichem Laboratories Limited UNICHEMLAB Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -6.55% | 660.40 | 706.70 |
Nesco Limited NESCO Trades in Misc.Commercial Services | -6.55% | 899.00 | 962.05 |
Nifty Capital Mkt NIFTY_CAPITAL_MKT | -6.55% | 3213.95 | 3439.10 |
Dixon Techno (india) Ltd DIXON | -6.53% | 14006.70 | 14985.95 |
Dspamc - Dsppsbketf PSUBANKADD | -6.53% | 59.02 | 63.14 |
Cigniti Technologies Limited CIGNITITEC Trades in IT Consulting & Software | -6.52% | 1384.55 | 1481.15 |
Apcotex Industries Limited APCOTEXIND Trades in Other Industrial Goods | -6.52% | 319.85 | 342.15 |
Nifty100 Alpha 30 NIFTY100_ALPHA_30 | -6.52% | 15997.15 | 17112.95 |
Shree Vasu Logistics Ltd SVLL_BE | -6.52% | 392.85 | 420.25 |
Unihealth Consultancy Ltd UNIHEALTH_SM | -6.51% | 132.75 | 142.00 |
Laurus Labs Limited LAURUSLABS | -6.51% | 546.00 | 584.05 |
M K Proteins Limited MKPL | -6.5% | 6.91 | 7.39 |
Nifty500 Shariah NIFTY500_SHARIAH | -6.5% | 6602.60 | 7061.55 |
Sbiamc - Sbietfqlty SBIETFQLTY | -6.5% | 204.60 | 218.83 |
Icici Lombard Gic Limited ICICIGI | -6.46% | 1738.40 | 1858.50 |
Ram Ratna Wires Limited RAMRAT | -6.45% | 499.00 | 533.40 |
Hisar Metal Ind. Limited HISARMETAL | -6.43% | 189.46 | 202.49 |
Nifty200 Qualty30 NIFTY200_QUALTY30 | -6.43% | 19158.50 | 20475.05 |
Radiant Cash Mgmt Ser Ltd RADIANTCMS | -6.41% | 62.62 | 66.91 |
Growwamc - Growwev GROWWEV | -6.41% | 26.88 | 28.72 |
Poonawalla Fincorp Ltd POONAWALLA | -6.38% | 290.60 | 310.40 |
Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited APOLLOHOSP Trades in Healthcare Facilities | -6.37% | 6376.85 | 6810.50 |
Sun TV Network Limited SUNTV Trades in Broadcasting & Cable TV | -6.36% | 579.50 | 618.85 |
Nifty Midcap 50 NIFTY_MIDCAP_50 | -6.36% | 13996.75 | 14948.10 |
Aartech Solonics Limited AARTECH_BE | -6.36% | 64.77 | 69.17 |
Enfuse Solutions Limited ENFUSE_ST | -6.36% | 234.95 | 250.90 |
Edelamc - Ecapinsure ECAPINSURE | -6.36% | 18.11 | 19.34 |
Dalmia Bharat Sugar and Industries Limited DALMIASUG Trades in Sugar | -6.35% | 327.50 | 349.70 |
Home First Fin Co Ind Ltd HOMEFIRST | -6.34% | 932.80 | 995.95 |
ACC Limited ACC Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -6.34% | 1880.40 | 2007.65 |
Ravinder Heights Limited RVHL_BE | -6.33% | 52.71 | 56.27 |
Baid Finserv Limited BAIDFIN | -6.32% | 11.26 | 12.02 |
Oswal Agro Mills OSWALAGRO Trades in Investment Companies | -6.29% | 62.72 | 66.93 |
Control Print Limited CONTROLPR Trades in Containers & Packaging | -6.29% | 630.70 | 673.00 |
Avadh Sug & Energy Ltd AVADHSUGAR | -6.29% | 416.70 | 444.65 |
Sanofi India Limited SANOFI Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -6.25% | 5179.75 | 5525.15 |
Cupid CUPID Trades in Personal Products | -6.25% | 67.09 | 71.56 |
United Spirits Limited UNITDSPR | -6.25% | 1335.00 | 1424.00 |
Orient Electric Limited ORIENTELEC Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -6.22% | 205.99 | 219.65 |
Metro Brands Limited METROBRAND | -6.22% | 1111.20 | 1184.85 |
Nilkamal Limited NILKAMAL Trades in Plastic Products | -6.2% | 1612.75 | 1719.30 |
SYNGENE INTERNATIO INR10 SYNGENE | -6.19% | 700.40 | 746.65 |
Allied Digital Services Limited ADSL Trades in IT Consulting & Software | -6.19% | 217.75 | 232.12 |
South West Pinnacle Ltd SOUTHWEST | -6.18% | 120.49 | 128.42 |
Vishal Mega Mart Limited VMM | -6.17% | 101.29 | 107.95 |
Birlaslamc - Niftyqlity NIFTYQLITY | -6.13% | 19.75 | 21.04 |
Bajaj Electricals Limited BAJAJELEC Trades in Household Appliances | -6.12% | 657.70 | 700.60 |
Aarti Drugs Limited AARTIDRUGS Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -6.12% | 380.60 | 405.40 |
Bosch Limited BOSCHLTD Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -6.1% | 26977.60 | 28729.15 |
Lexus Granito (india) Ltd LEXUS | -6.09% | 38.06 | 40.53 |
Gmr Pow And Urban Infra L GMRPnUI | -6.09% | 100.07 | 106.56 |
State Bank of India SBIN Trades in Banks | -6.09% | 725.80 | 772.90 |
Sagility India Limited SAGILITY_BE | -6.09% | 46.59 | 49.61 |
Adit Birl Sun Lif Amc Ltd ABSLAMC | -6.08% | 641.60 | 683.10 |
Nifty Consr Durbl NIFTY_CONSR_DURBL | -6.07% | 35309.30 | 37591.10 |
Zuari Agro Chemicals Limited ZUARI Trades in Fertilizers | -6.06% | 187.84 | 199.95 |
Nifty Ms Fin Serv NIFTY_MS_FIN_SERV | -6.05% | 14249.25 | 15166.95 |
Bombay Metrics S C Ltd BMETRICS_SM | -6.03% | 54.50 | 58.00 |
Solara Active Pha Sci Ltd SOLARA | -5.98% | 481.85 | 512.50 |
Icicipramc - Iciciqty30 QUAL30IETF | -5.98% | 19.64 | 20.89 |
Nifty200 Value 30 NIFTY200_VALUE_30 | -5.96% | 11306.00 | 12022.55 |
Sec Re Ncd 10.25% Sr Xii 1025SCL34_Z8 | -5.96% | 931.00 | 990.00 |
Miraeamc - Evindia EVINDIA | -5.96% | 26.96 | 28.67 |
Motilalamc - Moquality MOQUALITY | -5.95% | 172.39 | 183.30 |
Forge Auto Internation L FORGEAUTO_SM | -5.94% | 90.30 | 96.00 |
Cello World Limited CELLO | -5.94% | 614.10 | 652.90 |
NIFTY JR BENCHMARK ETF JUNIORBEES | -5.91% | 636.88 | 676.91 |
Nifty Ev NIFTY_EV | -5.89% | 2694.90 | 2863.60 |
Idfc First Bank Limited IDFCFIRSTB | -5.88% | 59.52 | 63.24 |
Deem Roll Tech Limited DEEM_SM | -5.88% | 68.05 | 72.30 |
Nifty Div Opps 50 NIFTY_DIV_OPPS_50 | -5.88% | 5786.45 | 6148.15 |
Motilalamc - Momentum50 MOMENTUM50 | -5.85% | 46.71 | 49.61 |
Aries Agro Ltd. ARIES_BE | -5.84% | 253.00 | 268.70 |
Nifty Aql 30 NIFTY_AQL_30 | -5.83% | 20667.10 | 21946.95 |
Nifty Next 50 NIFTY_NEXT_50 | -5.83% | 59449.40 | 63127.35 |
Tata Consultancy Services Limited TCS Trades in IT Consulting & Software | -5.82% | 3873.20 | 4112.40 |
Nifty Oil And Gas NIFTY_OIL_AND_GAS | -5.82% | 9972.05 | 10588.10 |
Beml Land Assets Limited BLAL | -5.81% | 196.32 | 208.44 |
Nifty500 Value 50 NIFTY500_VALUE_50 | -5.8% | 12417.25 | 13182.25 |
Nifty Mnc NIFTY_MNC | -5.8% | 25871.50 | 27463.40 |
Diligent Media Corp Ltd. DNAMEDIA | -5.79% | 5.21 | 5.53 |
Zydus Lifesciences Ltd ZYDUSLIFE | -5.79% | 914.05 | 970.25 |
Gmm Pfaudler Limited GMMPFAUDLR Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -5.77% | 1121.05 | 1189.75 |
Apollo Tyres Limited APOLLOTYRE Trades in Auto Tyres & Rubber Products | -5.76% | 412.10 | 437.30 |
Nifty500 Multicap NIFTY500_MULTICAP | -5.76% | 14122.40 | 14984.85 |
United Breweries Limited UBL Trades in Breweries & Distilleries | -5.74% | 2022.80 | 2146.00 |
Arvind Limited ARVIND Trades in Textiles | -5.74% | 318.55 | 337.95 |
Nifty500momentm50 NIFTY500MOMENTM50 | -5.74% | 46879.25 | 49736.60 |
Icicipramc - Icicinxt50 NEXT50IETF | -5.74% | 62.10 | 65.88 |
Nifty Tata 25 Cap NIFTY_TATA_25_CAP | -5.73% | 14780.50 | 15678.45 |
Miraeamc - Multicap MULTICAP | -5.73% | 14.15 | 15.01 |
Nuvama Wealth Manage Ltd NUVAMA | -5.72% | 5275.30 | 5595.25 |
Indian Energy Exc Ltd IEX | -5.71% | 164.63 | 174.60 |
Mahanagar Gas MGL | -5.69% | 1301.40 | 1379.85 |
Alkyl Amines Chemicals Limited ALKYLAMINE Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -5.69% | 1603.00 | 1699.75 |
Mangal Credit N Fincorp L MANCREDIT | -5.68% | 159.67 | 169.29 |
Globale Tessile Limited GLOBALE_BE | -5.67% | 22.61 | 23.97 |
Kpit Technologies Limited KPITTECH | -5.66% | 1329.45 | 1409.20 |
Fortis Healthcare Limited FORTIS Trades in Healthcare Facilities | -5.66% | 603.95 | 640.20 |
Angel One Limited ANGELONE | -5.66% | 2213.40 | 2346.10 |
Gvp Infotech Limited GVPTECH | -5.65% | 9.86 | 10.45 |
Alldigi Tech Limited ALLDIGI | -5.65% | 904.50 | 958.70 |
Birlaslamc - Abslnn50et ABSLNN50ET | -5.65% | 61.76 | 65.46 |
Icicipramc - Val30ietf VAL30IETF | -5.63% | 11.39 | 12.07 |
Kotakmamc - Kotakmnc MNC | -5.62% | 26.39 | 27.96 |
Panacea Biotec Limited PANACEABIO Trades in Biotechnology | -5.61% | 322.45 | 341.60 |
The Indian Hotels Company Limited INDHOTEL Trades in Hotels | -5.59% | 721.95 | 764.70 |
Osia Hyper Retail Limited OSIAHYPER_BE | -5.59% | 25.66 | 27.18 |
Goldstar Power Limited GOLDSTAR_SM | -5.58% | 10.15 | 10.75 |
Axita Cotton Limited AXITA | -5.58% | 10.33 | 10.94 |
Nip Ind Etf Div Opp DIVOPPBEES | -5.57% | 74.65 | 79.05 |
Shrenik Limited SHRENIK | -5.56% | 0.68 | 0.72 |
Zenith Steel Pip Ind Ltd ZENITHSTL | -5.56% | 6.46 | 6.84 |
Miraeamc - Manxt50 NEXT50 | -5.56% | 607.28 | 643.02 |
Adani Power Limited ADANIPOWER Trades in Electric Utilities | -5.54% | 484.75 | 513.20 |
Godrej Industries Limited GODREJIND Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -5.51% | 841.50 | 890.55 |
Nifty Ms Ind Cons NIFTY_MS_IND_CONS | -5.51% | 17502.85 | 18524.45 |
Coromandel International Limited COROMANDEL Trades in Fertilizers | -5.5% | 1710.05 | 1809.55 |
Krn Heat Exchange N Ref L KRN | -5.49% | 750.60 | 794.20 |
Miraeamc - Mamfgetf MAKEINDIA | -5.48% | 127.38 | 134.77 |
SBI-ETF NIFTY NEXT 50 SETFNN50 | -5.47% | 629.19 | 665.58 |
Utiamc - Utinext50 UTINEXT50 | -5.47% | 63.39 | 67.06 |
Godrej Agrovet Limited GODREJAGRO | -5.45% | 690.10 | 729.90 |
Career Point Limited CAREERP Trades in Education | -5.41% | 323.20 | 341.70 |
Anya Polytech & Ferti Ltd ANYA_SM | -5.41% | 21.00 | 22.20 |
CEAT Limited CEATLTD Trades in Auto Tyres & Rubber Products | -5.4% | 2702.45 | 2856.65 |
Capital Small Fin Bank L CAPITALSFB | -5.39% | 285.20 | 301.45 |
VA Tech Wabag Limited WABAG Trades in Utilities:Non-Elec. | -5.37% | 1298.60 | 1372.35 |
Healthcare Glob. Ent. Ltd HCG | -5.36% | 484.35 | 511.80 |
Aegis Logistics Limited AEGISLOG | -5.36% | 662.90 | 700.45 |
Indegene Limited INDGN | -5.35% | 567.60 | 599.70 |
Bhartiya Inetrnational Lt BIL_BE | -5.35% | 601.95 | 636.00 |
BASF India Limited BASF Trades in Specialty Chemicals | -5.33% | 4368.60 | 4614.55 |
Nifty India Mfg NIFTY_INDIA_MFG | -5.3% | 12600.85 | 13305.50 |
Borosil Renewables Ltd BORORENEW_BE | -5.28% | 500.40 | 528.30 |
Shyam Metalics And Engy L SHYAMMETL | -5.27% | 723.20 | 763.40 |
Chembond Chemicals Ltd CHEMBOND | -5.27% | 547.15 | 577.60 |
Icicipramc - Oilietf OILIETF | -5.27% | 10.07 | 10.63 |
Vedanta Limited VEDL Trades in Iron & Steel | -5.26% | 418.20 | 441.40 |
Dilip Buildcon DBL | -5.23% | 411.85 | 434.60 |
Nifty Aqlv 30 NIFTY_AQLV_30 | -5.23% | 18918.30 | 19961.40 |
Niit Learning Systems Ltd NIITMTS | -5.22% | 446.80 | 471.40 |
Oil India Limited OIL Trades in Exploration & Production | -5.21% | 398.55 | 420.45 |
Chemcon Special Chem Ltd CHEMCON | -5.21% | 204.47 | 215.70 |
Nifty New Consump NIFTY_NEW_CONSUMP | -5.18% | 10341.85 | 10906.30 |
Nifty Largemid250 NIFTY_LARGEMID250 | -5.18% | 14311.10 | 15092.30 |
Regencyceramics-ltd REGENCERAM_BE | -5.17% | 52.23 | 55.08 |
Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited MCX Trades in Other Financial Services | -5.14% | 5438.40 | 5732.95 |
Icicipramc - Iciciinfra INFRAIETF | -5.14% | 81.64 | 86.06 |
Nifty Corehousing NIFTY_COREHOUSING | -5.13% | 14461.80 | 15243.70 |
PG Electroplast Limited PGEL Trades in Consumer Electronics | -5.11% | 742.50 | 782.50 |
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited GLENMARK Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -5.09% | 1379.30 | 1453.20 |
Premier Energies Limited PREMIERENE | -5.08% | 979.65 | 1032.05 |
Ambuja Cements Limited AMBUJACEM Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -5.08% | 486.75 | 512.80 |
Nifty50 Pr 2x Lev NIFTY50_PR_2X_LEV | -5.08% | 12030.15 | 12674.20 |
Thejo Engg. THEJO | -5.06% | 1673.60 | 1762.75 |
Indo Farm Equipment Ltd INDOFARM | -5.05% | 188.13 | 198.14 |
Tbo Tek Limited TBOTEK | -5.04% | 1479.55 | 1558.10 |
Credit Analysis And Research Limited CARERATING Trades in Other Financial Services | -5.03% | 1175.00 | 1237.20 |
312 top losers stocks found which lost 2% or more in Monthly session!
72 top losers stocks found which lost 1% or more in Monthly session!
Company | Gain Percent | Current price | Prev Price |
Greenlam Industries Limited GREENLAM Trades in Furniture-Furnishing-Paints | -1.99% | 541.60 | 552.60 |
Axisamc - Axsensex AXSENSEX | -1.99% | 77.51 | 79.08 |
Psp Projects Limited PSPPROJECT | -1.95% | 621.15 | 633.50 |
Hdfcamc - Hdfcsensex HDFCSENSEX | -1.94% | 84.75 | 86.43 |
Aavas Financiers Limited AAVAS | -1.9% | 1680.20 | 1712.80 |
Kesoram Industries Limited KESORAMIND Trades in Diversified | -1.88% | 216.13 | 220.26 |
Affle (india) Limited AFFLE | -1.88% | 1479.55 | 1507.95 |
Future Enterprises Ltd FELDVR_BE | -1.88% | 4.70 | 4.79 |
Powergrid Infra. Invits PGINVIT_IV | -1.87% | 80.13 | 81.66 |
Nifty Top 15 Ew NIFTY_TOP_15_EW | -1.86% | 9576.65 | 9758.10 |
Supreme Infra. Ltd SUPREMEINF_BZ | -1.86% | 97.16 | 99.00 |
Icicipramc-icicifin FINIETF | -1.84% | 25.09 | 25.56 |
Mittal Life Style Limited MITTAL Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -1.83% | 2.15 | 2.19 |
Grasim Industries Limited GRASIM Trades in Textiles | -1.82% | 2463.20 | 2508.85 |
Aadhar Housing Finance L AADHARHFC | -1.78% | 391.40 | 398.50 |
Le Merite Exports Limited LEMERITE_ST | -1.78% | 304.05 | 309.55 |
Icicipramc - Metalietf METALIETF | -1.78% | 8.27 | 8.42 |
Icici Prud Sensex Etf SENSEXIETF | -1.75% | 859.14 | 874.46 |
Nifty Finserexbnk NIFTY_FINSEREXBNK | -1.74% | 24764.30 | 25201.60 |
Nifty Metal NIFTY_METAL | -1.72% | 8255.60 | 8399.70 |
Gsm Foils Limited GSMFOILS_ST | -1.71% | 126.25 | 128.45 |
V-Mart Retail Limited VMART Trades in Department Stores | -1.68% | 3156.35 | 3210.20 |
Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited GNFC Trades in Fertilizers | -1.66% | 545.25 | 554.45 |
Sagardeep Alloys SAGARDEEP | -1.65% | 32.09 | 32.63 |
Ruchira Papers Limited RUCHIRA Trades in Paper & Paper Products | -1.64% | 117.15 | 119.10 |
Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Limited DRREDDY Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -1.64% | 1197.40 | 1217.35 |
Kridhan Infra Limited KRIDHANINF_BE | -1.61% | 4.29 | 4.36 |
UltraTech Cement Limited ULTRACEMCO Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -1.55% | 11308.90 | 11487.45 |
Miraeamc - Metal METAL | -1.55% | 8.28 | 8.41 |
Jubilant Foodworks Limited JUBLFOOD Trades in Restaurants | -1.54% | 693.05 | 703.90 |
Navin Fluorine International Limited NAVINFLUOR Trades in Commodity Chemicals | -1.53% | 4085.05 | 4148.70 |
Kirloskar Brothers Limited KIRLOSBROS Trades in Industrial Machinery | -1.53% | 1829.40 | 1857.85 |
Cholamandalam Fin Hol Ltd CHOLAHLDNG | -1.49% | 1496.20 | 1518.80 |
Sec Re Ncd 9.45% Sr.i 945IFSL25_N4 | -1.49% | 995.00 | 1010.00 |
Infosys Limited INFY Trades in IT Consulting & Software | -1.48% | 1851.95 | 1879.80 |
Styrenix Performance Ltd STYRENIX | -1.47% | 2442.90 | 2479.45 |
UTI MUTUAL FUND UTI- SENSEX ETF UTISENSETF | -1.47% | 826.88 | 839.22 |
Mangalam Drugs And Organics Limited MANGALAM Trades in Pharmaceuticals | -1.44% | 105.35 | 106.89 |
Serencd 8.70% Sr.vii Opii 87LTF27_NH | -1.42% | 1020.30 | 1034.99 |
Kaushalya Logistics Ltd KLL_SM | -1.4% | 87.75 | 89.00 |
Procter & Gamble Health L PGHL | -1.39% | 5307.85 | 5382.60 |
Narayana Hrudayalaya Ltd. NH | -1.39% | 1367.80 | 1387.15 |
Mohini Health&hygiene Ltd MHHL_ST | -1.38% | 60.70 | 61.55 |
Fiem Industries Limited FIEMIND Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -1.37% | 1380.10 | 1399.25 |
Prudent Corp Adv Ser Ltd PRUDENT | -1.34% | 2004.80 | 2032.00 |
Asahi India Glass Limited ASAHIINDIA Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment | -1.33% | 667.40 | 676.40 |
Banswara Syntex Limited BANSWRAS Trades in Textiles | -1.32% | 136.78 | 138.61 |
MOIL Limited MOIL Trades in Mining | -1.31% | 302.35 | 306.35 |
Unse Re Ncd 0% Sr.iii IIFLZC28_NG | -1.3% | 1330.00 | 1347.50 |
VRL Logistics Limited VRLLOG | -1.29% | 465.50 | 471.60 |
Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Limited ADANIPORTS Trades in Marine Port & Services | -1.29% | 1085.15 | 1099.35 |
Indian Hume Pipe Company Limited INDIANHUME Trades in Cement & Cement Products | -1.27% | 319.45 | 323.55 |
Miraeamc - Banketf BANKETF | -1.26% | 494.51 | 500.81 |
Dspamc - Dspsenxetf SENSEXADD | -1.24% | 77.09 | 78.06 |
India Grid Trust INDIGRID_IV | -1.23% | 140.94 | 142.69 |
Centrum Capital Limited CENTRUM Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST | -1.23% | 27.30 | 27.64 |
Emudhra Limited EMUDHRA | -1.21% | 688.25 | 696.70 |
Bharti Hexacom Limited BHARTIHEXA | -1.17% | 1339.10 | 1354.90 |
Freshara Agro Exports Ltd FRESHARA_ST | -1.17% | 155.95 | 157.80 |
Indus Infra Trust INDUSINVIT_IV | -1.15% | 111.95 | 113.25 |
Tokyo Plast International Limited TOKYOPLAST Trades in Plastic Products | -1.14% | 113.00 | 114.30 |
Birlaslamc - Abslbanetf ABSLBANETF | -1.13% | 49.72 | 50.29 |
Hdfcamc - Hdfcnifban HDFCNIFBAN | -1.11% | 49.99 | 50.55 |
Motilal Os Nasdaq100 Etf MON100 | -1.1% | 204.11 | 206.37 |
Laxmi Goldorna House Ltd LGHL_BE | -1.06% | 561.00 | 567.00 |
Goi Loan 5.74% 2026 574GS2026_GS | -1.06% | 98.74 | 99.80 |
Johnson Con. Hit JCHAC Trades in Consumer Electronics | -1.05% | 1633.15 | 1650.55 |
UFLEX Limited UFLEX Trades in Containers & Packaging | -1.03% | 470.90 | 475.80 |
Nifty Bank NIFTY_BANK | -1.01% | 49087.30 | 49587.20 |
Kitex Garments Ltd KITEX_BE | -1.01% | 190.25 | 192.20 |
Sec Re Ncd 8.42% Sr.v 842IIFL26_NL | -1.01% | 960.25 | 970.00 |
Innomet Advanced Materi L INNOMET_SM | -1% | 158.40 | 160.00 |
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