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1903 Top losers NSE top Losers for Today's session

These are Today's losers for NSE stock exchange, sorted by percentage lost.

5 top losers stocks found which lost 20% or more in Today's session!

Company Gain Percent Current price Prev Price
Suratwwala Bus Group Ltd SBGLP -20% 83.51 104.39
Macpower Cnc Machines Ltd MACPOWER Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST -20% 782.80 978.45
Dee Development Eng Ltd DEEDEV -20% 200.65 250.80
Best Agrolife Limited BESTAGRO -20% 331.70 414.60
Zen Technologies Limited ZENTEC Trades in IT Software Products -20% 1080.00 1350.00

28 top losers stocks found which lost 10% or more in Today's session!

Company Gain Percent Current price Prev Price
Pix Transmissions Limited PIXTRANS -19.91% 1451.45 1812.20
Magellanic Cloud Limited MCLOUD -19.43% 57.57 71.45
Somi Conv.Belt. SOMICONVEY Trades in Industrial Machinery -18.06% 135.89 165.84
Falcon Technoproj Ind Ltd FALCONTECH_SM -18.03% 31.15 38.00
Wonder Electricals Ltd WEL -15.45% 161.07 190.50
Mitcon Con Rs.2.50 Ppd Up MITCONPP_E1 -15.21% 37.79 44.57
Lokesh Machines Limited LOKESHMACH Trades in Industrial Machinery -14.96% 192.45 226.30
Manaksia Aluminium Company Limited MANAKALUCO -13.66% 21.56 24.97
W S Industries (I) Limited WSI Trades in Industrial Machinery -12.48% 73.30 83.75
Vimta Labs Limited VIMTALABS Trades in Healthcare Services -12.41% 979.95 1118.75
Rategain Travel Techn Ltd RATEGAIN -12.2% 539.90 614.90
Srivasavi Adhesive Tape L SRIVASAVI_SM -12.03% 68.00 77.30
La Opala RG Limited LAOPALA Trades in Houseware -11.92% 207.55 235.65
Centum Electronics Limited CENTUM Trades in Misc.Commercial Services -11.56% 1375.20 1554.95
Astec LifeSciences Limited ASTEC Trades in Agrochemicals -11.32% 750.65 846.50
Shah Alloys Limited SHAHALLOYS Trades in Iron & Steel -11.15% 50.27 56.58
Hindware Hme Inovaton Ltd HINDWAREAP -11.07% 194.90 219.16
Carysil Limited CARYSIL -10.82% 520.25 583.35
Beacon Trusteeship Ltd BEACON_SM -10.73% 79.45 89.00
Kfin Technologies Limited KFINTECH -10.72% 825.70 924.85
Marvel Decor Limited MDL_SM -10.28% 92.05 102.60
BSL Limited BSL Trades in Textiles -10.11% 156.59 174.21
Ganga Forging Limited GANGAFORGE -10.08% 5.35 5.95
Concord Enviro Systems L CEWATER -10.04% 469.90 522.35
Sat Kartar Shopping Ltd SATKARTAR_SM -10% 171.00 190.00
Revathi Equipment India L RVTH -10% 1549.05 1721.15
Orchid Pharma Limited ORCHPHARMA -10% 849.25 943.60
Australian Prem Solar I L APS_SM -10% 426.60 474.00

263 top losers stocks found which lost 5% or more in Today's session!

Company Gain Percent Current price Prev Price
Kody Technolab Limited KODYTECH_SM -9.72% 1008.75 1117.35
Sree Rayalaseema Hi-Strength Hypo Limited SRHHYPOLTD Trades in Commodity Chemicals -9.63% 539.40 596.85
Sar Televenture Limited SARTELE_SM -9.39% 232.65 256.75
Unsec Red Ncd 10.5% 105IIFL29_N7 -9.3% 907.00 1000.00
Laxmi Cotspin Limited LAXMICOT -9.04% 23.24 25.55
Senco Gold Limited SENCO -8.99% 325.45 357.60
Keynote Fin Serv Ltd. KEYFINSERV -8.95% 189.72 208.38
Ortin Global Limited ORTINGLOBE -8.91% 12.17 13.36
Ptc Industries Limited PTCIL -8.84% 11927.35 13083.35
Hindprakash Industry Ltd HPIL -8.83% 115.83 127.05
Xtglobal Infotech Limited XTGLOBAL -8.83% 31.82 34.90
Utkarsh Small Fin Bank L UTKARSHBNK -8.82% 25.63 28.11
JHS SVENDGAARD LAB INR10 JHS -8.73% 15.27 16.73
Jindal Poly Films Limited JINDALPOLY Trades in Commodity Chemicals -8.63% 712.10 779.35
We Win Limited WEWIN -8.6% 54.39 59.51
Sastasundar Ventures Ltd SASTASUNDR -8.4% 253.00 276.20
Khadim India Limited KHADIM -8.37% 273.70 298.70
Shivalik Bimetal Con. Ltd SBCL -8.33% 443.20 483.45
Globe Textiles (i) Ltd. GLOBE -8.21% 3.13 3.41
Geekay Wires Limited GEEKAYWIRE -8.21% 73.16 79.70
Banka Bioloo Limited BANKA Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST -8.21% 71.81 78.23
Mitcon Consult. MITCON -8.2% 80.19 87.35
Punjab Chemicals & Crop Protection Limited PUNJABCHEM Trades in Agrochemicals -8.19% 719.55 783.75
Electro Force (india) Ltd EFORCE_SM -8.04% 42.30 46.00
Karma Energy Limited KARMAENG Trades in Electric Utilities -8% 53.48 58.13
Mstc Limited MSTCLTD -7.95% 489.55 531.85
BLB Limited BLBLIMITED Trades in Other Financial Services -7.92% 16.50 17.92
Digispice Technologies Lt DIGISPICE -7.89% 22.17 24.07
Sanginita Chemicals Ltd SANGINITA -7.87% 11.59 12.58
Brooks Laboratories Limited BROOKS Trades in Pharmaceuticals -7.83% 123.87 134.40
Unimech Aerospace N Mfg L UNIMECH -7.75% 1055.10 1143.70
Madhusudan Masala Limited MADHUSUDAN_SM -7.73% 150.35 162.95
Sri Havisha Hosp & Infr L HAVISHA Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST -7.73% 1.91 2.07
Twamev Cons And Infra Ltd TICL -7.69% 47.80 51.78
Delta Magnets Limited DELTAMAGNT Trades in Other Elect.Equip. -7.62% 69.06 74.76
Cellecor Gadgets Limited CELLECOR_SM -7.6% 52.30 56.60
Onesource Specl Pharma L ONESOURCE -7.56% 1333.20 1442.30
The Sandesh Limited SANDESH Trades in Publishing -7.51% 1038.25 1122.55
Visaka Industries Limited VISAKAIND Trades in Cement & Cement Products -7.33% 73.45 79.26
S J Logistics (india) Ltd SJLOGISTIC_SM -7.33% 494.80 533.95
Paramatrix Technologies L PARAMATRIX_SM -7.3% 82.50 89.00
Coral India Fin. CORALFINAC Trades in Housing Finance -7.24% 38.70 41.72
Lasa Supergenerics Ltd LASA -7.22% 21.97 23.68
Vineet Laboratories Ltd VINEETLAB -7.18% 39.18 42.21
Mold-Tek Technol MOLDTECH Trades in BPO -7.17% 124.26 133.86
Sharp Chucks N Machines L SCML_SM -7.16% 92.00 99.10
Balaxi Ventures Limited BALAXI -7.13% 55.87 60.16
Ahlada Engineers Limited AHLADA -7.12% 72.19 77.72
Supreme Facility Mgmt Ltd SFML_SM -7.11% 38.55 41.50
Triveni Turbine Limited TRITURBINE Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment -7.1% 546.90 588.70
Reliance Chemotex Ind Ltd RELCHEMQ -7.02% 162.75 175.03
Vintage Coffee N Bvrgs L VINCOFE -6.98% 95.42 102.58
Jeena Sikho Lifecare Ltd JSLL_SM -6.97% 1669.25 1794.25
Jnk India Limited JNKINDIA -6.97% 377.95 406.25
Mangalam Cement Limited MANGLMCEM Trades in Cement & Cement Products -6.93% 730.40 784.75
Vikas Ecotech VIKASECO Trades in Specialty Chemicals -6.92% 2.42 2.60
Pakka Limited PAKKA -6.92% 195.00 209.50
Interiors & More Limited INM_SM -6.91% 307.20 330.00
Priti International Ltd PRITI -6.89% 101.92 109.46
Antarctica Limited ANTGRAPHIC -6.84% 1.09 1.17
Libas Designs Limited LIBAS -6.8% 12.19 13.08
Goyal Aluminiums Limited GOYALALUM -6.77% 8.12 8.71
Owais Metal & Mineral OWAIS_SM -6.76% 688.80 738.70
KAMDHENU LIMITED KAMDHENU Trades in Iron & Steel -6.71% 32.95 35.32
U. Y. Fincorp Limited UYFINCORP -6.69% 22.32 23.92
Brand Concepts Limited BCONCEPTS -6.69% 362.70 388.70
Mtar Technologies Limited MTARTECH -6.66% 1261.05 1351.10
Archies Limited ARCHIES Trades in Gift Articles-Toys & Cards -6.65% 18.95 20.30
Niraj Cement Struc Ltd NIRAJ -6.6% 46.26 49.53
Cambridge Technology Enterprises Limited CTE Trades in IT Software Products -6.58% 66.04 70.69
Welspun Investments and Commercials Limited WELINV Trades in Other Financial Services -6.58% 704.00 753.60
Crown Lifters CROWN -6.57% 173.02 185.19
Anant Raj Limited ANANTRAJ Trades in Realty -6.55% 519.05 555.45
Ace Integrated Solu. Ltd. ACEINTEG -6.54% 22.01 23.55
Aatmaj Healthcare Limited AATMAJ_SM -6.49% 18.00 19.25
Ashoka Metcast Limited ASHOKAMET -6.48% 18.18 19.44
Rana Sugars Limited RANASUG Trades in Sugar -6.43% 14.55 15.55
Hilton Metal Forging Limited HILTON Trades in Other Industrial Products -6.41% 71.14 76.01
Systango Technologies Ltd SYSTANGO_SM -6.39% 203.50 217.40
Sasken Communication Technologies Limited SASKEN Trades in IT Consulting & Software -6.39% 1741.40 1860.20
Jullundur Motor Agency (Delhi) Limited JMA -6.37% 80.49 85.97
IVP Limited IVP Trades in Commodity Chemicals -6.37% 160.41 171.33
Kontor Space Limited KONTOR_SM -6.36% 80.20 85.65
Zodiac Energy Limited ZODIAC -6.34% 444.40 474.50
Shiva Texyarn Limited SHIVATEX -6.32% 191.16 204.06
Intense Technologies Ltd INTENTECH -6.23% 96.57 102.99
Dcg Cables & Wires Ltd DCG_SM -6.23% 75.25 80.25
Unilex Colours And Chem L UNILEX_SM -6.22% 69.40 74.00
Agarwal Tough Glass Ind L AGARWALTUF_SM -6.19% 102.25 109.00
Global Surfaces Limited GSLSU -6.18% 109.82 117.06
Trigyn Technologies Limited TRIGYN Trades in IT Software Products -6.17% 86.60 92.29
Pricol Limited PRICOLLTD -6.16% 425.00 452.90
Ambica Agarbat. AMBICAAGAR -6.16% 27.40 29.20
Securekloud Tech Limited SECURKLOUD -6.12% 26.83 28.58
Kabra Jewels Limited KKJEWELS_SM -6.07% 158.60 168.85
P N Gadgil Jewellers Ltd PNGJL -6.06% 574.70 611.75
Dhunseri Investments Limited DHUNINV Trades in Investment Companies -6.06% 1671.70 1779.50
Annapurna Swadisht Ltd ANNAPURNA_SM -6.05% 298.15 317.35
Ddev Plastiks Ind Ltd DDEVPLSTIK -6.01% 223.55 237.85
Aarti Drugs Limited AARTIDRUGS Trades in Pharmaceuticals -6.01% 386.75 411.50
Oswal Greentech Limited OSWALGREEN -6% 38.68 41.15
Talbros Automotive Components Limited TALBROAUTO Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -5.98% 226.55 240.95
Pearl Polymers Limited PEARLPOLY Trades in Containers & Packaging -5.98% 28.13 29.92
Genesys International Corporation Limited GENESYS Trades in IT Software Products -5.96% 727.60 773.75
Barak Valley Cements Limited BVCL Trades in Cement & Cement Products -5.93% 37.93 40.32
Gujarat Apollo Industries Limited GUJAPOLLO Trades in Commercial Vehicles -5.91% 301.65 320.60
Ashapura Logistics Ltd ASHALOG_SM -5.88% 80.90 85.95
Dangee Dums Limited DANGEE -5.86% 5.46 5.80
Touchwood Entertain Ltd. TOUCHWOOD -5.84% 97.32 103.36
Zeal Global Services Ltd ZEAL_SM -5.83% 134.00 142.30
Total Transport Sys Ltd TOTAL -5.82% 62.97 66.86
VA Tech Wabag Limited WABAG Trades in Utilities:Non-Elec. -5.81% 1304.75 1385.25
HOV Services Limited HOVS Trades in BPO -5.8% 55.04 58.43
Balmer Lawrie & Company Limited BALMLAWRIE Trades in Diversified -5.8% 154.78 164.31
B&b Triplewall Cont Ltd BBTCL -5.79% 171.58 182.13
Ceigall India Limited CEIGALL -5.78% 255.25 270.90
Hi-Tech Pipes HITECH -5.77% 102.07 108.32
Udayshivakumar Infra Ltd USK -5.76% 44.83 47.57
Grob Tea Co GROBTEA -5.76% 843.15 894.65
Kirloskar Electric Company Limited KECL Trades in Other Elect.Equip. -5.68% 122.27 129.64
Sahaj Solar Limited SAHAJSOLAR_SM -5.63% 468.25 496.20
Ruchira Papers Limited RUCHIRA Trades in Paper & Paper Products -5.63% 112.15 118.84
Madras Fertilizers Limited MADRASFERT -5.63% 76.90 81.49
Kalana Ispat Limited KALANA_SM -5.63% 36.05 38.20
Lakshya Powertech Limited LAKSHYA_SM -5.61% 193.60 205.10
Excel Industries Limited EXCELINDUS Trades in Agrochemicals -5.61% 870.75 922.50
Tree House Education & Accessories Limited TREEHOUSE Trades in Education -5.6% 14.50 15.36
BIGBLOC Const. BIGBLOC -5.58% 61.92 65.58
Aksharchem India Limited AKSHARCHEM -5.58% 231.80 245.50
Linc Limited LINC -5.55% 110.49 116.98
Arman Financial ARMANFIN Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) -5.54% 1256.40 1330.05
Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Limited KANORICHEM Trades in Commodity Chemicals -5.51% 86.53 91.58
Tanla Solutions Limited TANLA Trades in IT Software Products -5.5% 495.95 524.80
Menon Bearings Limited MENONBE Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -5.49% 100.11 105.93
Bikewo Green Tech Limited BIKEWO_SM -5.46% 19.90 21.05
Data Patterns India Ltd DATAPATTNS -5.45% 1518.50 1606.00
Purple United Sales Ltd PURPLEUTED_SM -5.44% 129.45 136.90
Bharat Gears Limited BHARATGEAR Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -5.44% 75.02 79.34
Polysil Irrigation Syst L POLYSIL_SM -5.42% 22.70 24.00
North East Carry Corp Ltd NECCLTD Trades in Transportation - Logistics -5.41% 23.62 24.97
Yatra Online Limited YATRA -5.41% 80.20 84.79
Teamo Productions Hq Ltd TPHQ_BE -5.41% 1.40 1.48
Vikas Lifecare Limited VIKASLIFE -5.36% 3.00 3.17
Ankit Met & Pow Ltd ANKITMETAL_BZ -5.36% 2.47 2.61
Krn Heat Exchange N Ref L KRN -5.35% 795.45 840.45
Jindal Photo Limited JINDALPHOT Trades in Photographic Products -5.35% 607.50 641.85
Sirca Paint India Limited SIRCA Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST -5.34% 270.50 285.75
Nahar Industrial Enterprises Limited NAHARINDUS Trades in Textiles -5.29% 103.22 108.98
Race Eco Chain Limited RACE -5.25% 267.20 282.00
Irm Energy Limited IRMENERGY -5.23% 272.55 287.60
Mangalam Organics Limited MANORG -5.2% 360.85 380.65
Lyka Labs Limited LYKALABS Trades in Pharmaceuticals -5.19% 114.81 121.10
Celebrity Fashions Limited CELEBRITY Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories -5.19% 11.52 12.15
Jaiprakash Associates Ltd JPASSOCIAT_BE -5.19% 4.02 4.24
Vinny Overseas Limited VINNY_BE -5.19% 1.28 1.35
Virinchi Limited VIRINCHI -5.18% 26.55 28.00
Premier Limited PREMIER_BE -5.18% 3.48 3.67
Sanco Industries Limited SANCO_BZ -5.18% 3.48 3.67
Suumaya Industries Ltd SUULD_BZ -5.17% 2.75 2.90
ALANKIT LIMITED INR2 ALANKIT Trades in Other Financial Services -5.15% 15.83 16.69
Gayatri Highways Limited GAYAHWS_BE -5.15% 0.92 0.97
Popular Vehicles N Ser L PVSL -5.14% 120.88 127.43
Inventure Growth & Securities Limited INVENTURE Trades in Other Financial Services -5.14% 1.66 1.75
Cerebra Int Tech Ltd CEREBRAINT_BZ -5.14% 5.72 6.03
Good Luck Steel Tubes Limited GOODLUCK Trades in Iron & Steel Products -5.13% 666.65 702.70
Creative Eye Limited CREATIVEYE Trades in Movies & Entertainment -5.13% 6.84 7.21
Anya Polytech & Ferti Ltd ANYA_SM -5.13% 20.35 21.45
Alkali Metals Limited ALKALI Trades in Specialty Chemicals -5.13% 89.05 93.87
Allcargo Logistics Limited ALLCARGO Trades in Transportation - Logistics -5.11% 32.50 34.25
Morarjee Textiles Limited MORARJEE_BZ -5.11% 6.69 7.05
Thomas Cook (India) Limited THOMASCOOK Trades in Travel Support Services -5.08% 125.34 132.05
Future Enterprises Ltd FELDVR_BE -5.07% 4.49 4.73
Pb Fintech Limited POLICYBZR -5.06% 1494.35 1574.00
Transwarranty Fin. Ltd. TFL_BE -5.05% 15.60 16.43
Heranba Industries Ltd HERANBA -5.04% 262.10 276.00
Kamdhenu Ventures Limited KAMOPAINTS_BE -5.04% 12.63 13.30
Yaari Digi Int Ser Ltd YAARI_BE -5.04% 13.76 14.49
Silly Monks Entertain Ltd SILLYMONKS -5.03% 18.49 19.47
Ram Ratna Wires Limited RAMRAT -5.03% 501.65 528.20
Atal Realtech Limited ATALREAL_BE -5.03% 12.65 13.32
Bodhi Tree Multimedia Ltd BTML_BE -5.03% 8.49 8.94
Landmark LPDC_BE -5.03% 7.56 7.96
Mohit Industries Ltd MOHITIND_BE -5.03% 26.42 27.82
Navkar Urbanstructure Ltd NAVKARURB_BE -5.03% 18.14 19.10
Sadbhav Engineering Ltd SADBHAV_BE -5.03% 15.30 16.11
Vardhman Polytex Ltd. VARDMNPOLY_BE -5.03% 11.33 11.93
Ansal Prop & Infra Ltd ANSALAPI_BZ -5.03% 7.36 7.75
Selan Exploration Technology Limited SELAN Trades in Exploration & Production -5.02% 560.05 589.65
MSP Steel & Power Limited MSPL Trades in Iron & Steel Products -5.02% 27.08 28.51
Avonmore Cap&mgt Serv Ltd AVONMORE_BE -5.02% 21.56 22.70
Nagreeka Cap & NAGREEKCAP_BE -5.02% 31.99 33.68
Praxis Home Retail Ltd PRAXIS_BE -5.02% 14.00 14.74
Unitech Limited UNITECH_BZ -5.02% 7.75 8.16
Oil Country Tubular Limited OILCOUNTUB Trades in Oil Equipment & Services -5.01% 67.86 71.44
Aarti Surfactants Limited AARTISURF -5.01% 470.45 495.25
A2z Infra Engineering Ltd A2ZINFRA_BE -5.01% 17.83 18.77
Ags Transact Tech Ltd AGSTRA_BE -5.01% 30.15 31.74
Rajdarshan Industries Ltd ARENTERP_BE -5.01% 46.07 48.50
Digjam Ltd DIGJAMLMTD_BE -5.01% 40.96 43.12
Dj Mediaprint & Log Ltd DJML_BE -5.01% 110.99 116.84
Icdsltd ICDSLTD_BE -5.01% 45.66 48.07
Ind-swift Limited INDSWFTLTD_BE -5.01% 13.83 14.56
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. MCLEODRUSS_BE -5.01% 32.78 34.51
Par Drugs And Chem Ltd PAR_BE -5.01% 149.35 157.22
Premier Polyfilms Ltd PREMIERPOL_BE -5.01% 59.49 62.63
Regencyceramics-ltd REGENCERAM_BE -5.01% 54.98 57.88
R. S. Software (india) Li RSSOFTWARE_BE -5.01% 97.74 102.89
Ahimsa Industries Ltd. AHIMSA_ST -5.01% 34.15 35.95
VAKANGEE LIMITED VAKRANGEE Trades in Specialty Retail -5% 15.77 16.60
Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri Limited TBZ Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories -5% 185.97 195.76
S & S Power Swit SnSPOWER -5% 299.55 315.30
Prime Focus Limited PFOCUS Trades in Movies & Entertainment -5% 100.97 106.28
Nibe Limited NIBE -5% 1148.95 1209.40
Mic Electronics Ltd MICEL -5% 59.82 62.97
Kriti Industries Ind Ltd KRITI -5% 110.47 116.29
Indo Tech Transformers Limited INDOTECH Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment -5% 2008.05 2113.70
AYM SYNTEX LIMITED AYMSYNTEX Trades in Textiles -5% 213.27 224.50
Ashapura Minechem Limited ASHAPURMIN Trades in Mining -5% 393.40 414.10
Almondz Global Securities Limited ALMONDZ Trades in Other Financial Services -5% 22.59 23.78
Walchandnagar Industries Limited WALCHANNAG Trades in Construction & Engineering -5% 187.68 197.56
West Coast Paper Mills Limited WSTCSTPAPR Trades in Paper & Paper Products -5% 460.15 484.35
Axiscades Engg Tech Ltd AXISCADES_BE -5% 685.20 721.25
Bgr Energy Systems Ltd BGRENERGY_BE -5% 108.43 114.14
Diamond Power Infra Ltd DIACABS_BE -5% 85.65 90.16
Elgi Rubber Co. Ltd ELGIRUBCO_BE -5% 75.95 79.95
Emami Realty Limited EMAMIREAL_BE -5% 80.75 85.00
Flexituff Inter Limited FLEXITUFF_BE -5% 46.72 49.18
Gujarat Raffia Indust Ltd GUJRAFFIA_BE -5% 42.34 44.57
Izmo Limited IZMO_BE -5% 347.60 365.90
Jubilant Agri N Con Pro L JUBLCPL_BE -5% 1434.90 1510.40
Kernex Microsys(i) Ltd KERNEX_BE -5% 928.40 977.25
Kitex Garments Ltd KITEX_BE -5% 200.27 210.82
Lords Chloro Alkali Ltd LORDSCHLO_BE -5% 147.17 154.92
Man Coat Metal & Ind Ltd MANAKCOAT_BE -5% 90.59 95.36
Marine Electrical (i) Ltd MARINE_BE -5% 159.32 167.71
Mask Investments Limited MASKINVEST_BE -5% 173.27 182.39
Mahalaxmi Rubtech Limited MHLXMIRU_BE -5% 217.02 228.45
Shaily Eng Plastics Ltd SHAILY_BE -5% 1450.00 1526.30
Shradha Infraprojects Ltd SHRADHA_BE -5% 60.17 63.34
Softtech Engineers Ltd SOFTTECH_BE -5% 319.30 336.10
Tirupati Forge Limited TIRUPATIFL_BE -5% 35.72 37.60
Websol Energy System Ltd WEBELSOLAR_BE -5% 1137.25 1197.10
Abs Marine Services Ltd ABSMARINE_ST -5% 127.20 133.90
Avp Infracon Limited AVPINFRA_ST -5% 188.20 198.10
Brace Port Logistics Ltd BRACEPORT_ST -5% 76.00 80.00
Cadsys (india) Limited CADSYS_ST -5% 80.80 85.05
Digikore Studios Limited DIGIKORE_ST -5% 201.30 211.90
Divyadhan Recycling Ind L DIVYADHAN_ST -5% 56.05 59.00
Dynamic Srvcs & Sec Ltd DYNAMIC_ST -5% 230.80 242.95
Ken Enterprises Limited KEN_ST -5% 69.30 72.95
Naman In-store (india) L NAMAN_ST -5% 91.25 96.05
Paragon Fine S.c. Ltd. PARAGON_ST -5% 72.20 76.00
Prizor Viztech Limited PRIZOR_ST -5% 148.35 156.15
Readymix Constru Machi L READYMIX_ST -5% 105.45 111.00
R M Drip & Sprink Sys Ltd RMDRIP_ST -5% 380.90 400.95
S A Tech Software India L SATECH_ST -5% 63.70 67.05
Slone Infosystems Limited SLONE_ST -5% 247.85 260.90
Solex Energy Limited SOLEX_ST -5% 874.55 920.55
Tac Infosec Limited TAC_ST -5% 1102.50 1160.50
Trident Techlabs Limited TECHLABS_ST -5% 969.75 1020.75
Teerth Gopicon Limited TGL_ST -5% 346.00 364.20
Winny Immigra & Edu Ser L WINNY_ST -5% 278.35 293.00

778 top losers stocks found which lost 2% or more in Today's session!

Company Gain Percent Current price Prev Price
Trans & Recti. Ltd TARIL -4.99% 382.70 402.80
Oriana Power Limited ORIANA_SM -4.99% 1377.85 1450.25
Nirman Agri Gentics Ltd NIRMAN_SM -4.99% 253.10 266.40
Infinium Pharmachem Ltd INFINIUM_SM -4.99% 229.20 241.25
C2c Advanced Systems Ltd C2C_SM -4.99% 567.95 597.80
Zenith Exports Limited ZENITHEXPO Trades in Textiles -4.99% 310.10 326.40
Iti Ltd ITI_BE -4.99% 257.05 270.55
Loyal Textile Mills Ltd LOYALTEX_BE -4.99% 238.15 250.65
Arihant Academy Limited ARIHANTACA_ST -4.99% 201.90 212.50
Ganesh Green Bharat Ltd GGBL_ST -4.99% 384.50 404.70
Rbm Infracon Limited RBMINFRA_ST -4.99% 338.85 356.65
Shubhshree Biofuels Ene L SHUBHSHREE_ST -4.99% 297.70 313.35
Signoria Creation Limited SIGNORIA_ST -4.99% 85.75 90.25
V.S.T Tillers Tractors Limited VSTTILLERS Trades in Commercial Vehicles -4.98% 3642.55 3833.60
Vertexplus Technologies L VERTEXPLUS_SM -4.98% 78.25 82.35
Standard Glass Lin Tech L SGLTL -4.98% 136.27 143.41
Rkec Projects Limited RKEC -4.98% 69.88 73.54
Docmode Health Tech Ltd DHTL_SM -4.98% 57.20 60.20
Cons. Const. Consort Ltd CCCL_BE -4.98% 12.03 12.66
Delta Autocorp Limited DELTIC_ST -4.98% 78.15 82.25
Freshara Agro Exports Ltd FRESHARA_ST -4.98% 164.15 172.75
Siddhika Coatings Limited SIDDHIKA_ST -4.98% 157.25 165.50
Shivalic Power Control L SPCL_ST -4.98% 174.50 183.65
Supreme Power Equipment L SUPREMEPWR_ST -4.98% 122.10 128.50
Vels Film International L VELS_ST -4.98% 58.15 61.20
Saksoft Limited SAKSOFT -4.97% 177.36 186.64
Dolphin Off Ent (ind) L DOLPHIN -4.97% 254.05 267.35
Lcc Infotech Ltd LCCINFOTEC_BE -4.97% 6.69 7.04
Tcifinanceltd-roll Sett TCIFINANCE_BE -4.97% 12.99 13.67
Forcas Studio Limited FORCAS_ST -4.97% 83.15 87.50
Kck Industries Ltd KCK_ST -4.97% 46.85 49.30
Kotyark Industries Ltd KOTYARK_ST -4.97% 620.25 652.70
Shanthala Fmcg Products L SHANTHALA_ST -4.97% 30.60 32.20
Sonu Infratech Limited SONUINFRA_ST -4.97% 116.55 122.65
Dhruv Consultancy Ser Ltd DHRUV_BE -4.96% 90.92 95.67
Chamunda Electrical Ltd CHAMUNDA_ST -4.96% 57.45 60.45
Onyx Biotec Limited ONYX_ST -4.96% 60.40 63.55
Medicamen Organics Ltd MEDIORG_SM -4.95% 38.40 40.40
Agarwal Float Glass I Ltd AGARWALFT_ST -4.95% 45.15 47.50
Sahaj Fashions Limited SAHAJ_SM -4.94% 11.55 12.15
Shree Tirupati Balajee L BALAJEE -4.94% 57.89 60.90
Bafna Pharmaceuticals Ltd BAFNAPH_BE -4.94% 70.97 74.66
Net Avenue Technologies L CBAZAAR_ST -4.93% 6.75 7.10
Lamosaic India Limited LAMOSAIC_ST -4.93% 47.25 49.70
TIL Limited TIL Trades in Transport Related Services -4.92% 180.67 190.01
Alpex Solar Limited ALPEXSOLAR_SM -4.92% 622.75 654.95
Worth Peripherals Limited WORTH -4.91% 152.90 160.80
Divine Power Energy Ltd DPEL_ST -4.91% 97.85 102.90
Orient Technologies Ltd ORIENTTECH -4.9% 326.30 343.10
Confidence Petro Ind Ltd. CONFIPET -4.9% 58.46 61.47
Kshitij Polyline Limited KSHITIJPOL_BE -4.9% 3.49 3.67
Modern Threads India Ltd MODTHREAD_BE -4.89% 41.42 43.55
R.p.p Infra Projects Ltd. RPPINFRA_BE -4.89% 141.42 148.69
Enser Communications Ltd ENSER_ST -4.89% 29.20 30.70
Manglam Infra & Eng Ltd MIEL_ST -4.89% 34.05 35.80
Kothari Sugars And Chemicals Limited KOTARISUG -4.88% 35.12 36.92
B.a.g Films And Media Ltd BAGFILMS_BE -4.88% 7.01 7.37
Excel Realty N Infra Ltd EXCEL_BE -4.88% 0.78 0.82
Identical Brains Studio L IDENTICAL_ST -4.88% 41.95 44.10
Kabra Extrusion Technik Limited KABRAEXTRU Trades in Industrial Machinery -4.87% 362.95 381.55
Agni Green Power Ltd AGNI_ST -4.87% 25.40 26.70
Indifra Limited INDIFRA_ST -4.87% 16.60 17.45
Nahar Capital and Financial Services Limited NAHARCAP Trades in Investment Companies -4.86% 242.00 254.35
Latteys Industries Ltd LATTEYS_BE -4.86% 20.73 21.79
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited RVNL -4.85% 342.45 359.90
Nalwa Sons Investments Limited NSIL Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) -4.85% 5042.20 5299.30
Balaji Telefilms Ltd. BALAJITELE_BE -4.85% 60.39 63.47
Prem. Explosives PREMEXPLN Trades in Specialty Chemicals -4.84% 375.20 394.30
Rappid Valves (india) Ltd RAPPID_ST -4.84% 271.10 284.90
Indbank Merchant Banking Services Limited INDBANK Trades in Other Financial Services -4.82% 32.56 34.21
Canarys Automations Ltd CANARYS_SM -4.81% 28.70 30.15
Empyrean Cashews Limited KRISHIVAL_SM -4.8% 239.00 251.05
Aditya Vision Limited AVL -4.8% 384.60 404.00
Ravi Kumar Distilleries Limited RKDL Trades in Breweries & Distilleries -4.79% 23.43 24.61
Mahindra Logistic Limited MAHLOG -4.79% 304.95 320.30
Goa Carbon Limited GOACARBON Trades in Refineries -4.79% 479.55 503.70
Lambodhara Textiles Ltd. LAMBODHARA_BE -4.79% 126.20 132.55
PIL ITALICA LIFEST INR4 PILITA Trades in Plastic Products -4.77% 13.37 14.04
Kpi Green Energy Limited KPIGREEN -4.77% 395.70 415.50
Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited KIRLOSENG Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -4.76% 642.80 674.95
Trucap Finance Limited TRU_BE -4.76% 12.21 12.82
T T Limited TTL_BE -4.75% 12.63 13.26
Varroc Engineering Ltd. VARROC -4.74% 463.05 486.10
Nephro Care India Limited NEPHROCARE_SM -4.74% 126.70 133.00
Pritish Nandy Communicati PNC_BE -4.74% 31.75 33.33
Effwa Infra & Research L EFFWA_SM -4.73% 182.20 191.25
Creative Peri & Dist Ltd. CREATIVE -4.73% 789.40 828.55
Barflex Polyfilms Limited BARFLEX_SM -4.73% 49.35 51.80
Azad Engineering Limited AZAD -4.73% 1235.25 1296.55
Sundaram Multi Pap Limited SUNDARAM Trades in Comm.Printing -4.72% 2.02 2.12
Gokul Refoils and Solvent Limited GOKUL Trades in Edible Oils -4.72% 46.27 48.56
Sampann Utpadan India Ltd SAMPANN_BE -4.72% 30.86 32.39
Indiabulls Ent Ltd IEL_BE -4.71% 16.37 17.18
Shreeoswal S And Che Ltd OSWALSEEDS_BE -4.71% 13.76 14.44
Tasty Bite Eatables Ltd TASTYBITE -4.7% 8535.40 8956.70
MIRC Electronics Limited MIRCELECTR Trades in Consumer Electronics -4.69% 16.06 16.85
Jindal Poly Investment and Finance Company Limited JPOLYINVST Trades in Other Financial Services -4.69% 628.35 659.25
Osia Hyper Retail Limited OSIAHYPER_BE -4.69% 27.02 28.35
Superhouse Limited SUPERHOUSE Trades in Footwear -4.68% 176.93 185.61
Malu Paper Mills Limited MALUPAPER Trades in Paper & Paper Products -4.68% 35.68 37.43
Hbl Engineering Ltd HBLENGINE -4.68% 477.60 501.05
Electrotherm (i) Ltd. ELECTHERM_BE -4.68% 714.05 749.10
Aarey Drugs & Pharm Ltd AAREYDRUGS -4.67% 42.42 44.50
Atam Valves Limited ATAM -4.66% 98.24 103.04
Afford Robo & Auto Ltd AFFORDABLE -4.63% 441.10 462.50
Damodar Indust. DAMODARIND Trades in Textiles -4.62% 33.45 35.07
63 Moons Technologies Ltd 63MOONS -4.62% 613.95 643.70
Signpost India Limited SIGNPOST_BE -4.62% 256.25 268.65
Vinyl Chemicals (India) Limited VINYLINDIA Trades in Fibres & Plastics -4.6% 240.35 251.95
Trust Fintech Limited TRUST_ST -4.6% 86.10 90.25
Smvd Poly Pack Limited SMVD_SM -4.59% 13.50 14.15
Generic Eng Cons Proj Ltd GENCON -4.59% 28.29 29.65
Compucom Software Limited COMPUSOFT Trades in IT Training Services -4.59% 19.56 20.50
Addictive Learning Tech L LAWSIKHO_SM -4.58% 209.35 219.40
Amines & Plasticizers Ltd AMNPLST -4.58% 251.25 263.30
Sabar Flex India Limited SABAR_ST -4.57% 8.35 8.75
Shri Techtex Limited SHRITECH_SM -4.56% 62.80 65.80
Kalyani Investment Company Limited KICL Trades in Investment Companies -4.56% 3854.85 4039.10
Paramount Speciali Forg L PSFL_SM -4.55% 58.70 61.50
Akshar Spintex Limited AKSHAR_BE -4.55% 0.63 0.66
Energy Mission Mach Ind L EMMIL_ST -4.55% 248.55 260.40
Vertoz Advertising Ltd VERTOZ_BE -4.54% 10.09 10.57
Sah Polymers Limited SAH -4.53% 73.39 76.87
Radico Khaitan Limited RADICO Trades in Breweries & Distilleries -4.53% 1950.45 2042.90
Asso Alcohols & Brew Ltd ASALCBR -4.53% 1089.10 1140.80
Gajanand International L GAJANAND_ST -4.53% 13.70 14.35
Mittal Life Style Limited MITTAL Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST -4.52% 2.11 2.21
Jayant Agro Organics Limited JAYAGROGN Trades in Specialty Chemicals -4.52% 255.85 267.95
Agri-Tech (India) Limited AGRITECH Trades in Other Agricultural Products -4.52% 154.96 162.29
Rollatainers Limited ROLLT_BE -4.52% 1.48 1.55
Setco Automotive Ltd SETCO_BE -4.52% 17.12 17.93
Vision Infra Equip Sol L VIESL_SM -4.5% 138.10 144.60
Mukand Limited MUKANDLTD Trades in Iron & Steel -4.5% 98.56 103.20
Rajputana Biodiesel Ltd RAJPUTANA_SM -4.49% 247.65 259.30
Suraksha Diagnostic Ltd SURAKSHA -4.48% 287.00 300.45
Nahar Poly Films Limited NAHARPOLY Trades in Textiles -4.48% 190.75 199.69
Megasoft Ltd MEGASOFT_BE -4.47% 61.38 64.25
Alphageo (India) Limited ALPHAGEO Trades in Oil Equipment & Services -4.46% 248.45 260.05
Rhi Magnesita India Ltd RHIM -4.45% 399.45 418.05
Mazda Limited MAZDA_BE -4.45% 238.20 249.30
M K Proteins Limited MKPL -4.44% 6.67 6.98
Essar Shipping Ltd ESSARSHPNG_BE -4.44% 26.66 27.90
Anik Industries Limited ANIKINDS Trades in Other Agricultural Products -4.43% 90.35 94.54
Eveready Industries India Limited EVEREADY Trades in Non-Durable Household Prod. -4.42% 299.85 313.70
Sheetal Cool Products Ltd SCPL -4.41% 274.50 287.15
Ngl Fine Chem Limited NGLFINE -4.41% 1050.95 1099.45
Wealth First Por WEALTH -4.41% 949.40 993.15
Wonderla Holidays Limited WONDERLA Trades in Other Leisure Facilities -4.41% 640.00 669.50
Drone Destination Limited DRONE_ST -4.41% 119.25 124.75
Quick Heal Tech Ltd QUICKHEAL -4.4% 382.40 400.00
Ndl Ventures Limited NDLVENTURE -4.4% 86.42 90.40
Indowind Energy Limited INDOWIND Trades in Electric Utilities -4.39% 17.41 18.21
Krsnaa Diagnostics Ltd KRSNAA -4.37% 709.50 741.95
Suvidhaa Infoserve Ltd SUVIDHAA -4.36% 5.05 5.28
Mangalam Drugs And Organics Limited MANGALAM Trades in Pharmaceuticals -4.35% 106.63 111.48
Greenpanel Industries Ltd GREENPANEL -4.35% 306.75 320.70
Flair Writing Indust Ltd FLAIR -4.35% 209.75 219.30
Mold-Tek Packaging Limited MOLDTKPAC Trades in Containers & Packaging -4.34% 528.40 552.35
Country Club Hospitality & Holidays Limited CCHHL Trades in Hotels -4.34% 15.44 16.14
Baid Finserv Limited BAIDFIN -4.34% 11.03 11.53
Apollo Sindoori Hotels Limited APOLSINHOT -4.34% 1318.70 1378.60
Ritco Logistics Limited RITCO -4.33% 283.90 296.75
Aksh Optifibre Ltd AKSHOPTFBR_BE -4.33% 8.40 8.78
Anupam Rasayan India Ltd ANURAS -4.32% 644.95 674.10
Suryalakshmi Cotton Mills Limited SURYALAXMI Trades in Textiles -4.31% 64.63 67.54
Murudeshwar Ceramics Limited MURUDCERA Trades in Furniture-Furnishing-Paints -4.31% 35.78 37.39
Modison Limited MODISONLTD -4.3% 132.10 138.03
Brainbees Solutions Ltd FIRSTCRY -4.3% 387.90 405.35
S D Retail Limited SDREAMS_SM -4.29% 124.90 130.50
Arvee Laboratories I Ltd ARVEE -4.29% 133.21 139.18
Bang Overseas Ltd. BANG_BE -4.29% 52.00 54.33
Tbi Corn Limited TBI_SM -4.28% 139.75 146.00
Internatio Gemm Ins (i) L IGIL -4.28% 432.95 452.30
Chaman Lal Setia Exp Ltd CLSEL -4.28% 273.95 286.20
Atlantaa Limited ATLANTAA_BE -4.28% 33.55 35.05
Bliss GVS Pharma Limited BLISSGVS Trades in Personal Products -4.27% 125.92 131.53
Digicontent Limited DGCONTENT_BE -4.27% 47.78 49.91
Hi Green Carbon Limited HIGREEN_ST -4.27% 227.35 237.50
Srivari Spices N Foods L SSFL_SM -4.26% 150.70 157.40
Pulz Electronics Limited PULZ_SM -4.26% 54.00 56.40
Mahalaxmi Fabric Mills Lt MFML_BE -4.26% 34.18 35.70
Lloyds Luxuries Limited LLOYDS_SM -4.25% 73.25 76.50
Jai Balaji Industries Limited JAIBALAJI Trades in Iron & Steel -4.25% 135.74 141.76
EIH Limited EIHOTEL Trades in Hotels -4.25% 321.15 335.40
Konstelec Engineers Ltd KONSTELEC_ST -4.25% 86.75 90.60
Shree Karni Fabcom Ltd SHREEKARNI_ST -4.25% 660.50 689.80
Rishabh Instruments Ltd RISHABH -4.24% 239.25 249.85
Rox Hi Tech Limited ROXHITECH_ST -4.24% 63.20 66.00
Mastek Limited MASTEK Trades in IT Software Products -4.23% 2339.75 2443.10
Inspire Films Limited INSPIRE_SM -4.23% 23.75 24.80
Orient Press Limited ORIENTLTD_BE -4.23% 84.44 88.17
Oriental Carbn & Chem Ltd OCCL Trades in Commodity Chemicals -4.22% 182.00 190.01
Indian Phosphate Limited IPHL_ST -4.22% 60.10 62.75
Standard Industries Limited SIL Trades in Commodity Chemicals -4.2% 20.51 21.41
Sadhav Shipping Limited SADHAV_SM -4.19% 112.00 116.90
Rajshree Sugars & Chemicals Limited RAJSREESUG Trades in Sugar -4.19% 44.32 46.26
Apollo Pipes Limited APOLLOPIPE -4.19% 338.35 353.15
SPL Industries Limited SPLIL Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories -4.18% 43.31 45.20
Nakoda Group Of Ind. Ltd NGIL -4.17% 38.80 40.49
Garden Reach Ship&eng Ltd GRSE -4.16% 1294.65 1350.85
Aegis Logistics Limited AEGISLOG -4.16% 687.40 717.25
Borosil Renewables Ltd BORORENEW_BE -4.16% 476.60 497.30
FCS Software Solutions Limited FCSSOFT Trades in IT Consulting & Software -4.15% 2.54 2.65
Sambhaav Media Ltd SAMBHAAV_BE -4.15% 6.70 6.99
Simbhaoli Sugars Ltd. SIMBHALS_BE -4.15% 15.48 16.15
Newmalayalam Steel Ltd NMSTEEL_ST -4.15% 38.15 39.80
Rockingdeals Circu Eco L ROCKINGDCE_SM -4.14% 501.50 523.15
Sarla Perf. Fibers Ltd SARLAPOLY_BE -4.14% 75.91 79.19
TGB BANQUETS AND HOTELS LIMITED TGBHOTELS Trades in Hotels -4.12% 11.64 12.14
Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited TTML Trades in Telecom Services -4.11% 63.74 66.47
Titagarh Rail Systems Ltd TITAGARH -4.11% 771.60 804.65
Sudarshan Chemical Industries Limited SUDARSCHEM Trades in Specialty Chemicals -4.11% 876.75 914.30
Muthoot Microfin Limited MUTHOOTMF -4.11% 137.50 143.39
Eimco Elecon (India) Limited EIMCOELECO Trades in Industrial Machinery -4.09% 1418.55 1479.10
EID Parry India Limited EIDPARRY Trades in Sugar -4.09% 719.20 749.85
Energy Deve. ENERGYDEV_BE -4.09% 18.54 19.33
Arham Technologies Ltd ARHAM_SM -4.08% 94.00 98.00
Nagarjuna Fert. NAGAFERT -4.07% 7.07 7.37
AVT Natural Products Limited AVTNPL Trades in Other Agricultural Products -4.06% 65.61 68.39
Rudrabhishek Enterp Ltd REPL_BE -4.06% 228.25 237.90
Arrow Greentech Limited ARROWGREEN_BE -4.04% 579.50 603.90
Medi Assist Health Ser L MEDIASSIST -4.03% 470.95 490.75
Chaman Metallics Limited CMNL_SM -4.02% 130.00 135.45
Sigachi Industries Ltd SIGACHI -4.01% 34.73 36.18
Antony Waste Hdg Cell Ltd AWHCL -4.01% 533.75 556.05
Aeron Composite Limited AERON_SM -4.01% 131.50 137.00
Quadpro Ites Limited QUADPRO_SM -4% 3.60 3.75
Precision Wires India Limited PRECWIRE Trades in Other Industrial Products -4% 137.38 143.11
Jtekt India Limited JTEKTINDIA Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST -4% 125.68 130.91
Baheti Recycling Ind Ltd BAHETI_SM -4% 456.00 475.00
SIL Investments Limited SILINV Trades in Textiles -3.99% 495.75 516.35
Rbz Jewellers Limited RBZJEWEL -3.99% 179.75 187.22
V Marc India Limited VMARCIND_ST -3.99% 304.00 316.65
Ujjivan Small Financ Bank UJJIVANSFB -3.98% 32.08 33.41
Relaxo Footwears Limited RELAXO Trades in Footwear -3.98% 450.75 469.45
Venus Pipes & Tubes Ltd VENUSPIPES -3.97% 1220.85 1271.30
Tbo Tek Limited TBOTEK -3.95% 1553.45 1617.40
Subros Limited SUBROS Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -3.95% 552.60 575.30
Lexus Granito (india) Ltd LEXUS -3.95% 37.65 39.20
Accent Microcell Limited ACCENTMIC_SM -3.95% 231.95 241.50
Aries Agro Ltd. ARIES_BE -3.95% 252.90 263.30
Repro India Limited REPRO Trades in Comm.Printing -3.94% 447.75 466.10
Capital Trust Limited CAPTRUST -3.94% 93.80 97.65
Pansari Developers Ltd PANSARI_BE -3.94% 200.10 208.31
Bal Pharma Limited BALPHARMA Trades in Pharmaceuticals -3.93% 93.10 96.91
Hercules Hoi. Ltd. HERCULES_BE -3.93% 159.68 166.21
Mufin Green Finance Ltd MUFIN -3.92% 73.99 77.01
Alps Industries Ltd. ALPSINDUS_BE -3.92% 2.45 2.55
PC Jeweller Limited PCJEWELLER Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories -3.91% 12.04 12.53
Knowledge Marine & En W L KMEW -3.91% 1704.20 1773.50
Jagsonpal Pharmaceuticals Limited JAGSNPHARM Trades in Pharmaceuticals -3.91% 220.77 229.75
Bhartiya Inetrnational Lt BIL_BE -3.91% 633.60 659.40
Shah Metacorp Limited SHAH -3.9% 3.45 3.59
Racl Geartech Limited RACLGEAR -3.9% 734.05 763.85
NRB Bearing Limited NRBBEARING Trades in Industrial Machinery -3.9% 219.05 227.95
Commercial Syn Bags Ltd COMSYN_BE -3.9% 69.05 71.85
Network People Srv Tech L NPST_SM -3.89% 1752.40 1823.30
V-Mart Retail Limited VMART Trades in Department Stores -3.88% 3118.85 3244.80
Avantel Limited AVANTEL -3.87% 108.69 113.06
Diamines & Chemicals Ltd DIAMINESQ -3.86% 354.05 368.25
Dharmaj Crop Guard Ltd DHARMAJ -3.86% 189.27 196.86
Strides Arcolab Limited STAR Trades in Pharmaceuticals -3.85% 620.35 645.20
Sahyadri Industries Ltd SAHYADRI -3.85% 232.15 241.45
Fairchem Organics Limited FAIRCHEMOR -3.85% 972.00 1010.95
Summit Securities Limited SUMMITSEC Trades in Investment Companies -3.84% 1593.35 1657.05
Premium Plast Limited PREMIUM_SM -3.84% 35.10 36.50
Mazagon Dock Shipbuil Ltd MAZDOCK -3.84% 2083.10 2166.35
Shree Rama Multi Tech Ltd SHREERAMA_BE -3.84% 33.29 34.62
Hmt Ltd - HMT_BZ -3.84% 55.27 57.48
Veranda Learning Sol Ltd VERANDA -3.83% 198.82 206.73
Kapston Facilities Mgmt L KAPSTON Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST -3.83% 219.17 227.90
Grm Overseas Limited GRMOVER -3.83% 220.35 229.12
Jyothy Laboratories Limited JYOTHYLAB Trades in Household Products -3.82% 345.05 358.75
Phantom Digital Eff Ltd PHANTOMFX_ST -3.82% 173.70 180.60
Valiant Organics Limited VALIANTORG -3.81% 275.55 286.45
Diffusion Engineers Ltd DIFFNKG -3.81% 253.95 264.00
Blue Pebble Limited BLUEPEBBLE_SM -3.79% 250.15 260.00
Synergy Green Ind. Ltd SGIL_BE -3.79% 394.75 410.30
Swaraj Suiting Limited SWARAJ_SM -3.77% 166.00 172.50
Abb Power Pro N Sys Ind L POWERINDIA -3.76% 10865.35 11289.35
Aeroflex Industries Ltd AEROFLEX -3.76% 193.18 200.73
Mahindra & Mahindra Limited MnM Trades in Cars & Utility Vehicles -3.76% 2831.95 2942.60
Sinclairs Hotels Limited SINCLAIR -3.75% 84.86 88.17
Akme Fintrade (india) Ltd AFIL -3.75% 68.57 71.24
Jyoti Structures Limited JYOTISTRUC Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment -3.74% 18.52 19.24
NOCIL Limited NOCIL Trades in Specialty Chemicals -3.73% 195.18 202.74
Cyber Media Res & Ser Ltd CMRSL_SM -3.73% 76.10 79.05
SKIPPER LTD INR1 SKIPPER Trades in Construction & Engineering -3.72% 407.50 423.25
Godavari Biorefineries L GODAVARIB -3.72% 184.79 191.93
Sandhar Technologies Ltd SANDHAR Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST -3.71% 355.65 369.35
IFB Agro Industries Limited IFBAGRO Trades in Breweries & Distilleries -3.71% 475.20 493.50
Zinka Logistics Sol Ltd BLACKBUCK -3.71% 447.80 465.05
Intl Conveyors Limited INTLCONV -3.7% 68.72 71.36
Bartronics India Limited ASMS -3.7% 15.60 16.20
Filatex Fashions Limited FILATFASH_BE -3.7% 0.52 0.54
Natural Capsules Limited NATCAPSUQ -3.69% 240.35 249.55
Optiemus Infracom Ltd OPTIEMUS -3.67% 517.45 537.15
Semac Consultants Limited SEMAC_BE -3.67% 287.05 298.00
Voltamp Transformers Limited VOLTAMP Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment -3.66% 6428.70 6673.10
GE Power GEPIL Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment -3.66% 227.45 236.10
Carraro India Limited CARRARO -3.66% 340.70 353.65
Supreme Industries Limited SUPREMEIND Trades in Plastic Products -3.65% 3627.80 3765.25
Sahana System Limited SAHANA_ST -3.65% 1381.55 1433.85
Rajgor Castor Derivati L RCDL_SM -3.64% 21.15 21.95
Atmastco Limited ATMASTCO_ST -3.64% 230.00 238.70
Dcx Systems Limited DCXINDIA -3.63% 251.20 260.65
Anant Raj Global Limited TARC -3.62% 120.45 124.98
Orient Electric Limited ORIENTELEC Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST -3.62% 206.23 213.98
One Point One Sol Ltd ONEPOINT -3.62% 46.89 48.65
Jitf Infralogistics Ltd JITFINFRA -3.62% 399.90 414.90
Uniphos Enterprises Limited UNIENTER Trades in Comm.Trading & Distribution -3.61% 139.26 144.48
Stallion Ind Fluorochem L STALLION -3.61% 79.40 82.37
Silkflex Polymers India L SILKFLEX_SM -3.61% 57.40 59.55
Krystal Integrated Ser L KRYSTAL -3.61% 444.60 461.25
Sarthak Metals Limited SMLT -3.6% 140.16 145.40
Shemaroo Entertainment Limited SHEMAROO Trades in Movies & Entertainment -3.6% 124.68 129.33
Divgi Torqtransfer Syst L DIVGIITTS -3.6% 454.70 471.70
MRO-TEK Limited MRO-TEK Trades in Telecom Equipment -3.58% 76.52 79.36
Isgec Heavy Eng Ltd ISGEC -3.58% 927.85 962.35
Vidhi Spclty F Ingrdnts L VIDHIING -3.57% 444.30 460.75
Sanstar Limited SANSTAR -3.57% 95.96 99.51
Jet Freight Logistics Ltd JETFREIGHT_BE -3.57% 12.95 13.43
Take Solutions Ltd TAKE_BZ -3.57% 10.26 10.64
Plaza Wires Limited PLAZACABLE -3.53% 60.43 62.64
Cl Educate Limited CLEDUCATE -3.53% 87.78 90.99
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd BAJAJCON -3.51% 166.89 172.96
Mason Infratech Limited MASON_ST -3.51% 98.85 102.45
Supriya Lifescience Ltd SUPRIYA -3.5% 643.40 666.75
Sathlokhar Syn E&c Glob L SSEGL_SM -3.5% 421.05 436.30
Spp Polymer Limited SPPPOLY_ST -3.5% 24.85 25.75
Emcure Pharmaceuticals L EMCURE -3.49% 960.00 994.70
CRISIL Limited CRISIL Trades in Other Financial Services -3.49% 4944.85 5123.45
Ajmera Realty & Infra India Limited AJMERA Trades in Realty -3.49% 821.35 851.05
Sangam (India) Limited SANGAMIND Trades in Textiles -3.47% 332.15 344.10
Plada Infotech Services L PLADAINFO_SM -3.47% 22.25 23.05
Infollion Research Ser L INFOLLION_SM -3.47% 371.60 384.95
Creative Graphics S Ind L CGRAPHICS_SM -3.47% 157.15 162.80
Krishna Inst Of Med Sci L KIMS -3.46% 561.25 581.35
AMD Industries Limited AMDIND Trades in Other Industrial Goods -3.46% 46.32 47.98
Universal Cables Limited UNIVCABLES Trades in Other Elect.Equip. -3.45% 513.50 531.85
Nintec Systems Limited NINSYS -3.45% 460.80 477.25
Dynamic Cables Limited DYCL -3.45% 644.35 667.35
Kellton Tech Sol Ltd KELLTONTEC Trades in IT Software Products -3.44% 122.31 126.67
Ramky Infrastructure Limited RAMKY Trades in Construction & Engineering -3.43% 475.50 492.40
Ikio Lighting Limited IKIO -3.43% 174.55 180.75
EIH Associated Hotels Limited EIHAHOTELS Trades in Hotels -3.43% 345.20 357.45
N.b.i. Ind. Fin. Co. Ltd NBIFIN_BE -3.43% 2152.90 2229.30
PNB Gilts Limited PNBGILTS Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) -3.42% 86.87 89.95
Supreme Holdin N Hosp I L SUPREME -3.41% 86.62 89.68
Kolte - Patil Developers Limited KOLTEPATIL Trades in Realty -3.41% 265.05 274.40
Elin Electronics Limited ELIN -3.4% 127.89 132.39
Dish TV India Limited DISHTV Trades in Broadcasting & Cable TV -3.4% 7.10 7.35
Sakuma Exports Limited SAKUMA_BE -3.4% 2.84 2.94
Nmdc Steel Limited NSLNISP -3.39% 35.88 37.14
Lovable Lingerie Limited LOVABLE Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories -3.39% 92.18 95.41
BPL Limited BPL Trades in Consumer Electronics -3.39% 77.79 80.52
Aptech Limited APTECHT Trades in IT Training Services -3.39% 122.47 126.77
Vadivarhe Spclty Chem Ltd VSCL_ST -3.39% 34.20 35.40
Paras Petrofils Limited PARASPETRO Trades in Textiles -3.38% 2.57 2.66
Hexa Tradex Limited HEXATRADEX Trades in Comm.Trading & Distribution -3.38% 190.10 196.74
Maitreya Medicare Limited MAITREYA_ST -3.38% 290.35 300.50
Sula Vineyards Limited SULA -3.37% 302.45 313.00
3p Land Holdings Limited 3PLAND_BE -3.37% 42.99 44.49
Shyam Telecom Limited SHYAMTEL_BE -3.37% 13.19 13.65
Peninsula Land Limited PENINLAND Trades in Realty -3.36% 27.94 28.91
Rama Phosphates Limited RAMAPHO -3.35% 93.32 96.55
Ema Partners India Ltd EMAIN_SM -3.35% 121.10 125.30
Carborundum Universal Limited CARBORUNIV Trades in Other Industrial Products -3.35% 980.55 1014.55
Aditya Birla Money Ltd BIRLAMONEY_BE -3.34% 152.45 157.71
Vishwaraj Sugar Ind Ltd VISHWARAJ -3.33% 10.73 11.10
Tarmat Limited TARMAT Trades in Construction Materials -3.33% 60.31 62.39
Signatureglobal India Ltd SIGNATURE -3.33% 1129.00 1167.95
Marathon Nextgen MARATHON Trades in Realty -3.33% 487.15 503.95
Cholamandalam Fin Hol Ltd CHOLAHLDNG -3.33% 1455.45 1505.60
Akiko Global Services L AKIKO_SM -3.33% 72.50 75.00
Airtel Rs. 1.25 Ppd Up AIRTELPP_E1 -3.33% 1223.45 1265.55
Abm International Ltd ABMINTLLTD -3.33% 54.00 55.86
Themis Medicare Limited THEMISMED Trades in Pharmaceuticals -3.32% 182.26 188.52
S P Apparels SPAL -3.32% 824.45 852.75
Western Carriers (ind) L WCIL -3.32% 91.85 95.00
Tracxn Technologies Ltd TRACXN -3.31% 60.76 62.84
Sepc Limited SEPC -3.31% 14.33 14.82
Pds Limited PDSL -3.3% 444.85 460.05
K.M.Sugar Mills Limited KMSUGAR Trades in Sugar -3.3% 27.87 28.82
Elecon Engineering Company Limited ELECON Trades in Industrial Machinery -3.3% 445.85 461.05
Pritika Auto Indus Ltd PRITIKAUTO -3.29% 18.23 18.85
Lloyds Enterprises Ltd LLOYDSENT -3.29% 44.67 46.19
Century Extrusions Limited CENTEXT Trades in Aluminium -3.29% 19.97 20.65
Kritika Wires Limited KRITIKA_BE -3.28% 8.54 8.83
Il&fs Eng And Cons Co Ltd ILnFSENGG_BZ -3.28% 36.56 37.80
Stel Holdings Limited STEL Trades in Holding Companies -3.27% 322.90 333.80
Niva Bupa Health Ins Co L NIVABUPA -3.27% 76.94 79.54
Manaksia Limited MANAKSIA Trades in Containers & Packaging -3.27% 70.65 73.04
Lancor Holdings Limited LANCORHOL -3.27% 24.55 25.38
Anlon Technology Sol Ltd ANLON_SM -3.27% 266.00 275.00
Phoenix Overseas Limited PHOGLOBAL_ST -3.27% 23.70 24.50
India Motor Parts and Accessories Limited IMPAL -3.26% 921.35 952.35
Dr Agarwals Health Care L AGARWALEYE -3.26% 424.70 439.00
PPAP Automotive Limited PPAP Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -3.24% 178.90 184.90
New Delhi Television Limited NDTV Trades in Broadcasting & Cable TV -3.24% 124.37 128.54
eClerx Services Limited ECLERX Trades in BPO -3.24% 2999.70 3100.10
Pavna Industries Limited PAVNAIND -3.23% 407.05 420.65
Kaushalya Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited KAUSHALYA Trades in Construction & Engineering -3.23% 884.75 914.25
Motilalamc - Modefence MODEFENCE -3.22% 57.77 59.69
Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Limited RIIL Trades in Construction & Engineering -3.21% 843.15 871.10
Ecos (india) Mob & Hosp L ECOSMOBLTY -3.21% 202.93 209.65
Yasho Industries Limited YASHO -3.21% 1857.20 1918.70
Tijaria Polypipes Ltd TIJARIA_BE -3.21% 8.75 9.04
Vedant Fashions Limited MANYAVAR -3.2% 851.90 880.05
Manaksia Steels Limited MANAKSTEEL -3.2% 51.42 53.12
Century Plyboards (India) Limited CENTURYPLY Trades in Forest Products -3.2% 727.35 751.40
Biofil Chemicals BIOFILCHEM Trades in Pharmaceuticals -3.2% 49.34 50.97
Master Trust Limited MASTERTR -3.19% 114.53 118.30
Udaipur Cement Works Ltd UDAICEMENT -3.18% 26.15 27.01
PNC INFRATECH LIMI INR10 PNCINFRA -3.17% 257.80 266.25
Paras Def And Spce Tech L PARAS -3.17% 884.00 912.90
India Glycols Limited INDIAGLYCO Trades in Commodity Chemicals -3.16% 1115.20 1151.55
HCL Infosystems Limited HCL-INSYS Trades in Computer Hardware -3.16% 12.89 13.31
Action Construction Equipment Limited ACE Trades in Transport Related Services -3.16% 1165.55 1203.55
RSWM Limited RSWM Trades in Textiles -3.15% 139.50 144.03
Ingersoll Rand (India) Limited INGERRAND Trades in Industrial Machinery -3.15% 3421.10 3532.55
Thermax Limited THERMAX Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment -3.14% 3011.45 3109.00
Transport Corporation of India Limited TCI Trades in Surface Transportation -3.13% 996.15 1028.35
Innova Captab Limited INNOVACAP -3.13% 799.40 825.25
Swelect Energy Systems Limited SWELECTES Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment -3.12% 616.45 636.30
Sutlej Textiles and Industries Limited SUTLEJTEX Trades in Textiles -3.11% 41.44 42.77
The Motor & General Finance Limited MOTOGENFIN Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) -3.11% 27.14 28.01
H.g.infra Engineering Ltd HGINFRA -3.11% 1118.55 1154.45
Bannari Amman Spinning Mills Limited BASML Trades in Textiles -3.11% 36.82 38.00
Tvs Supply Chain Sol L TVSSCS -3.1% 127.64 131.73
Rajratan Global Wire Ltd RAJRATAN -3.1% 383.20 395.45
Laxmi Goldorna House Ltd LGHL_BE -3.1% 537.90 555.10
Aurangabad Distillery Ltd AURDIS_ST -3.1% 161.00 166.15
Balaji Amines Limited BALAMINES Trades in Commodity Chemicals -3.09% 1388.85 1433.15
Automotive Stampings and Assemblies Limited ASAL Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -3.07% 453.60 467.95
SKM Egg Products Export (India) Limited SKMEGGPROD -3.06% 188.82 194.78
Indraprastha Medical Corporation Limited INDRAMEDCO Trades in Healthcare Facilities -3.06% 381.15 393.20
DCB BANK LIMITED DCBBANK Trades in Banks -3.06% 108.20 111.61
Tips Films Limited TIPSFILMS_BE -3.06% 534.65 551.55
Shera Energy Limited SHERA_SM -3.05% 158.95 163.95
Mmp Industries Limited MMP Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST -3.05% 263.55 271.85
Rajshree Polypack Ltd RPPL -3.04% 27.72 28.59
Nupur Recyclers Limited NRL -3.04% 76.77 79.18
Ganesha Ecosphere Limited GANECOS Trades in Misc.Commercial Services -3.04% 1399.00 1442.90
Tamilnadu Telecommunicati TNTELE_BE -3.04% 8.94 9.22
Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company Limited SPARC Trades in Pharmaceuticals -3.03% 137.04 141.32
Kross Limited KROSS -3.03% 164.65 169.80
Cyient Dlm Limited CYIENTDLM -3.03% 421.15 434.30
Prajay Engineers Syndicate Limited PRAENG Trades in Realty -3.02% 18.64 19.22
Hester Biosciences Limited HESTERBIO Trades in Pharmaceuticals -3.02% 1632.50 1683.35
Cell Point (india) Ltd CELLPOINT_SM -3.01% 20.95 21.60
Mep Infra. Developers Ltd MEP_BZ -3.01% 2.90 2.99
Vadilal Industries Limited VADILALIND Trades in Packaged Foods -2.99% 3625.45 3737.30
Pyramid Technoplast Ltd PYRAMID -2.99% 160.98 165.94
Gpt Healthcare Limited GPTHEALTH -2.99% 139.65 143.96
My Mudra Fincorp Limited MYMUDRA_ST -2.98% 58.55 60.35
Vaidya Sane Ayur Lab Ltd MADHAVBAUG_SM -2.97% 110.95 114.35
Harsha Engineers Int Ltd HARSHA -2.97% 379.20 390.80
Bansal Wire Industries L BANSALWIRE -2.97% 341.95 352.40
Vindhya Telelinks Limited VINDHYATEL Trades in Telecom Cables -2.96% 1441.70 1485.75
Atul Auto Limited ATULAUTO Trades in 2 -2.96% 466.75 481.00
Laxmi Dental Limited LAXMIDENTL -2.95% 371.85 383.15
Capacite Infraproject Ltd CAPACITE -2.95% 327.70 337.65
Allcargo Terminals Ltd ATL -2.95% 26.93 27.75
Hardwyn India Limited HARDWYN_BE -2.95% 14.49 14.93
Kalyani Forge Limited KALYANIFRG_BE -2.95% 546.40 563.00
Arvind Fashions Limited ARVINDFASN -2.94% 386.75 398.45
Anuh Pharma Limited ANUHPHR -2.94% 163.61 168.56
Harrisons Malayalam Limited HARRMALAYA Trades in Auto Tyres & Rubber Products -2.93% 204.09 210.24
Bcl Industries Limited BCLIND -2.92% 36.29 37.38
Ramco Systems Limited RAMCOSYS Trades in IT Consulting & Software -2.91% 303.15 312.25
Aaron Industries Limited AARON -2.91% 330.55 340.45
3i Infotech Limited 3IINFOLTD -2.91% 25.37 26.13
Shree Ram Proteins Ltd. SRPL_BZ -2.91% 1.00 1.03
Ksolves India Limited KSOLVES -2.9% 448.75 462.15
HPL Electric HPL -2.9% 392.20 403.90
Brigade Enterprises Limited BRIGADE Trades in Realty -2.9% 987.30 1016.80
Exxaro Tiles Limited EXXARO -2.89% 8.07 8.31
Electrosteel Castings Limited ELECTCAST Trades in Construction & Engineering -2.89% 100.00 102.98
Lagnam Spintex Limited LAGNAM -2.88% 102.34 105.38
Focus Lightg & Fixtrs Ltd FOCUS -2.88% 78.30 80.62
Consolidated Finvest & Holdings Limited CONSOFINVT -2.88% 184.73 190.20
Varun Beverages Limited VBL -2.87% 474.55 488.55
Liberty Shoes Limited LIBERTSHOE Trades in Footwear -2.86% 363.75 374.45
Indo Count Industries Limited ICIL Trades in Textiles -2.86% 312.60 321.80
L&T Technology LTTS -2.85% 4816.90 4958.35
V2 Retail Limited V2RETAIL_BE -2.85% 1582.80 1629.30
Trom Industries Limited TROM_SM -2.84% 172.65 177.70
Star Paper Mills Limited STARPAPER Trades in Paper & Paper Products -2.84% 166.52 171.38
Orient Paper & Industries Limited ORIENTPPR Trades in Cement & Cement Products -2.84% 25.28 26.02
Umang Dairies Limited UMANGDAIRY_BE -2.84% 79.33 81.65
Suraj Limited SURAJLTD -2.83% 366.90 377.60
Paramount Dye Tec Limited PARAMOUNT_SM -2.83% 72.00 74.10
Jeyyam Global Foods Ltd JEYYAM_SM -2.83% 37.80 38.90
Growwamc - Growwdefnc GROWWDEFNC -2.83% 52.96 54.50
Lloyds Engg Work Limited LLOYDSENGG -2.82% 63.41 65.25
Ifgl Refractories Limited IFGLEXPOR -2.82% 350.25 360.40
Thinking Hats Enter Sol L THESL_ST -2.82% 36.20 37.25
Sigma Solve Limited SIGMA -2.81% 281.40 289.55
Exicom Tele Systems Ltd EXICOM -2.81% 169.25 174.15
Winsol Engineers Limited WINSOL_SM -2.81% 203.70 209.60
Shanthi Gears Limited SHANTIGEAR Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -2.8% 424.90 437.15
Sarveshwar Foods Limited SARVESHWAR Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST -2.8% 6.94 7.14
Nifty Ind Defence NIFTY_IND_DEFENCE -2.8% 5285.75 5438.20
Gayatri Projects Ltd GAYAPROJ_BZ -2.8% 6.60 6.79
Ganges Securities Limited GANGESSECU -2.79% 146.22 150.42
Everest Industries Ltd EVERESTIND_BE -2.79% 570.00 586.35
Sundarambrake Linings Ltd SUNDRMBRAK_BE -2.79% 874.25 899.35
Jash Engineering Limited JASH -2.78% 525.25 540.25
Bharat Dynamics Limited BDL -2.78% 1071.90 1102.55
Obsc Perfection Limited OBSCP_ST -2.77% 152.50 156.85
Netweb Tech India Ltd NETWEB -2.76% 1370.25 1409.10
Iris Clothings Limited IRISDOREME -2.76% 55.25 56.82
Dcm Nouvelle Limited DCMNVL -2.76% 157.12 161.58
Coastal Corporation Ltd COASTCORP -2.76% 210.43 216.41
Jayshree Tea & Industries Limited JAYSREETEA Trades in Tea & Coffee -2.75% 94.23 96.89
Foseco India Limited FOSECOIND Trades in Commodity Chemicals -2.75% 3321.30 3415.35
Solar Industries India Limited SOLARINDS Trades in Specialty Chemicals -2.74% 8619.35 8862.40
Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited MANGCHEFER Trades in Fertilizers -2.74% 149.24 153.44
Sahasra Electronic Solu L SAHASRA_SM -2.73% 411.15 422.70
Panama Petrochem Limited PANAMAPET Trades in Oil Marketing & Distribution -2.73% 309.60 318.30
Gopal Snacks Limited GOPAL -2.73% 283.35 291.30
Apex Ecotech Limited APEXECO_SM -2.73% 121.20 124.60
TD Power Systems Limited TDPOWERSYS Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment -2.72% 323.30 332.35
Shreyans Industries Limited SHREYANIND Trades in Paper & Paper Products -2.72% 182.36 187.45
Intrasoft Technologies Limited ISFT Trades in Internet Software & Services -2.72% 119.03 122.36
Mahindra Epc Irrig Ltd MAHEPC_BE -2.72% 124.23 127.71
Chalet Hotels Limited CHALET -2.71% 674.85 693.65
Visaman Global Sales Ltd VISAMAN_SM -2.7% 36.00 37.00
Epl Limited EPL -2.7% 245.13 251.92
IG Petrochemicals Limited IGPL Trades in Commodity Chemicals -2.69% 434.70 446.70
Hinduja Global Solutions Limited HGS Trades in BPO -2.69% 578.00 594.00
Windsor Machines Limited WINDMACHIN Trades in Industrial Machinery -2.69% 258.80 265.95
Venus Remedies Limited VENUSREM Trades in Pharmaceuticals -2.68% 309.20 317.70
Vascon Engineers Limited VASCONEQ Trades in Realty -2.68% 37.73 38.77
Krishna Def And Ald Ind L KRISHNADEF_SM -2.68% 608.10 624.85
Crest Ventures Limited CREST Trades in Misc.Commercial Services -2.68% 381.60 392.10
Bharti Hexacom Limited BHARTIHEXA -2.68% 1328.95 1365.55
Safari Ind (india) Ltd SAFARI -2.67% 1922.50 1975.15
Ratnaveer Precision Eng L RATNAVEER -2.67% 139.45 143.27
Picturepost Studios Ltd PPSL_SM -2.67% 31.00 31.85
Kothari Petrochemicals Limited KOTHARIPET -2.67% 140.76 144.62
Envirotech Systems Ltd ENVIRO_SM -2.67% 96.50 99.15
Astron Paper Bord Mil Ltd ASTRON -2.67% 14.95 15.36
Wol 3d India Limited WOL3D_SM -2.67% 115.00 118.15
VIP Industries Limited VIPIND Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories -2.66% 338.25 347.50
Max Estates Limited MAXESTATES -2.65% 450.60 462.85
Csb Bank Limited CSBBANK -2.65% 281.35 289.00
Just Dial Limited JUSTDIAL Trades in Publishing -2.64% 779.35 800.45
Jamna Auto Industries Limited JAMNAAUTO Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -2.64% 81.59 83.80
Fonebox Retail Limited FONEBOX_SM -2.64% 103.20 106.00
Diligent Media Corp Ltd. DNAMEDIA -2.64% 5.54 5.69
Bajaj Electricals Limited BAJAJELEC Trades in Household Appliances -2.64% 659.85 677.75
Aban Offshore Limited ABAN Trades in Exploration & Production -2.64% 39.06 40.12
Siemens Limited SIEMENS Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment -2.64% 4859.30 4990.85
Ruchi Infrastructure Limited RUCHINFRA Trades in Edible Oils -2.63% 9.25 9.50
Motisons Jewellers Ltd MOTISONS -2.62% 20.04 20.58
Dhunseri Ventures Limited DVL -2.62% 326.50 335.30
Dudigital Global Limited DUGLOBAL_SM -2.62% 52.10 53.50
Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited GSFC Trades in Fertilizers -2.61% 192.97 198.15
Lt Foods Limited LTFOODS -2.6% 376.60 386.65
BF Investment Limited BFINVEST Trades in Investment Companies -2.6% 453.25 465.35
Infomedia Press Limited INFOMEDIA_BE -2.6% 6.00 6.16
Orient Bell Limited ORIENTBELL Trades in Furniture-Furnishing-Paints -2.59% 270.80 278.00
Agi Infra Limited AGIIL -2.59% 813.15 834.75
Steel City Securities Ltd STEELCITY -2.58% 91.08 93.49
Zodiac Clothing Company Limited ZODIACLOTH Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories -2.58% 95.33 97.85
Veedol Corporation Ltd VEEDOL -2.56% 1434.00 1471.60
Mindteck (India) MINDTECK Trades in IT Software Products -2.56% 197.65 202.85
Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation Limited GMDCLTD Trades in Coal -2.56% 262.80 269.70
Engineers India Limited ENGINERSIN Trades in Consulting Services -2.56% 156.37 160.48
Bajel Projects Limited BAJEL -2.56% 176.13 180.76
Alkyl Amines Chemicals Limited ALKYLAMINE Trades in Commodity Chemicals -2.56% 1612.25 1654.65
Authum Invest & Infra Ltd AIIL -2.56% 1600.30 1642.40
Manba Finance Limited MANBA -2.55% 139.44 143.09
DB (International) Stock Brokers Limited DBSTOCKBRO Trades in Other Financial Services -2.55% 38.21 39.21
Coromandel International Limited COROMANDEL Trades in Fertilizers -2.55% 1707.55 1752.20
Wanbury Limited WANBURY Trades in Pharmaceuticals -2.55% 210.72 216.23
Rajnandini Metal Limited RAJMET -2.54% 6.51 6.68
Omaxe Limited OMAXE Trades in Realty -2.54% 78.91 80.97
Aspinwall & Co ASPINWALL -2.54% 282.30 289.65
Moschip Technologies Ltd MOSCHIP -2.53% 170.81 175.25
Mangalam Global Ent Ltd MGEL -2.53% 24.24 24.87
Kn Agri Resources Limited KNAGRI_SM -2.53% 219.80 225.50
Orient Ceratech Limited ORIENTCER -2.52% 39.43 40.45
Grindwell Norton Limited GRINDWELL Trades in Other Industrial Products -2.52% 1563.65 1604.00
Chavda Infra Limited CHAVDA_SM -2.51% 155.05 159.05
MMTC Limited MMTC Trades in Comm.Trading & Distribution -2.5% 56.20 57.64
Cubextubings-rollsett CUBEXTUB_BE -2.5% 102.19 104.81
Advance. Enzyme. ADVENZYMES -2.49% 300.95 308.65
Sical Logistics Limited SICALLOG_BE -2.49% 105.91 108.61
Laxmi Organic Indus Ltd LXCHEM -2.48% 193.17 198.08
Dhanlaxmi Bank Limited DHANBANK_BE -2.48% 23.18 23.77
Texmaco Infrastructure & Holdings Limited TEXINFRA Trades in Industrial Machinery -2.47% 94.35 96.74
Neuland Laboratories Limited NEULANDLAB Trades in Pharmaceuticals -2.47% 11533.75 11825.25
Honeywell Automation India Limited HONAUT Trades in Other Elect.Equip. -2.47% 33834.05 34690.95
BEML Limited BEML Trades in Commercial Vehicles -2.47% 2691.60 2759.85
Vipul Limited VIPULLTD_BE -2.47% 15.41 15.80
Rulka Electricals Limited RULKA_ST -2.47% 181.40 186.00
Banarasbeadsltd-rollsett BANARBEADS_BE -2.46% 113.38 116.24
Supreme Petrochem Limited SPLPETRO -2.45% 581.70 596.30
GTL Infrastructure Limited GTLINFRA Trades in Telecom Equipment -2.45% 1.59 1.63
Syncom Formu (i) Ltd SYNCOMF -2.44% 17.16 17.59
Saakshi Medtec N Panels L SAAKSHI_SM -2.44% 163.95 168.05
Thaai Casting Limited TCL_SM -2.43% 106.25 108.90
Party Cruisers Limited PARTYCRUS_SM -2.43% 108.20 110.90
Indo Amines Limited INDOAMIN -2.43% 123.89 126.97
Walpar Nutritions Limited WALPAR_SM -2.43% 46.10 47.25
Vraj Iron And Steel Ltd VRAJ -2.42% 164.53 168.61
Jayaswal Neco Industries Limited JAYNECOIND Trades in Iron & Steel -2.42% 33.47 34.30
Arvind Limited ARVIND Trades in Textiles -2.42% 314.25 322.05
Bharti Airtel Limited BHARTIARTL Trades in Telecom Services -2.42% 1675.55 1717.05
Kanpur Plastipack Limited KANPRPLA -2.41% 117.67 120.58
IL&FS Investment Managers Limited IVC Trades in Asset Management Cos. -2.41% 9.70 9.94
S Chand And Company Ltd SCHAND -2.4% 170.21 174.39
Kpit Technologies Limited KPITTECH -2.4% 1310.40 1342.65
Hariom Pipe Industries L HARIOMPIPE -2.4% 362.45 371.35
Au Small Finance Bank Ltd AUBANK -2.4% 522.05 534.90
Kridhan Infra Limited KRIDHANINF_BE -2.4% 4.47 4.58
Ndr Auto Components Ltd NDRAUTO -2.39% 684.30 701.05
Munjal Showa Limited MUNJALSHOW Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -2.39% 122.08 125.07
Mukta Arts Limited MUKTAARTS Trades in Movies & Entertainment -2.39% 74.82 76.65
SMS Pharmaceuticals Limited SMSPHARMA Trades in Pharmaceuticals -2.38% 193.81 198.54
Quess Corp QUESS -2.38% 594.05 608.55
Kirloskar Industries Limited KIRLOSIND Trades in Industrial Machinery -2.38% 3303.50 3384.15
KEC International Limited KEC Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment -2.38% 729.80 747.60
Finolex Cables Limited FINCABLES Trades in Other Elect.Equip. -2.38% 912.25 934.45
Godha Cabcon Insulat Ltd GODHA_BE -2.38% 0.82 0.84
Viji Finance Limited VIJIFIN_BE -2.38% 2.46 2.52
M.v.k. Agro Food Prod Ltd MVKAGRO_SM -2.37% 33.00 33.80
K.p. Energy Limited KPEL -2.37% 397.55 407.20
Servotech Power Sys Ltd. SERVOTECH -2.36% 118.52 121.39
Hind Rectifiers Limited HIRECT Trades in Electronic Components -2.36% 983.20 1006.95
Happiest Minds Techno Ltd HAPPSTMNDS -2.36% 676.70 693.05
Veto Switchgears And Cables Limited VETO -2.35% 100.26 102.67
Paradeep Phosphates Ltd PARADEEP -2.35% 99.32 101.71
Jai Corp Limited JAICORPLTD Trades in Iron & Steel -2.35% 113.53 116.26
Sunlite Recycling Ind Ltd SUNLITE_SM -2.34% 123.05 126.00
The Andhra Sugars Limited ANDHRSUGAR -2.34% 76.76 78.60
Spectrum Talent Mgmt Ltd SPECTSTM_SM -2.33% 144.40 147.85
Nureca Limited NURECA_BE -2.33% 263.80 270.10
Reliance Infrastructure Limited RELINFRA Trades in Electric Utilities -2.32% 244.35 250.15
Hb Stockholdings Limited HBSL -2.32% 81.86 83.80
Gokaldas Exports Limited GOKEX Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories -2.32% 897.60 918.90
Birla Cable BIRLACABLE Trades in Other Elect.Equip. -2.32% 151.04 154.63
Bharat Wire Ropes Ltd. BHARATWIRE -2.32% 154.83 158.50
Shekhawati Industries Ltd SHEKHAWATI_BE -2.32% 24.84 25.43
Sec Re Ncd 9.35% Sr Iv 935PEL33_N3 -2.32% 1009.00 1033.00
Quadrant Future Tek Ltd QUADFUTURE -2.31% 496.00 507.75
Aster Dm Healthcare Ltd. ASTERDM -2.31% 405.80 415.40
Monte Carlo Fashions Limited MONTECARLO Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories -2.3% 609.70 624.05
Asian Energy Services Ltd ASIANENE -2.3% 237.55 243.15
Aakash Exploration Ser L AAKASH Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST -2.3% 8.94 9.15
Vardhman Holdings Limited VHL Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) -2.29% 3213.85 3289.05
Ventive Hospitality Ltd VENTIVE -2.29% 660.65 676.15
Unichem Laboratories Limited UNICHEMLAB Trades in Pharmaceuticals -2.29% 670.90 686.60
Keystone Realtors Limited RUSTOMJEE -2.29% 509.50 521.45
Vinyas Innovative Tech L VINYAS_SM -2.28% 639.85 654.80
Kajaria Ceramics Limited KAJARIACER Trades in Furniture-Furnishing-Paints -2.28% 890.35 911.15
Career Point Limited CAREERP Trades in Education -2.28% 325.25 332.85
Beta Drugs Limited BETA_SM -2.28% 1738.75 1779.40
Jsw Holdings Limited JSWHL_BE -2.28% 14625.70 14966.25
Jocil Limited JOCIL -2.27% 166.59 170.46
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited HMVL Trades in Publishing -2.27% 78.33 80.15
Autoline Industries Limited AUTOIND Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -2.27% 78.84 80.67
Svp Global Textiles Ltd SVPGLOB_BE -2.27% 3.45 3.53
Mawana Sugars Limited MAWANASUG Trades in Sugar -2.26% 88.28 90.32
Indo Borax & Chemical Ltd INDOBORAX -2.26% 155.28 158.87
S H KELKAR AND COM INR10 SHK -2.25% 173.06 177.04
Oriental Hotels Limited ORIENTHOT Trades in Hotels -2.25% 131.45 134.47
NILA INFRASTRUCTUR INR1 NILAINFRA Trades in Realty -2.25% 10.00 10.23
Expleo Solutions Limited EXPLEOSOL -2.25% 997.30 1020.25
Dspamc - Dspsenxetf SENSEXADD -2.25% 77.21 78.99
Shoppers Stop Limited SHOPERSTOP Trades in Department Stores -2.24% 527.05 539.15
Pudumjee Paper Pro. Ltd PDMJEPAPER -2.24% 114.61 117.24
Ducon Tech DUCON Trades in Comm.Trading & Distribution -2.24% 6.12 6.26
Silgo Retail Limited SILGO -2.23% 38.20 39.07
N R Agarwal Inds Ltd NRAIL -2.23% 284.55 291.05
Tarsons Products Limited TARSONS -2.22% 310.60 317.65
Hathway Cable & Datacom Limited HATHWAY Trades in Broadcasting & Cable TV -2.22% 13.63 13.94
Sanwaria Consumer Limited SANWARIA_BZ -2.22% 0.44 0.45
Platinum Industries Ltd PLATIND -2.21% 245.90 251.45
Xelpmoc Design & Tech Ltd XELPMOC -2.21% 108.85 111.31
Swaraj Engines Limited SWARAJENG Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -2.2% 2769.00 2831.25
Gala Precision Eng Ltd GALAPREC -2.2% 920.70 941.40
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd MIDHANI Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST -2.18% 262.55 268.40
Madhucon Projects Limited MADHUCON Trades in Construction & Engineering -2.17% 6.75 6.90
Firstsource Solutions Limited FSL Trades in BPO -2.17% 344.75 352.40
Endurance Techno. Ltd. ENDURANCE -2.17% 1817.25 1857.60
Equinox India Dev Ltd EMBDL -2.17% 130.73 133.63
BF Utilities Limited BFUTILITIE Trades in Electric Utilities -2.17% 699.55 715.10
Steel Exchange India Ltd STEELXIND -2.16% 8.61 8.80
Dam Capital Advisors Ltd DAMCAPITAL -2.15% 250.50 256.00
Birlasoft Limited BSOFT -2.15% 477.50 488.00
Global Vec Helicorp Ltd GLOBALVECT_BE -2.15% 252.15 257.70
JK Lakshmi Cement Limited JKLAKSHMI Trades in Cement & Cement Products -2.14% 728.95 744.90
Ircon International Ltd IRCON -2.14% 154.54 157.92
Dhampur Sugar Mills Limited DHAMPURSUG Trades in Sugar -2.14% 129.81 132.65
Csl Finance Limited CSLFINANCE -2.14% 253.60 259.15
Cantabil Retail India Limited CANTABIL Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories -2.14% 261.25 266.95
Gvk Pow. & Infra Ltd. GVKPIL_BE -2.14% 4.11 4.20
Radaan Mediaworks (i) Ltd RADAAN_BE -2.14% 4.12 4.21
United Heat Transfer Ltd UHTL_ST -2.14% 61.65 63.00
Uti Asset Mngmt Co Ltd UTIAMC -2.13% 929.65 949.90
Jay Bharat Maruti Limited JAYBARMARU Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -2.13% 67.24 68.70
Steelcast Limited STEELCAS -2.12% 820.90 838.65
Reliance Home Finance Ltd RHFL_BE -2.12% 3.23 3.30
Munjal Auto Industries Limited MUNJALAU Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -2.11% 72.93 74.50
Yatharth Hosp & Tra C S L YATHARTH -2.11% 393.45 401.95
Viviana Power Tech Ltd VIVIANA_ST -2.11% 797.00 814.15
Olectra Greentech Limited OLECTRA -2.1% 1146.55 1171.15
Karur Vysya Bank Limited KARURVYSYA -2.1% 218.91 223.60
Graphite India Limited GRAPHITE Trades in Other Industrial Goods -2.1% 400.70 409.30
Patel Integrated Logistics Limited PATINTLOG Trades in Surface Transportation -2.09% 16.87 17.23
GIC Housing Finance Limited GICHSGFIN Trades in Housing Finance -2.09% 170.99 174.64
Bodal Chemicals Limited BODALCHEM Trades in Commodity Chemicals -2.09% 59.93 61.21
Bhagyanagar India Limited BHAGYANGR -2.09% 76.50 78.13
Maan Aluminium Limited MAANALU_BE -2.09% 95.46 97.50
Northern Arc Capital Ltd NORTHARC -2.08% 171.11 174.75
Chemfab Alkalis Limited CHEMFAB Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST -2.08% 879.10 897.80
Bharat Road Network Ltd BRNL -2.08% 37.16 37.95
Aarvi Encon Limited AARVI -2.08% 115.12 117.56
Kanani Industries Limited KANANIIND Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories -2.07% 2.37 2.42
Gtpl Hathway Limited GTPL -2.07% 108.10 110.39
Ucal Limited UCAL_BE -2.07% 145.03 148.10
TPL PLASTECH LTD. INR10 TPLPLASTEH Trades in Fibres & Plastics -2.06% 81.00 82.70
General Ins Corp Of India GICRE -2.06% 361.50 369.10
Cartrade Tech Limited CARTRADE -2.06% 1535.55 1567.80
Bharat Bijlee Limited BBL Trades in Other Elect.Equip. -2.06% 2894.00 2954.85
Blue Chip India Limited BLUECHIP_BE -2.06% 6.65 6.79
Man Infraconstruction Limited MANINFRA Trades in Construction & Engineering -2.05% 167.80 171.31
Vardhman Special Steels Limited VSSL Trades in Iron & Steel Products -2.04% 208.90 213.25
The India Cements Limited INDIACEM Trades in Cement & Cement Products -2.04% 276.30 282.05
Garware Hi-tech Films Ltd GRWRHITECH -2.04% 3808.55 3887.80
Durlax Top Surface Ltd DURLAX_SM -2.04% 48.00 49.00
Aki India Limited AKI_BE -2.04% 10.56 10.78
Lorenzini Apparels Ltd LAL_BE -2.04% 14.41 14.71
Salona Cotspin SALONA -2.03% 260.25 265.65
Poddar Pigments Limited PODDARMENT -2.03% 306.95 313.30
Nectar Lifesciences Limited NECLIFE Trades in Pharmaceuticals -2.03% 29.48 30.09
Kiri Industries Limited KIRIINDUS Trades in Specialty Chemicals -2.03% 527.35 538.30
Future Mkt Networks Ltd FMNL_BE -2.03% 20.74 21.17
Noida Toll Bridge Co Ltd NOIDATOLL_BE -2.03% 4.82 4.92
Dspamc - Dspsilvetf SILVERADD -2.03% 93.09 95.02
Mankind Pharma Limited MANKIND -2.02% 2345.90 2394.35
Sadhana Nitrochem Limited SADHNANIQ_BE -2.02% 26.25 26.79
Globesecure Techno Ltd GSTL_ST -2.02% 26.65 27.20
Niit Learning Systems Ltd NIITMTS -2.01% 450.05 459.30
Likhitha Infrastruc Ltd LIKHITHA -2.01% 263.15 268.55
21st Century Mgmt Service 21STCENMGM_BE -2.01% 71.57 73.04
Atlas Cycle (haryana) Ltd ATLASCYCLE_BE -2.01% 120.16 122.62
Kavveri Tel. Ltd. KAVVERITEL_BE -2.01% 51.71 52.77
Nitco Limited NITCO_BE -2.01% 114.77 117.12
Odigma Consultancy Sol L ODIGMA_BE -2.01% 44.93 45.85
Palred Technologies Ltd PALREDTEC_BE -2.01% 62.99 64.28
Parsvnath Developer Ltd PARSVNATH_BE -2.01% 22.46 22.92
Tarapur Transformers Ltd TARAPUR_BE -2.01% 34.21 34.91
Urja Global Limited URJA_BE -2.01% 13.15 13.42
Supreme Infra. Ltd SUPREMEINF_BZ -2.01% 99.15 101.18
Sh. Digvijay Cem SHREDIGCEM Trades in Cement & Cement Products -2% 66.08 67.43
Som Distilleries & Breweries Limited SDBL Trades in Breweries & Distilleries -2% 110.16 112.41
R Systems International Limited RSYSTEMS Trades in IT Consulting & Software -2% 361.05 368.40
R K Swamy Limited RKSWAMY -2% 217.61 222.04
Gabriel India Limited GABRIEL Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -2% 462.35 471.80
Avalon Technologies Ltd AVALON -2% 623.45 636.20
Emkay Global Fin Serv Ltd EMKAY_BE -2% 227.95 232.60
Industrial Inv Trust Ltd IITL_BE -2% 351.00 358.15
The P K Tea Prod Co Ltd PKTEA_BE -2% 652.30 665.60
Sri Adhikari Bro Tele N L SABTNL_BE -2% 532.30 543.15
Tembo Global Ind Ltd TEMBO_BE -2% 665.55 679.10
Winsome Yarns Limited WINSOME_BZ -2% 2.45 2.50
Mos Utility Limited MOS_ST -2% 255.05 260.25
Rnfi Services Limited RNFI_ST -2% 276.60 282.25
Techera Engineer (ind) L TECHERA_ST -2% 166.65 170.05
Wise Travel India Limited WTICAB_ST -2% 154.65 157.80
Birlaslamc - Silver SILVER -2% 96.75 98.72

330 top losers stocks found which lost 1% or more in Today's session!

Company Gain Percent Current price Prev Price
Dmcc Speciality Chemicals DMCC_BE -1.99% 324.85 331.45
Indian Card INDIANCARD_BE -1.99% 275.75 281.35
Iris Business Serv Ltd IRIS_BE -1.99% 380.80 388.55
Power Instrument (g) Ltd PIGL_BE -1.99% 246.35 251.35
Tera Software Limited TERASOFT_BE -1.99% 216.65 221.05
Thomas Scott (india) Ltd THOMASCOTT_BE -1.99% 403.10 411.30
Universus Imagings Ltd UNIVPHOTO_BE -1.99% 190.07 193.93
Jay Bee Laminations Ltd JAYBEE_ST -1.99% 258.75 264.00
Kore Digital Limited KDL_ST -1.99% 459.35 468.70
Osel Devices Limited OSELDEVICE_ST -1.99% 249.15 254.20
Tips Music Limited TIPSMUSIC -1.98% 649.75 662.85
Esconet Technologies Ltd ESCONET_ST -1.98% 251.85 256.95
Gsm Foils Limited GSMFOILS_ST -1.98% 128.80 131.40
Quest Laboratories Ltd QUESTLAB_ST -1.98% 145.95 148.90
Music Broadcast Limited RADIOCITY -1.97% 9.97 10.17
Megatherm Induction Ltd MEGATHERM_SM -1.97% 284.20 289.90
Hindcon Chemicals Limited HINDCON_BE -1.97% 38.39 39.16
Federal-Mogul Goetze (India) Limited. FMGOETZE Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -1.96% 359.35 366.55
Dhanuka Agritech Limited DHANUKA Trades in Agrochemicals -1.96% 1370.55 1397.95
Cera Sanitaryware Limited CERA Trades in Furniture-Furnishing-Paints -1.96% 6049.90 6170.95
Info Edge (India) Limited NAUKRI Trades in Internet & Catalogue Retail -1.96% 7338.90 7485.50
Shivam Autotech Limited SHIVAMAUTO Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -1.95% 34.72 35.41
Saregama India Limited SAREGAMA Trades in Movies & Entertainment -1.95% 477.25 486.75
India Tour. Dev. Co. Ltd. ITDC -1.95% 497.25 507.15
Hma Agro Industries Ltd HMAAGRO -1.95% 34.20 34.88
Nipponamc - Netfsilver SILVERBEES -1.95% 92.86 94.71
VST Industries Limited VSTIND Trades in Cigarettes-Tobacco Products -1.94% 289.95 295.70
Sbfc Finance Limited SBFC -1.94% 80.81 82.41
Arihant Superstruct Ltd ARIHANTSUP -1.94% 402.10 410.05
Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Limited TNPL Trades in Paper & Paper Products -1.93% 142.57 145.37
Shakti Pumps (i) Ltd SHAKTIPUMP_BE -1.93% 828.80 845.10
Genus Power Infrastructures Limited GENUSPOWER Trades in Other Elect.Equip. -1.92% 262.70 267.85
Finolex Industries Limited FINPIPE Trades in Plastic Products -1.92% 186.54 190.20
TRF Limited TRF Trades in Commercial Vehicles -1.9% 319.55 325.75
Five-star Bus Fin Ltd FIVESTAR -1.9% 685.25 698.55
Schneider Electric Infrastructure Limited SCHNEIDER Trades in Heavy Electrical Equipment -1.89% 615.60 627.45
Ntpc Green Energy Limited NTPCGREEN -1.89% 104.83 106.85
De Nora India Limited DENORA -1.89% 740.55 754.85
Bandhan Bank Limited BANDHANBNK Trades in REAL_ESTATE_INVESTMENT_TRUST -1.89% 132.82 135.38
Allcargo Gati Limited ACLGATI -1.89% 65.28 66.54
Sel Manufacturing Co Ltd SELMC -1.88% 31.38 31.98
Max India Limited MAXIND -1.88% 218.80 223.00
Happy Forgings Limited HAPPYFORGE -1.88% 904.60 921.95
Asian Granito India Limited ASIANTILES Trades in Furniture-Furnishing-Paints -1.88% 50.07 51.03
Ibl Finance Limited IBLFL_ST -1.88% 52.20 53.20
Acme Solar Holdings Ltd ACMESOLAR -1.87% 177.67 181.05
Mirza International Limited MIRZAINT Trades in Footwear -1.86% 31.59 32.19
ION Exchange IONEXCHANG Trades in Industrial Machinery -1.86% 511.45 521.15
Godrej Consumer Products Limited GODREJCP Trades in Personal Products -1.86% 1039.25 1058.90
Sat Industries Limited SATINDLTD -1.85% 97.80 99.64
Oracle Financial Services Software Limited OFSS Trades in IT Consulting & Software -1.85% 8797.15 8962.95
Cmm Infraprojects Limited CMMIPL_SZ -1.85% 2.65 2.70
Premier Roadlines Limited PRLIND_SM -1.84% 104.10 106.05
Orient Green Power Company Limited GREENPOWER Trades in Electric Utilities -1.84% 12.80 13.04
Equitas Small Fin Bnk Ltd EQUITASBNK -1.84% 61.42 62.57
Accelya Kale Solutions Limited ACCELYA Trades in IT Consulting & Software -1.84% 1299.80 1324.15
Jfl Life Sciences Limited JFLLIFE_ST -1.83% 21.45 21.85
Kotakmamc - Kotaksilve SILVER1 -1.83% 93.99 95.74
Positron Energy Limited POSITRON_SM -1.82% 317.70 323.60
KNR Constructions Limited KNRCON Trades in Construction & Engineering -1.82% 242.10 246.60
Greenlam Industries Limited GREENLAM Trades in Furniture-Furnishing-Paints -1.82% 532.10 541.95
Ge Vernova T&d India Ltd GVTnD -1.81% 1448.05 1474.80
Parag Milk Foods Ltd. PARAGMILK -1.8% 158.19 161.09
Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Limited MHRIL Trades in Hotels -1.8% 316.85 322.65
Bata India Limited BATAINDIA Trades in Footwear -1.8% 1296.30 1320.05
Zee Media Corporation Limited ZEEMEDIA Trades in Broadcasting & Cable TV -1.8% 13.64 13.89
Licnamc - Licnmid100 LICNMID100 -1.8% 59.53 60.62
Tunwal E-motors Limited TUNWAL_SM -1.79% 38.35 39.05
KCP Sugar and Industries Corporation Limited KCPSUGIND Trades in Sugar -1.78% 34.83 35.46
Jupiter Wagons Limited JWL -1.78% 306.95 312.50
UFO Moviez India Limited UFO -1.76% 77.67 79.06
Tata Technologies Limited TATATECH -1.76% 720.95 733.85
Irb Invit Fund IRBINVIT_IV -1.76% 54.61 55.59
ICRA Limited ICRA Trades in Other Financial Services -1.76% 5684.40 5785.95
Sona Machinery Limited SONAMAC_ST -1.76% 100.70 102.50
Sbiamc - Sbisilver SBISILVER -1.76% 94.95 96.65
Tolins Tyres Limited TOLINS -1.75% 132.63 134.99
Vishal Mega Mart Limited VMM -1.74% 102.72 104.54
Sanghvi Movers Limited SANGHVIMOV Trades in Transport Related Services -1.74% 243.15 247.45
Kingfa Sci & Tec Ind Ltd. KINGFA -1.74% 2725.15 2773.45
Dynamatic Technologies Limited DYNAMATECH Trades in Industrial Machinery -1.74% 6335.50 6447.90
Transteel Seating Tech L TRANSTEEL_ST -1.74% 98.90 100.65
Uno Minda Limited UNOMINDA -1.73% 890.55 906.25
Dcm Shriram Ind Ltd DCMSRIND -1.73% 151.14 153.80
Airan Limited AIRAN -1.73% 28.97 29.48
Esprit Stones Limited ESPRIT_ST -1.73% 116.40 118.45
Tridhya Tech Limited TRIDHYA_SM -1.72% 28.50 29.00
Kohinoor Foods Limited KOHINOOR Trades in Other Agricultural Products -1.72% 34.30 34.90
Goi Loan 5.63% 2026 563GS2026_GS -1.72% 99.75 101.50
Sindhu Trade Links Ltd SINDHUTRAD -1.71% 16.69 16.98
JB Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Limited JBCHEPHARM Trades in Pharmaceuticals -1.71% 1640.75 1669.30
Dredging Corporation of India Limited DREDGECORP Trades in Shipping -1.71% 596.25 606.65
Deccan Cements Limited DECCANCE Trades in Cement & Cement Products -1.71% 614.90 625.60
Icicipramc - Icicisilve SILVERIETF -1.71% 96.66 98.34
Hisar Metal Ind. Limited HISARMETAL -1.7% 187.55 190.79
Wendt (India) Limited WENDT Trades in Industrial Machinery -1.7% 10619.75 10803.50
Axisamc - Axisilver AXISILVER -1.7% 96.38 98.05
Rubfila International Ltd RUBFILA -1.69% 71.02 72.24
Bhageria Industries Ltd BHAGERIA Trades in Commodity Chemicals -1.69% 170.87 173.80
Sjs Enterprises Limited SJS -1.68% 856.10 870.75
Control Print Limited CONTROLPR Trades in Containers & Packaging -1.68% 613.70 624.20
Speciality Restaurants Limited SPECIALITY Trades in Restaurants -1.67% 134.69 136.98
Secmark Consultancy Ltd SECMARK -1.67% 97.00 98.65
Seamec Limited SEAMECLTD Trades in Shipping -1.67% 880.90 895.85
Maxposure Limited MAXPOSURE_SM -1.67% 64.80 65.90
Deepak Fertilizers and Petrochemicals Corporation Limited DEEPAKFERT Trades in Commodity Chemicals -1.67% 985.75 1002.45
Shree Vasu Logistics Ltd SVLL_BE -1.67% 385.00 391.55
Utiamc - Silveretf SILVERETF -1.67% 94.09 95.69
Gillette India Limited GILLETTE Trades in Personal Products -1.66% 7451.60 7577.60
Avenue Supermarts Limited DMART -1.66% 3621.50 3682.65
Miraeamc - Masilver SILVRETF -1.66% 94.54 96.14
Paramount Communications Limited PARACABLES Trades in Other Elect.Equip. -1.65% 58.87 59.86
Nahar Spinning Mills Limited NAHARSPING Trades in Textiles -1.65% 196.64 199.93
Maha Rashtra Apx MAHAPEXLTD Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) -1.65% 123.32 125.39
Gokul Agro Resources Ltd GOKULAGRO -1.65% 277.30 281.95
Shankar Lal Rampal Ltd SRD -1.64% 69.39 70.55
Restaurant Brand Asia Ltd RBA -1.64% 68.99 70.14
Globus Spirits Limited GLOBUSSPR Trades in Breweries & Distilleries -1.64% 843.35 857.45
Arihant Capital Mkts Ltd ARIHANTCAP -1.64% 75.08 76.33
Goyal Salt Limited GOYALSALT_SM -1.63% 175.45 178.35
Geojit Financial Ser L GEOJITFSL -1.63% 76.13 77.39
Garware Tech Fibres Ltd GARFIBRES -1.63% 723.15 735.10
Hdfcamc - Hdfcsilver HDFCSILVER -1.63% 93.12 94.66
Tvs Holdings Limited TVSHLTD -1.62% 8771.95 8916.65
Signet Industries Limited SIGIND -1.62% 51.02 51.86
Kakatiya Cement Sugar & Industries Limited KAKATCEM Trades in Cement & Cement Products -1.62% 146.17 148.57
Gateway Distriparks Ltd GATEWAY -1.62% 69.82 70.97
Wheels India Limited WHEELS -1.62% 617.90 628.05
Vijaya Diagnostic Cen Ltd VIJAYA -1.61% 906.85 921.70
Cochin Shipyard Limited COCHINSHIP -1.61% 1216.35 1236.25
Central Bank of India CENTRALBK Trades in Banks -1.61% 47.13 47.90
Zota Health Care Limited ZOTA -1.61% 865.80 879.95
Rallis India Limited RALLIS Trades in Agrochemicals -1.6% 212.85 216.30
Fut Lifestyle Fash Ltd FLFL_BZ -1.6% 1.85 1.88
Jiwanram Sheoduttra Ind L JIWANRAM_ST -1.6% 9.20 9.35
Ireda 8.80ncdtr I Sr Iiib IREDA -1.59% 165.48 168.16
HT Media Limited HTMEDIA Trades in Publishing -1.59% 19.17 19.48
Xpro India Limited XPROINDIA -1.59% 1129.40 1147.65
Karnika Industries Ltd KARNIKA_ST -1.59% 365.00 370.90
Gujarat Pipavav Port Limited GPPL Trades in Marine Port & Services -1.58% 130.27 132.36
Compuage Infocom Ltd COMPINFO_BZ -1.58% 2.49 2.53
Vaishali Pharma Limited VAISHALI -1.57% 15.07 15.31
Zee Learn Limited ZEELEARN Trades in Education -1.57% 6.90 7.01
Sms Lifesciences (i) Ltd SMSLIFE_BE -1.57% 1272.80 1293.05
Tataaml-tatsilv TATSILV -1.57% 9.43 9.58
The Phoenix Mills Limited PHOENIXLTD Trades in Realty -1.56% 1545.05 1569.60
Kamat Hotels (I) Limited KAMATHOTEL Trades in Hotels -1.56% 271.14 275.45
Cinevista Limited CINEVISTA Trades in Movies & Entertainment -1.56% 15.19 15.43
Setubandhan Infra Ltd SETUINFRA_BZ -1.56% 0.63 0.64
Vinsys It Services Ind Lt VINSYS_SM -1.55% 379.00 384.95
Bhandari Hosiery Exp Ltd BHANDARI -1.55% 5.71 5.80
Le Merite Exports Limited LEMERITE_ST -1.55% 300.95 305.70
D B Realty Limited DBREALTY Trades in Realty -1.54% 130.19 132.22
Mallcom (india) Limited MALLCOM -1.53% 1262.70 1282.35
D. P. Abhushan Limited DPABHUSHAN -1.53% 1603.20 1628.10
VLS Finance Limited VLSFINANCE Trades in Other Financial Services -1.52% 229.75 233.30
GNA Axles GNA -1.52% 324.90 329.90
Amrutanjan Health Care Limited AMRUTANJAN -1.52% 602.85 612.15
Shyam Metalics And Engy L SHYAMMETL -1.51% 722.65 733.70
Vital Chemtech Limited VITAL_SM -1.5% 72.45 73.55
Vdeal System Limited VDEAL_SM -1.5% 137.95 140.05
UCO Bank UCOBANK Trades in Banks -1.5% 38.66 39.25
SHARDA MOTOR INDUS INR10 SHARDAMOTR Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -1.5% 1577.80 1601.90
Purv Flexipack Limited PURVFLEXI_SM -1.5% 134.20 136.25
HIL Limited HIL Trades in Cement & Cement Products -1.5% 1830.95 1858.80
Uravi Defence &tech Ltd URAVIDEF -1.49% 413.00 419.25
Bhansali Engineering Polymers Limited BEPL Trades in Specialty Chemicals -1.49% 105.09 106.68
Mrs Bectors Food Spe Ltd BECTORFOOD -1.49% 1339.05 1359.25
TVS Motor Company Limited TVSMOTOR Trades in 2 -1.49% 2365.70 2401.40
Edelamc - Esilver ESILVER -1.49% 97.29 98.76
Balu Forge Industries Ltd BALUFORGE -1.48% 530.85 538.85
The New India Assu Co Ltd NIACL -1.47% 153.18 155.47
Imagicaaworld Ent Ltd IMAGICAA -1.47% 66.49 67.48
Faze Three Limited FAZE3Q -1.47% 354.70 360.00
Delta Corp Limited DELTACORP Trades in Misc.Commercial Services -1.47% 89.35 90.68
Tara Chand Infra Soln Ltd TARACHAND_BE -1.47% 51.74 52.51
Mamata Machinery Limited MAMATA -1.46% 381.45 387.10
Johnson Con. Hit JCHAC Trades in Consumer Electronics -1.46% 1629.70 1653.90
Hindustan Motors Limited HINDMOTORS Trades in Cars & Utility Vehicles -1.46% 24.31 24.67
Westlife Development Ltd WESTLIFE -1.46% 714.45 725.05
Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited RCF Trades in Fertilizers -1.45% 132.86 134.81
Andhra Paper Limited ANDHRAPAP -1.45% 78.34 79.49
Xchanging Solutions Limited XCHANGING Trades in BPO -1.45% 96.89 98.32
Pnb Housing Fin Ltd. PNBHOUSING -1.44% 781.25 792.70
Natco Pharma Limited NATCOPHARM Trades in Pharmaceuticals -1.44% 870.45 883.20
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd KRONOX -1.44% 154.16 156.41
Nandani Creation Limited JAIPURKURT -1.44% 45.28 45.94
California Software Co Lt CALSOFT_BE -1.44% 11.61 11.78
Shrenik Limited SHRENIK -1.43% 0.69 0.70
Manoj Vaibhav Gem N Jew L MVGJL -1.43% 223.50 226.75
The Karnataka Bank Limited KTKBANK Trades in Banks -1.43% 174.03 176.56
Sai Silks (kalamandir) L KALAMANDIR -1.43% 158.97 161.28
Dolat Algotech Limited DOLATALGO -1.43% 81.14 82.32
Rossell India Limited ROSSELLIND_BE -1.43% 61.28 62.17
Kataria Industries Ltd KATARIA_ST -1.43% 120.25 122.00
Raymond Limited RAYMOND Trades in Textiles -1.42% 1363.55 1383.20
Rajesh Exports Limited RAJESHEXPO Trades in Other Apparels & Accessories -1.42% 156.40 158.65
Marico Limited MARICO Trades in Personal Products -1.42% 624.75 633.75
Infobeans Techno. Ltd. INFOBEAN -1.42% 334.30 339.10
Aro Granite Industries Limited AROGRANITE Trades in Construction Materials -1.42% 38.93 39.49
Agro Phos India Limited AGROPHOS -1.42% 33.92 34.41
Digidrive Distributors L DIGIDRIVE -1.41% 33.57 34.05
PI Industries Limited PIIND Trades in Agrochemicals -1.4% 3118.60 3162.80
D-Link (India) Limited DLINKINDIA Trades in IT Networking Equipment -1.4% 414.10 420.00
Coforge Limited COFORGE -1.4% 7683.95 7793.35
The Byke Hospitality Ltd BYKE_BE -1.4% 67.08 68.03
Tata Investment Corporation Limited TATAINVEST Trades in Investment Companies -1.39% 5220.30 5293.85
Sundaram Clayton Limited SUNCLAY -1.39% 2423.65 2457.90
Royal Orchid Hotels Limited ROHLTD Trades in Hotels -1.39% 341.15 345.95
Radiant Cash Mgmt Ser Ltd RADIANTCMS -1.39% 62.97 63.86
Jupiter Life Line Hosp L JLHL -1.39% 1479.75 1500.65
GTL Limited GTL Trades in Other Telecom Services -1.39% 9.25 9.38
BLS Internat. BLS -1.39% 370.10 375.30
Baba Food Processing BABAFP_SM -1.39% 49.70 50.40
Sunflag Iron And Steel Co SUNFLAG_BE -1.39% 219.04 222.12
Tamilnad Merca Bank Ltd TMB -1.38% 418.10 423.95
Sobha Limited SOBHA Trades in Realty -1.38% 1144.95 1160.95
Patanjali Foods Limited PATANJALI -1.38% 1781.90 1806.90
Akums Drugs And Pharma L AKUMS -1.38% 516.20 523.40
Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company Limited CHOLAFIN Trades in Finance (including NBFCs) -1.38% 1356.95 1376.00
Uniparts India Limited UNIPARTS -1.37% 319.85 324.30
Beml Land Assets Limited BLAL -1.36% 195.05 197.73
Zensar Technologies Limited ZENSARTECH Trades in IT Consulting & Software -1.36% 818.95 830.25
Sec Re Ncd 9.70% Sr Viii 97MOFSL34_N7 -1.36% 1085.00 1100.00
Man Industries (India) Limited MANINDS Trades in Construction & Engineering -1.35% 252.35 255.80
Eureka Forbes Limited EUREKAFORB -1.35% 485.50 492.15
AstraZeneca Pharma India Limited ASTRAZEN Trades in Pharmaceuticals -1.35% 7007.75 7103.65
Aaa Technologies Limited AAATECH -1.35% 88.34 89.55
Butterfly Gandhimathi Appliances Limited BUTTERFLY Trades in Household Appliances -1.34% 608.70 616.95
Mohini Health&hygiene Ltd MHHL_ST -1.34% 59.00 59.80
Sec Re Ncd 9.30% Sr Vii 93MOFSL34_N6 -1.34% 1025.00 1038.97
Rossell Techsys Limited ROSSTECH -1.33% 300.80 304.85
Jsw Infrastructure Ltd JSWINFRA -1.33% 225.45 228.50
India Shelter Fin Corp L INDIASHLTR -1.33% 658.10 666.95
Agarwal Industrial Corporation Limited AGARIND Trades in Petrochemicals -1.33% 933.35 945.95
Vishnusurya Proj N Infr L VISHNUINFR_SM -1.32% 225.00 228.00
Ganesh Housing Corporation Limited GANESHHOUC Trades in Realty -1.32% 1251.25 1268.05
Ester Industries Limited ESTER Trades in Commodity Chemicals -1.32% 142.75 144.66
GSS Infotech Limited GSS Trades in IT Consulting & Software -1.31% 51.37 52.05
GAIL (India) Limited GAIL Trades in Utilities:Non-Elec. -1.31% 160.17 162.29
Savita Oil Technologies Limited SOTL Trades in Refineries -1.3% 406.40 411.75
Shanti Overseas (ind) Ltd SHANTI -1.3% 12.12 12.28
Motherson Sumi Wrng Ind L MSUMI -1.3% 49.22 49.87
SML Isuzu Limited SMLISUZU Trades in Commercial Vehicles -1.28% 1139.35 1154.10
Akg Exim Limited AKG -1.28% 15.44 15.64
JSW Energy Limited JSWENERGY Trades in Electric Utilities -1.28% 431.50 437.10
Ravinder Heights Limited RVHL_BE -1.28% 51.52 52.19
MBL Infrastructures Limited MBLINFRA Trades in Construction & Engineering -1.27% 45.05 45.63
Heads Up Ventures Limited HEADSUP -1.27% 9.34 9.46
Indo Us Biotech Ltd INDOUS_BE -1.27% 219.38 222.21
SJVN Limited SJVN Trades in Electric Utilities -1.26% 88.62 89.75
Prataap Snacks Limited DIAMONDYD -1.26% 1002.15 1014.95
Bls E-services Limited BLSE -1.26% 166.94 169.07
Artemis Med Service Ltd ARTEMISMED -1.26% 257.75 261.05
The State Trading Corporation of India Limited STCINDIA Trades in Comm.Trading & Distribution -1.25% 121.59 123.13
Greenply Industries Limited GREENPLY Trades in Forest Products -1.25% 269.05 272.45 Limited MATRIMONY -1.24% 500.30 506.60
Ganesh Infraworld Limited GANESHIN_SM -1.24% 134.90 136.60
Emerald Tyre Manuf Ltd ETML_SM -1.24% 135.00 136.70
Elgi Equipments Limited ELGIEQUIP Trades in Industrial Machinery -1.24% 484.95 491.05
ICICI Pru Life ICICIPRULI -1.24% 575.20 582.45
Tamilnadu PetroProducts Limited TNPETRO Trades in Commodity Chemicals -1.23% 71.23 72.12
Smc Global Securities Ltd SMCGLOBAL -1.23% 111.18 112.56
JBM Auto Limited JBMA Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -1.23% 587.50 594.80
VRL Logistics Limited VRLLOG -1.22% 465.30 471.05
5paisa Capital Limited 5PAISA -1.22% 363.80 368.30
Punjab & Sind Bank PSB Trades in Banks -1.2% 42.82 43.34
Quicktouch Technologies L QUICKTOUCH_ST -1.2% 61.50 62.25
Sec Re Ncd 9.65% Sr I 965SCL25E_BF -1.2% 1007.80 1020.00
Srg Housing Finance L SRGHFL -1.19% 298.80 302.40
Ponni Sugars (Erode) Limited PONNIERODE Trades in Sugar -1.18% 304.60 308.25
Arabian Petroleum Limited ARABIAN_SM -1.18% 71.15 72.00
Unse Re Ncd 9.6% Sr.ii 96IIFL28A_NF -1.18% 941.36 952.57
Miraeamc - Multicap MULTICAP -1.18% 14.21 14.38
Easy Trip Planners Ltd EASEMYTRIP -1.17% 11.81 11.95
Aurum Proptech Limited AURUM -1.17% 173.05 175.10
Anmol India Limited ANMOL -1.17% 17.71 17.92
Fine Organic Ind. Ltd. FINEORG -1.16% 3874.00 3919.50
Vardhman Textiles Limited VTL Trades in Textiles -1.15% 430.60 435.60
Shipping Corp Of Ila Ltd SCILAL -1.15% 49.91 50.49
Pvr Inox Limited PVRINOX -1.15% 1006.55 1018.25
Magnum Ventures Limited MAGNUM Trades in Paper & Paper Products -1.15% 30.87 31.23
Mas Financial Serv Ltd MASFIN -1.14% 238.55 241.30
Lead Rec And Rub Prod Ltd LRRPL_ST -1.14% 65.00 65.75
Sundram Fasteners Limited SUNDRMFAST Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -1.13% 975.45 986.55
B. L. Kashyap and Sons Limited BLKASHYAP Trades in Realty -1.13% 52.69 53.29
Ahluwalia Contracts (India) Limited AHLUCONT Trades in Realty -1.13% 661.40 668.95
Samvrdhna Mthrsn Intl Ltd MOTHERSON -1.13% 124.79 126.21
Sec Red Ncd 9.43% Sr. Vi 943ECL28_NJ -1.13% 945.43 956.20
Tokyo Plast International Limited TOKYOPLAST Trades in Plastic Products -1.12% 113.35 114.63
RPG Life Sciences Limited RPGLIFE Trades in Pharmaceuticals -1.12% 2216.45 2241.50
DCM Shriram Limited DCMSHRIRAM Trades in Diversified -1.12% 1044.50 1056.30
Jain Irrigation Systems Limited JISLDVREQS -1.11% 30.29 30.63
2.50%goldbonds2031sr-iv SGBMAR31IV_GB -1.11% 8572.11 8668.76
Steel Strips Wheels Limited SSWL Trades in Auto Parts & Equipment -1.1% 178.19 180.18
Srm Contractors Limited SRM_BE -1.1% 335.80 339.55
Sec Re Ncd 10.50% Sr.vii 1003SFIL28_NX -1.1% 895.00 905.00
Birlaslamc - Abslnn50et ABSLNN50ET -1.1% 61.87 62.56
Visagar Polytex Limited VIVIDHA Trades in Textiles -1.09% 0.91 0.92
Snowman Logistics Limited SNOWMAN Trades in Transportation - Logistics -1.09% 49.75 50.30
2.50%goldbonds2032sr-iv SGBFEB32IV_GB -1.09% 8772.54 8868.93
Den Networks Limited DEN Trades in Broadcasting & Cable TV -1.08% 33.78 34.15
United Spirits Limited UNITDSPR -1.08% 1349.70 1364.40
Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd HAL -1.08% 3475.70 3513.70
Kotak Gold Etf GOLD1 -1.08% 72.13 72.92
Vaibhav Global Limited VAIBHAVGBL Trades in Internet & Catalogue Retail -1.07% 255.45 258.20
Uma Exports Limited UMAEXPORTS -1.07% 91.14 92.13
Transworld Ship Lines Ltd TRANSWORLD -1.07% 283.20 286.25
Spandana Sphoorty Fin Ltd SPANDANA -1.07% 295.60 298.80
Sansera Engineering Ltd SANSERA -1.07% 1177.20 1189.95
NELCO Limited NELCO Trades in IT Networking Equipment -1.07% 868.10 877.50
Ginni Filaments Limited GINNIFILA -1.07% 24.15 24.41
Aarvee Den. & Exp. Ltd AARVEEDEN_BE -1.07% 148.48 150.08
Silver Touch Techno Ltd SILVERTUC -1.06% 657.85 664.90
Kirloskar Pneumatic Com L KIRLPNU -1.06% 1015.75 1026.65
Rachana Infra Ltd RILINFRA_SM -1.05% 28.35 28.65
Lic Mf - Lic Gold Etf LICMFGOLD -1.05% 7795.85 7878.75
Qms Medical Allied S Ltd QMSMEDI_SM -1.04% 99.95 101.00
Indiamart Intermesh Ltd INDIAMART -1.04% 2102.40 2124.60
Advani Hotels & Resorts (India) Limited ADVANIHOTR Trades in Hotels -1.04% 58.07 58.68
Timken India Limited TIMKEN Trades in Industrial Machinery -1.03% 2595.70 2622.60
Esaf Small Finance Bank L ESAFSFB -1.03% 29.65 29.96
Hlv Limited HLVLTD -1.02% 13.58 13.72
Genus Paper & Boards Limited GENUSPAPER Trades in Paper & Paper Products -1.02% 18.39 18.58
Bhagiradha Chem & Inds L BHAGCHEM -1.02% 300.25 303.35
Zerodhaamc - Goldcase GOLDCASE -1.02% 13.59 13.73
Hatsun Agro Product Limited HATSUN Trades in Packaged Foods -1.01% 964.65 974.50
Iifl Capital Services Ltd IIFLCAPS -1% 222.80 225.05
Deem Roll Tech Limited DEEM_SM -1% 69.00 69.70
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